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Snooker Squad X - Double Cup Winners

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Deleted User
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12:56 Sat 19 Oct 13 (BST)  [Link]  
Can all clan members read the FBL discussion thread please.
Deleted User
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16:48 Sat 19 Oct 13 (BST)  [Link]  
FBL Fixture Set 1 vs Snooker Squad

Swap: 8us
Was: thanatos vs thegame26 & sharpey_boii vs lethal_lures
Is Now: thanatos vs lethal_lures & darren9030 vs thegame26

Subbed in darren9030 for sharpey_boii as he's deactivated.
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
16:48 Sat 19 Oct 13 (BST)  [Link]  

bluenose1872 v snowden

is now

poolbiird v snowden
Posts: 11,063
17:15 Sat 19 Oct 13 (BST)  [Link]  
gary started his game with fastboysam and is up 5-1. fastboysam left and said he'd be right back. Then came back and said he was going out for a beer. He said to "take the frames" or they'd meet another time....

to be fair he was playing clan killer at the time!!

i will be on this evening, then again tomorrow if he is around. if not, fair enough.
sounds good. should be able to finish it off then.
Posts: 11,063
17:16 Sat 19 Oct 13 (BST)  [Link]  
FBL Fixture Set 1 vs Snooker Squad

Swap: 8us
Was: thanatos vs thegame26 & sharpey_boii vs lethal_lures
Is Now: thanatos vs lethal_lures & darren9030 vs thegame26

Subbed in darren9030 for sharpey_boii as he's deactivated.
?!? I thought you guys removed yourselves?
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
17:17 Sat 19 Oct 13 (BST)  [Link]  
FBL Fixture Set 1 vs Snooker Squad

Swap: 8us
Was: thanatos vs thegame26 & sharpey_boii vs lethal_lures
Is Now: thanatos vs lethal_lures & darren9030 vs thegame26

Subbed in darren9030 for sharpey_boii as he's deactivated.
?!? I thought you guys removed yourselves?

We did but now 'common sense' has prevailed, fixtures aren't stupid and other changes has been implemented. We have been re-instated mate.
Posts: 292
17:25 Sat 19 Oct 13 (BST)  [Link]  
hi_im_gary (4) - (0) ooo_u_tap_2

Got a 108 in the 2nd frame which was the only 30+ of the games, pretty poor standard from both of us other than that which is why i think the scoreline is a little harsh on tappy.

ggs mate, ul and gl with the rest of the season PS
Posts: 3,359
17:30 Sat 19 Oct 13 (BST)  [Link]  
hi_im_gary (4) - (0) ooo_u_tap_2

Got a 108 in the 2nd frame which was the only 30+ of the games, pretty poor standard from both of us other than that which is why i think the scoreline is a little harsh on tappy.

ggs mate, ul and gl with the rest of the season PS

Love how you say poor standard when you hit a 108

Class mate
Posts: 292
17:31 Sat 19 Oct 13 (BST)  [Link]  
hi_im_gary (4) - (0) ooo_u_tap_2

Got a 108 in the 2nd frame which was the only 30+ of the games, pretty poor standard from both of us other than that which is why i think the scoreline is a little harsh on tappy.

ggs mate, ul and gl with the rest of the season PS

Love how you say poor standard when you hit a 108

Class mate

Haha cheers, that run honestly did just come out of nowhere though haha, other than that i was below par!
Posts: 11,063
22:58 Sat 19 Oct 13 (BST)  [Link]  
Nice run and well done on the result
Posts: 292
22:59 Sat 19 Oct 13 (BST)  [Link]  
gary started his game with fastboysam and is up 5-1. fastboysam left and said he'd be right back. Then came back and said he was going out for a beer. He said to "take the frames" or they'd meet another time....

to be fair he was playing clan killer at the time!!

i will be on this evening, then again tomorrow if he is around. if not, fair enough.

Sorry just to clear things up, Sam made me aware that he was going to run an errand and he'd be about 50 minutes, so i tried to squeeze clan killer in before he got back, it ran over a little while but before it had finished Sam decided to go offline.

