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Snooker Squad X - Double Cup Winners

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Posts: 58
19:26 Tue 22 Oct 13 (BST)  [Link]  
snowden 1 - 3 intermediate

deserved win for him, my potting was awful and he played very well.

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19:30 Tue 22 Oct 13 (BST)  [Link]  
some messy stuff, a draw would have been fair :-)
Posts: 11,063
20:24 Tue 22 Oct 13 (BST)  [Link]  
how about a seprate killer league run along side fbl or fcl

killer league idea is a 3v3 u play 2 games per fixture 2 fixtures every 2 weeks games either same time or spread it out scoring would be :

1) 6pt
2) 5pt
3) 4pt
4) 3pt
5) 2pt
6) 1pt

added up over both games for team score and individual points score for players so end of season there a clan winner and individual winner there's lot more details but that's rough brief details
I won't be joining this. Separate killer leagues have been tried and don't work. Nobody cares enough to see it through and make the effort.
Posts: 58
20:40 Tue 22 Oct 13 (BST)  [Link]  
snowden 9 - 6 ooo_u_tap_2

us8: 4 - 1
us9: 2 - 3
uk8: 3 - 2

very good games mate, enjoyed them :)
Posts: 292
22:14 Tue 22 Oct 13 (BST)  [Link]  
hi_im_gary (9) - (3) cue_ball (Super League)

8US: 2-2
9US: 3-1
8UK: 4-0

aled deserved more in this and 9-3 aint really a fitting score, but my 8US performance was poor, and i did pick it up a bit going into the 9US and 8UK so think i'm definitely happy with 9-3!

ggs mate, ul
Posts: 11,063
22:27 Tue 22 Oct 13 (BST)  [Link]  
Super League
Play 4 frames of 8US, 9-Ball, 8UK. Runouts and golden breaks count double.

Snooker Squad 28 vs 7 Ballbreakers B

i_am_cursed 11 vs 1 moonbeam06
mich vs brooksy1986
r1p0m4n_v2 9 vs 3 fire_queen
lethal_lures vs blackcabman7
thegame26 vs _vip_
Killer: 8 vs 3

Snooker Squad 46 vs 25 Phoenix Lightning
_rockstar_ 8 vs 4 ooo_u_tap_2
hi_im_gary 9 vs 3 cue_ball
mich 7 vs 5 darren9030
snowden 5 vs 7 ghoulish
whocares8x8 10 vs 2 friendyboy
Killer: 7 vs 4

Deadline: October 27th
Posts: 11,063
22:28 Tue 22 Oct 13 (BST)  [Link]  
Play 5 frames of 8US, 9-Ball, 8UK

Uprising 3 vs 2 Snooker Squad

franer_ vs whocares8x8
shadwell17 vs _rockstar_
angry_bacon vs hi_im_gary
slimeball vs jose_enrique
derik_dalton 3 vs 2 lethal_lures
cgibson92 vs mich
pirate_steve vs mrmagic
zantetsukenz vs thegame26

Phoenix Storm 11 vs 19 Snooker Squad

ooo_u_tap_2 6 vs 9 snowden
cue_ball vs roxbury_100
poolh8r vs one_for_all
_sachibub vs mich
friendyboy 5 vs 10 jose_enrique
thanatos vs i_am_cursed
linc717 vs whocares8x8
ub3rnator vs chosen_one

Deadline: November 3rd

Edited at 22:56 Tue 22/10/13 (BST)
Posts: 11,063
22:28 Tue 22 Oct 13 (BST)  [Link]  
FBL Fixtures
8 Frames of your game type, 4 if straight.

Phoenix Storm 8 vs 16 Snooker Squad

darren9030 vs thegame26
thanatos vs lethal_lures

poolh8r vs roxbury_100
_sachibub 3 vs 5 i_am_cursed
ub3rnator 5 vs 3 mrmagic
samba2 vs one_for_all
ooo_u_tap_2 0 vs 4 hi_im_gary

Snooker Squad 13 vs 11 The Professionals

jose_enrique vs cphaynes
mrmagic vs beenjammin

lethal_lures vs scott7a
i_am_cursed 4 vs 4 dvz
mich 3 vs 5 tinie
mooney 6 vs 2 _redherring_
whocares8x8 vs sixty_plus

