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03:50 Mon 21 Apr 14 (BST)  [Link]  
Yeah okay - managed get through killer okay. Was just unlucky tonight.

he came last so he didnt do that well

I'm really not too bothered what position he came, the fact of the matter is we had an outstanding killer match which has gone to default because you guys didn't play it, instead played some internal clan killer which means absolutely nothing.
Posts: 1,617
10:40 Mon 21 Apr 14 (BST)  [Link]  
as i said ash jack was having connection problems so he couldnt really play , he was being timed out and missing easy pots , would been 2-1 , there was only 4 of us in the inclan killer and im not sure what people can play in this killer versus you

your wrong about the inclan killer meaning absolutely nothing , it is alot of fun and you get to know your team mates , you cant be going around rubbishing other clans and what they do , the inclan killer was arranged sunday week ago to play last night at 10pm

i dont want to be arguing with you ash , im tired of all the arguing
Posts: 6,417
11:24 Mon 21 Apr 14 (BST)  [Link]  
SL league

lost 7-5 to erigert, shudda been a win but missed last ball twice, sure he would agree, but a good result to be fair

Well played to you m8, certainly u were unlucky not to make that run out in 8uk. Ggs Well played, and sorry for me looking like an idiot without replying in the chat, but ill have to blame funky staff for that lol
Posts: 6,417
11:35 Mon 21 Apr 14 (BST)  [Link]  
t1pster vs cas

is now

t1pster vs lethal_lures
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
11:41 Mon 21 Apr 14 (BST)  [Link]  
Morning MB

well done jack, very good result against eri

TEAM Clan points
triple_b very well played and deserved first place = 8 points
_ice_ thrashed by triple_b but hung on = 7 points
woodwizard excellent play beaten by poor luck = 6 points
jack_86 very unlucky tonight = 5 points

+ 25 bonus points each for coming here on a bank holiday weekend

WD guys

sarah mouse to pick winning picture
Well done Sarah , a win for the girls yayyyyyyyyyy

The pics made me giggle, think the winner for this week is ....

Deleted User
(IP Logged)
11:57 Mon 21 Apr 14 (BST)  [Link]  
SL ~ Deadline: 4th May

Uprising vs Monkey Business

slimeball vs 2awesome2win
cgibson92 vs the__priest
pirate_steve vs its_me
derik_dalton vs triple_b
sharky89 vs zero__pulse
Killer v killer
Killer v killer

Monkey Life 5 vs 7 Uprising Ultras

t1pster vs lethal_lures
jack_86 5 vs 7 erigert
kue vs clifton188
todd2000 vs fuunky
kinglair1990 vs r1p0m4n_v2
Killer v killer
Killer v killer

The Professionals A vs Monkey Life

zacky_12 vs _ice_
liam_scfc vs woodwizard
_nerdzz_ vs estwing
scooby vs kue
davey_1985 vs t1pster
Killer v killer
Killer v killer

4 x 8us/9us/8uk and 2 x killer

Good luck everyone
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
11:59 Mon 21 Apr 14 (BST)  [Link]  
FCL ~ Deadline: 4th May

Monkey Business vs Pocket Dynamos

its_me v long_pot
the__priest v silenthill
triple_b v marksmith
drewdt3 v walktall
t1pster v punkpoet
2awesome2win v zero_pulse
the_incal v jasonb
destroyer_16 v fastboysam

5 racks of 8b 9b 8buk
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
12:02 Mon 21 Apr 14 (BST)  [Link]  
FBL ~ Deadline: 27/4/14

Monkey Business (8) v (2) Ballbreakers

8us:the__priest 2 v 0 blackcabman7
8us drewdt3 2 v 0 pool__shark
9us:t1pster (0) v (0) psych_pro
9us triple_b (0) v (0)jig_saw
8uk:its_me (2) v (0) chezz
8uk kinglair1990 (0) v (0) thegreatone7
Straight: the_incal (0) v (2) tension
Straight 2awesome2win (2) v (0) funkyferret

Either 6 x 8us/ 9us/8uk or 2 games of str8
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
13:01 Mon 21 Apr 14 (BST)  [Link]  
Wooooooo Hoooo i won something lol
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
13:04 Mon 21 Apr 14 (BST)  [Link]  
For the record Ash im not a killer player for the clan, if against u or anyone else, and i certainly wouldnt put myself out to play the likes of you.
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
13:10 Mon 21 Apr 14 (BST)  [Link]  
as i said ash jack was having connection problems so he couldnt really play , he was being timed out and missing easy pots , would been 2-1 , there was only 4 of us in the inclan killer and im not sure what people can play in this killer versus you

your wrong about the inclan killer meaning absolutely nothing , it is alot of fun and you get to know your team mates , you cant be going around rubbishing other clans and what they do , the inclan killer was arranged sunday week ago to play last night at 10pm

i dont want to be arguing with you ash , im tired of all the arguing

he wont know what that means Sarah
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
15:14 Mon 21 Apr 14 (BST)  [Link]  
For the record Ash im not a killer player for the clan, if against u or anyone else, and i certainly wouldnt put myself out to play the likes of you.