Messaged him earlier today and Sam came online about 2 hours ago and responded, i messaged him since but he's still offline so fingers crossed he can get back online tonight!
Posts: 11,063
22:59 Sat 19 Oct 13 (BST)  [Link]  
Play 5 frames of 8US, 9-Ball, 8UK

Fighting Eagles 54 vs 66 Snooker Squad
its_me 9 vs 6 hi_im_gary
_huts24_ 6 vs 9 mich
2awesome2win 4 vs 11 lethal_lures
silenthill 10 vs 5 mrmagic
ghoulish 6 vs 9 whocares8x8
the__priest 7 vs 8 thegame26
_pro__frog_ 7 vs 8 snowden
triple_b 5 vs 10 jose_enrique

Pocket Dynamos 33 vs 78 Snooker Squad

askingfan 4 vs 11 _rockstar_
ang3l 4 vs 11 jose_enrique
lfc12 8 vs 7 one_for_all
fastboysam 1 vs 5 i_am_gary
jasonb 3 vs 12 lethal_lures
marksmith 4 vs 11 i_am_cursed
bigcjl2 5 vs 10 whocares8x8
walktall 4 vs 11 mrmagic

Deadline: October 20th
Posts: 11,063
23:03 Sat 19 Oct 13 (BST)  [Link]  
FBL Fixtures
8 Frames of your game type, 4 if straight.

Phoenix Storm 8 vs 16 Snooker Squad

darren9030 vs thegame26
thanatos vs lethal_lures

poolh8r vs roxbury_100
_sachibub 3 vs 5 i_am_cursed
ub3rnator 5 vs 3 mrmagic
samba2 vs one_for_all
ooo_u_tap_2 0 vs 4 hi_im_gary

Snooker Squad 7 vs 9 The Professionals

jose_enrique vs cphaynes
mrmagic vs beenjammin

lethal_lures vs scott7a
i_am_cursed 4 vs 4 dvz
mich 3 vs 5 tinie
mooney vs _redherring_
whocares8x8 vs sixty_plus

Unbeatables 5 vs 11 Snooker Squad

poolbiird vs snowden
serious_game 3 vs 5 jose_enrique
hippesville vs lethal_lures
dbno vs thegame26

im_crap_adam vs mich
mooksterman vs one_for_all

turtle1560 1 vs 3 whocares8x8

Snooker Squad 7 vs 1 Ball Breakers

hi_im_gary 7 vs 1 jimmyd20
roxbury_100 vs tiandrew
one_for_all vs moonbeam06
i_am_cursed vs brooksy1986

jose_enrique vs powea012
thegame26 vs blackcabman7

snowden vs intermediate

Deadline: Nov. 12th (TBC)

Edited at 23:53 Sat 19/10/13 (BST)
Posts: 11,063
23:03 Sat 19 Oct 13 (BST)  [Link]  
Super League
Play 4 frames of 8US, 9-Ball, 8UK. Runouts and golden breaks count double.

Snooker Squad 20 vs 4 Ballbreakers B

i_am_cursed 11 vs 1 moonbeam06
mich vs brooksy1986
r1p0m4n_v2 9 vs 3 fire_queen
lethal_lures vs kathleen_b
thegame26 vs _vip_
Killer: 0 vs 0

Snooker Squad 23 vs 13 Phoenix Lightning

_rockstar_ 8 vs 4 ooo_u_tap_2
hi_im_gary vs cue_ball
mich vs darren9030
snowden 5 vs 7 ghoulish
whocares8x8 10 vs 2 friendyboy
Killer: 0 vs 0

Deadline: October 27th
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
23:32 Sat 19 Oct 13 (BST)  [Link]  
what happened to pixie dust?
Posts: 11,063
23:34 Sat 19 Oct 13 (BST)  [Link]  
what happened to pixie dust?
FBL trouble.
Any problems with your games?
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
23:51 Sat 19 Oct 13 (BST)  [Link]  
FCL - Fixture Set 2

Please can team lists be submitted to myself, pirate_steve or mattywellie at your earliest convenience to allow for release of games on Sunday.

Your opponents for these games can be found here...


Just waiting still on Snooker Squad, Phoenix Storm and The Professionals.


Hypocritical I know! - Still waiting on Snooker Squad's
Posts: 11,063
23:58 Sat 19 Oct 13 (BST)  [Link]  
^I'll send them later tonight.
Posts: 11,063
02:52 Sun 20 Oct 13 (BST)  [Link]  
whocares8x8 (3) vs (1) turtle1560

seb: 50, 39, 35
turtle: 30

Played at my very best standard in the first 3 frames, finishing them all off from the first shot. My breakoff in the 4th went wrong and he got a 30 from it, but wasn't able to get the split right. I had a chance, but had a pretty ul double pot after 5 (potted one from the pack I was splitting with a tight angle into the middle). He cleaned up to take it.

ggs, very nice standard.
Posts: 1,594
12:31 Sun 20 Oct 13 (BST)  [Link]  
Nice runs seb, wp!
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Snooker Squad X - Double Cup Winners

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