Unbeatables 16 vs 16 Snooker Squad

poolbiird vs snowden
serious_game 3 vs 5 jose_enrique
hippesville 4 vs 4 lethal_lures
dbno vs thegame26
im_crap_adam 7 vs 1 mich
mooksterman vs one_for_all
turtle1560 1 vs 3 whocares8x8

Snooker Squad 16 vs 8 Ball Breakers

hi_im_gary 7 vs 1 jimmyd20
roxbury_100 vs tiandrew
one_for_all vs moonbeam06
i_am_cursed vs brooksy1986

jose_enrique 7 vs 1 powea012
thegame26 vs blackcabman7
snowden 1 vs 3 intermediate

Deadline: Nov. 12th

Edited at 22:55 Tue 22/10/13 (BST)
Posts: 1,594
00:14 Wed 23 Oct 13 (BST)  [Link]  
i cant put numbers>>>

me (two) vs (three) derik

played trash not gunna say much cuz keyboard >>>> i tried to clear he played tactical and should of won them all tbh
Posts: 1,594
00:35 Wed 23 Oct 13 (BST)  [Link]  
three down against hippie>>>> wont be playing anymore games until laptop is sorted out sorry

wont let me go fullscreen plus the screen keeps flickering and its just unplayable
Posts: 1,594
00:45 Wed 23 Oct 13 (BST)  [Link]  
ok i have got another laptop on borrow, so shud be no problem to get this finished
Posts: 1,594
01:11 Wed 23 Oct 13 (BST)  [Link]  
me (4) vs (4) hippie

Fair result tbh, new laptop was fun with pace but better than mine for sure.

All in all it could of been worse lol...

wd hippie soz for the mess around
Posts: 13,570
01:16 Wed 23 Oct 13 (BST)  [Link]  
me (4) vs (4) hippie

Fair result tbh, new laptop was fun with pace but better than mine for sure.

All in all it could of been worse lol...

wd hippie soz for the mess around

np m8 u played awesome as ever
Posts: 11,063
01:52 Wed 23 Oct 13 (BST)  [Link]  
4-4 against hippesville is fine mate. I'll sub you out of the Super League game if you want?
The rest have a longer deadline.
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14:10 Wed 23 Oct 13 (BST)  [Link]  
What actualy is happening with FBL? They are scrapping all results and starting it again? If thats the case, DO NOT put me in any of the fixtures, its became an absolute farce nowadays and cannot be bothered one bit with it

Edited by forum moderator ab_rfc, at 23:55 Wed 23/10/13 (BST)
Posts: 58
16:44 Wed 23 Oct 13 (BST)  [Link]  
snowden 7 - 1 poolbiird

gg's ul
Posts: 5,821
18:03 Wed 23 Oct 13 (BST)  [Link]  
sub thegame26 v _vip_ super league

is now

thegame26 vs jimmd20

cancel sub as he plays for a team sry

Edited at 17:09 Wed 23/10/13 (BST)
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
18:48 Wed 23 Oct 13 (BST)  [Link]  
FCL - Deadline 3rd November:

You have a fair few players scheduled to play versus us offline:

roxbury_100 - 3 days offline
one_for_all - 4 days offline
i_am_cursed - 7 days offline

IF possible maybe some subs would be best so we can start getting some played asap.

Deleted User
(IP Logged)
19:42 Wed 23 Oct 13 (BST)  [Link]  
FCL - Deadline 3rd November:

You have a fair few players scheduled to play versus us offline:

roxbury_100 - 3 days offline
one_for_all - 4 days offline
i_am_cursed - 7 days offline

IF possible maybe some subs would be best so we can start getting some played asap.


Lesson number 6 young capitano, when you're playing a ss team without pete, gary and jose don't go asking for subs early in mate!
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
19:46 Wed 23 Oct 13 (BST)  [Link]  
FCL - Deadline 3rd November:

You have a fair few players scheduled to play versus us offline:

roxbury_100 - 3 days offline
one_for_all - 4 days offline
i_am_cursed - 7 days offline

IF possible maybe some subs would be best so we can start getting some played asap.


Lesson number 6 young capitano, when you're playing a ss team without pete, gary and jose don't go asking for subs early in mate!

LOL, they can sub them in any time so I'm just ensuring and assisting our players who cannot play at the minute.
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Snooker Squad X - Double Cup Winners

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