Fair enough neither am I but if it aids the team to get a match played then I'd definitely want to help out. My problem is eligible players had the audacity to log on, play a killer when there were an outstanding one which now due to uncooperative and selfish actions has gone unfortunately to default.

Will send all info to panel now I guess. Me and poolh8r were online all evening and so were friendyboy well up till 9:30pm. Then were available one hour later.

Sarah, clan killers are fun but are simply that. The take a back seat when other more important matches need to be played.

Jack, dig at me all you want just making even bigger hole.
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
15:23 Mon 21 Apr 14 (BST)  [Link]  
A hole i like to sit in.........Like i said before run along
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
16:27 Mon 21 Apr 14 (BST)  [Link]  
hi all sorry was missed our clan killer sounds like it was fun and see Ash has moved to our thread ever thought of asking him if he wants to join monkey business he here so often
Posts: 7,974
00:57 Tue 22 Apr 14 (BST)  [Link]  
For the record Ash im not a killer player for the clan, if against u or anyone else, and i certainly wouldnt put myself out to play the likes of you.

Fair enough neither am I but if it aids the team to get a match played then I'd definitely want to help out. My problem is eligible players had the audacity to log on play a killer when there were an outstanding one which now due to uncooperative and selfish actions has gone unfortunately to default.

Will send all info to panel now I guess. Me and poolh8r were online all evening and so were friendyboy well up till 9:30pm. Then were available one hour later.

Sarah, clan killers are fun but are simply that. The take a back seat when other more important matches need to be played.

Jack, dig at me all you want just making even bigger hole.

you don't need to post on this thread about a match that is over

people in this clan play for fun, don't post on this thread

how dare you make this statement
eligible players had the audacity to log on

uncooperative and selfish actions

what has it to do with you !!!!

you were informed days before that this killer game wouldn't be played and the reasons why

so why do you condemn, stir, slate and make jibes about players in this team who play for fun and try to get arguments going
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
01:06 Tue 22 Apr 14 (BST)  [Link]  
The match may be over Craig/Sarah but the default isn't, you had sufficient/eligible players on last night as did we and not once were an effort made from your players.

Doesn't bode very well, you making silly remarks and statements with plenty of time left for the fixture when we clearly stated our players will be available on Saturday, were taken with a pinch of salt. Others on the team could have made an effort for the benefit of both teams.

So that is what is has to do with me, save your breath Craig/Sarah, we will just have to see what the default is now.

Shame it came down to this. (Reply by all means we wont be)
Posts: 7,974
01:08 Tue 22 Apr 14 (BST)  [Link]  
i was warned the other night

how you can post this crap after that is unreal,
decent people who want to have fun on here by choice and you feel the need to post those comments are laughable

there is no rule that im aware that stops me posting what was sent to me from admin
if so feel free to edit

Over the last few days staff have spent an ever-increasing amount of time reading and editing the forums, especially the clan threads.
On several occasions you have either made personal jibes, attacks, instigated, stirred or helped arguments to carry on.
As such, you have been short-muted to give you time to consider your recent posts, as well as the way you post in the future.


now ash if the above was sent to me, what you have posted above meets all the same criteria
my question is why are you not also muted or banned after just serving a 2 week mute

my players want to have fun in a prearranged game
you slate and slander it

stopping them having fun fact

you insult them not once but 3 times
having the audacity to log on
importance of games you call meaningless

my players called them fun, who are you to question anything that an individual does when they come onto FP

it would appear ash that you are well above the same rules that apply to me

now keep off this thread and stop making an unpleasant experience for my players or anyone
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
01:14 Tue 22 Apr 14 (BST)  [Link]  
You asked me questions, it's only me answering them, I'm happy to stay off this thread just don't give me any reason to post here

Thanks. (Plus your 1st post was like 10 hours late) - already sorted and it were dealt with.
Posts: 7,974
01:14 Tue 22 Apr 14 (BST)  [Link]  
The match may be over Craig/Sarah but the default isn't, you had sufficient/eligible players on last night as did we and not once were an effort made from your players.

Doesn't bode very well, you making silly remarks and statements with plenty of time left for the fixture when we clearly stated our players will be available on Saturday, were taken with a pinch of salt. Others on the team could have made an effort for the benefit of both teams.

So that is what is has to do with me, save your breath Craig/Sarah, we will just have to see what the default is now.

Shame it came down to this. (Reply by all means we wont be)

with all due respect keep off this thread
your posts and comments are not welcome, people on this thread chose to have fun, i am not interested and neither is anyone on this thread to anything you have to say

now stop trying to make this thread uncomfortable for my players to post on and keep your remarks to yourself

i also don't like your tone
this game is done its monday please don't post again trying to have arguments, stir or be rude to people

may i draw this to your attention
You are not allowed to use unlawful, harmful, threatening, abusive, harassing, defamatory, vulgar, obscene, libelous, invasive of another's privacy, hateful, or racially, ethnically or otherwise objectionable language.

and may i also add, making this thread an unhappy place to be right now
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
01:16 Tue 22 Apr 14 (BST)  [Link]  
liam_scfc v me
3 v 1
2 v 2
3 v 1

good games very well played mate gl in rest
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