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The Professionals (FCL & FBL Champions)

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Posts: 6,417
20:57 Sun 15 Dec 13 (GMT)  [Link]  
we have never been good at the fsl though steveo just talking to cgibson and we could be faves for fbl after this set if im honest

tbh it depends very much on the game we have vs Snooker Squad, if we win it then i think Uprising is favourite. Remember that u guys lost 10 bonus points v Snooker Squad so you need very big wins to make up for those points.
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20:58 Sun 15 Dec 13 (GMT)  [Link]  
we have never been good at the fsl though steveo just talking to cgibson and we could be faves for fbl after this set if im honest

tbh it depends very much on the game we have vs Snooker Squad, if we win it then i think Uprising is favourite. Remember that u guys lost 10 bonus points v Snooker Squad so you need very big wins to make up for those points.

have you looked at the current set eri ? we are 50+ frames won and only 3 frames lost at the minute lol
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21:00 Sun 15 Dec 13 (GMT)  [Link]  
however, if you look at what was needed for us to win fbl before this set started, youd have to have said if we managed it we'd be worthy of winning the title.
Straight battle atm with uprising, looking like they'll need to beat snooker squad by at least 10 frames the way we're going.

Id see it as success for fbl and fcl title.

But comeon tinie....pete's been in bad form of late, beat him 9-3 and we get to final of that....yr more than capable. GL
Posts: 6,417
21:01 Sun 15 Dec 13 (GMT)  [Link]  
we have never been good at the fsl though steveo just talking to cgibson and we could be faves for fbl after this set if im honest

tbh it depends very much on the game we have vs Snooker Squad, if we win it then i think Uprising is favourite. Remember that u guys lost 10 bonus points v Snooker Squad so you need very big wins to make up for those points.

have you looked at the current set eri ? we are 50+ frames won and only 3 frames lost at the minute lol

yeah i have m8 but seems u havent done that. u are 29-3 up vs Underdogs and we are 29-3 up vs them too. we havent played misfits yet so you cant know what score we get vs them but what i know for sure is that u got 35-21 v Eagles first set and we can get 38 points out of them
Posts: 10,109
21:04 Sun 15 Dec 13 (GMT)  [Link]  
we have never been good at the fsl though steveo just talking to cgibson and we could be faves for fbl after this set if im honest

Agreed Matty, I'd put you as favourites. We seems to get a step closer to winning something every season though.

if we do win the fbl then its not good for you lot as you should of won it this season if I am honest after we lost earlier on in the season it should of been a gimme for you

I'd be cool with it tbh mate, best performing team should win it, and win or lose I'm happy with how we performed in all 3 comps this season. I only formed Uprising because I was fed up of every clan I was in folding! lol
Posts: 9,926
21:17 Sun 15 Dec 13 (GMT)  [Link]  
FBL Fixture Set 4

The Professionals (29) vs (3) The Underdogs

8us horse10000 (8) v (0) flapjack

8us davey_1985 (6) v (2) funky_king

9us scott7a (7) v (1) junster333

9us techno v rossunited

8uk _redherring_ (8) v (0) mrfent

8uk tinie v hardy202

str _nerdzz_ v chris

The Professionals (30) vs (2) Mousey Misfits

8us ritcho or horse10000 v vespa_dave

8us cphaynes (8) v (0) _armsrace_

9us mattywellie (8) v (0) _jesus_

9us dvz v todd2000

8uk _redherring_ v estwing

8uk scott7a (6) v (2) the__priest

str sixty_plus (8) v (0) kue

Deadline 22/12/13

Edited at 20:41 Sun 15/12/13 (GMT)
Posts: 9,926
21:17 Sun 15 Dec 13 (GMT)  [Link]  
FCL Fixture Set 5

The Professionals (78) vs (27) Mousey Misfits

davey_1985 (9) vs (6) _jesus_
techno (13) vs (2) woodwizard
horse10000 (13) vs (2) the_viking
mattywellie (8) vs (7) the__priest
tinie vs abbiew
dvz (12) vs (3) kue
_nerdzz_ (13) vs (2) _armsrace_
beenjammin (10) vs (5) kingy

The Professionals (30) vs (15) Snooker Squad

_redherring_ (10) vs (5) r1p0m4n_v2
dvz vs mooney
scott7a (10) vs (5) mich
mattywellie (10) vs (5) lethal_lures
tinie vs jose_enrique
beenjammin vs i_am_cursed
cphaynes vs _rockstar_
_nerdzz_ vs whocares8x8

Deadline 22/12/13

Edited at 19:27 Sun 15/12/13 (GMT)
Posts: 9,926
21:21 Sun 15 Dec 13 (GMT)  [Link]  
Super League IV Play-Offs

The Professionals B (29) vs (34) Snooker Squad

mattywellie (3) vs (11) mich
tinie vs lethal_lures
dvz (8) vs (6) hi_im_gary
beenjammin (10) vs (2) r1p0m4n_v2
cphaynes (4) vs (8) whocares8x8

The Professionals B (4) vs (7) Snooker Squad

The Professionals A (26) vs (35) Uprising

scott7a (6) vs (6) derik_dalton
_nerdzz_ vs 2andygorams
davey_1985 (5) vs (7) pirate_steve
_redherring_ (7) vs (7) cgibson92
techno (5) vs (7) sharky89

The Professionals A (3) vs (8) Uprising

Deadline 18/12/13
Posts: 9,926
21:21 Sun 15 Dec 13 (GMT)  [Link]  
The Players Championship


beenjammin vs whocares8x8
Posts: 9,926
21:22 Sun 15 Dec 13 (GMT)  [Link]  
FCL Current Standings

Uprising = 906 (35 frames remaining)
Professionals = 889 (90 frames remaining)
Snooker Squad = 844 (105 frames remaining)

Or you can see a real live table here:-

Just remember the bonus would swing depending on what team is leading in final fixture sets

Edited at 19:27 Sun 15/12/13 (GMT)
Deleted User
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21:27 Sun 15 Dec 13 (GMT)  [Link]  
techno vs woodwizard

us 5-0 (runout)
9 4-1
uk 4-1


Missed two sitters then he cleared well
Posts: 9,926
21:27 Sun 15 Dec 13 (GMT)  [Link]  
Nice win mate
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21:28 Sun 15 Dec 13 (GMT)  [Link]  
nice result there josh mate
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22:01 Sun 15 Dec 13 (GMT)  [Link]  
scott vs craig

8uk 6-2 to me

I played alright had 2 7 ballings one of them i cleared well the other he fouled on break and i cleared with a carry shot. Craig was very unlucky at times he would have had a nice 7 balling but got snookered on the black. Would have been closer if he wasn't unlucky at times.
Posts: 7,974
22:11 Sun 15 Dec 13 (GMT)  [Link]  
cheers scott always a pleasure playing you

played 2 lost 2 against pros today, but ive got to say. 2 really honest class players, your summing up was accurate

makes a change to read the truth and to be acknowledged as being half decent, good lads, hope the league comes your way

professional in all aspects
total respect for this clan

Edited at 21:00 Sun 15/12/13 (GMT)
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22:26 Sun 15 Dec 13 (GMT)  [Link]  
59-5 in the fbl this set guys this is really amazing at the minute :D
Posts: 9,926
22:38 Sun 15 Dec 13 (GMT)  [Link]  
Nice win scott
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23:03 Sun 15 Dec 13 (GMT)  [Link]  
im supposed to be playing estwing at 10pm but my lad is ill so doubt i'll get on.... he's online now.... can some1 sub in and play him cause hes not on very much himself
Posts: 3,072
23:18 Sun 15 Dec 13 (GMT)  [Link]  
i'll grab his bottom
Posts: 13,570
23:19 Sun 15 Dec 13 (GMT)  [Link]  
i'll grab his bottom

sounds about right
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The Professionals (FCL & FBL Champions)

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