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Posts: 9,926
05:09 Thu 10 Oct 13 (BST)  [Link]  
horse10000 2 - 3 truescotsman @ US8
horse10000 2 - 3 truescotsman @ US9
horse10000 3 - 2 truescotsman @ UK8

Golden break for him in US8

Overall 8 - 7 truescotsman

Was very good games i ended up vul for a run out in US8, i then potted one of his when potting my second last ball for a run out in uk. He then was very unlucky in last game of uk, when he potted his last ball, he went into the black to free it and ended up potting it again for another run out. Very high standard and enjoyable.

Good games mate
Posts: 9,926
05:10 Thu 10 Oct 13 (BST)  [Link]  
FCL Fixture Set 1

The Professionals (66) vs (39) BallBreakers

techno (13) vs (2) kathleen_b
liam_scfc (12) vs (3) blackcabman7
scott7a (6) vs (9) intermediate
davey_1985 vs moonbeam06
onevisit (7) vs (8) doverlad32
mattywellie (11) vs (4) snoox
horse10000 (7) vs (8) truescotsman
ritcho (10) vs (5) fire_queen

The Professionals (24) vs (6) Top Guns

_redherring_ (11) vs (4) staffie_man
dvz (13) vs (2) rocketweaz8
sixty_plus vs hotdave
_nerdzz_ vs blueberry
beenjammin vs chisisidovev
tinie vs chapster_7
cphaynes vs emmajackson
davey_1985 vs pixie_dust

Deadline is Midnight (UK) on 20th October 2013
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05:23 Thu 10 Oct 13 (BST)  [Link]  
horse10000 2 - 3 truescotsman @ US8
horse10000 2 - 3 truescotsman @ US9
horse10000 3 - 2 truescotsman @ UK8

Golden break for him in US8

Overall 8 - 7 truescotsman

Was very good games i ended up vul for a run out in US8, i then potted one of his when potting my second last ball for a run out in uk. He then was very unlucky in last game of uk, when he potted his last ball, he went into the black to free it and ended up potting it again for another run out. Very high standard and enjoyable.

Good games mate

Good games mate,was a pleasure playing you,either one of us could of win,very high standard,every mistake got punished,good luck for the rest bud.
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18:12 Thu 10 Oct 13 (BST)  [Link]  
Davey 10 vs 5 moonbeam

8US 4-1 moon
9US 5-0 me (runout)
8UK 4-1 me

Started off going 3-0 down and hardly a chance got totally outplayed in 8US.. Picked up my game abit after that and i think he had a few distractions..

ggs m8..
Posts: 9,926
00:11 Fri 11 Oct 13 (BST)  [Link]  
Nice win davey
Posts: 9,926
00:13 Fri 11 Oct 13 (BST)  [Link]  
FCL Fixture Set 1

The Professionals (76) vs (44) BallBreakers

techno (13) vs (2) kathleen_b
liam_scfc (12) vs (3) blackcabman7
scott7a (6) vs (9) intermediate
davey_1985 (10) vs (5) moonbeam06
onevisit (7) vs (8) doverlad32
mattywellie (11) vs (4) snoox
horse10000 (7) vs (8) truescotsman
ritcho (10) vs (5) fire_queen

The Professionals (24) vs (6) Top Guns

_redherring_ (11) vs (4) staffie_man
dvz (13) vs (2) rocketweaz8
sixty_plus vs hotdave
_nerdzz_ vs blueberry
beenjammin vs chisisidovev
tinie vs chapster_7
cphaynes vs emmajackson
davey_1985 vs pixie_dust

Deadline is Midnight (UK) on 20th October 2013

Well done on completing all the games v ballbreakers so quickly. Now lets try and get these top gun ones done as well
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20:49 Fri 11 Oct 13 (BST)  [Link]  
Only 6 out of 16 games to play in FCL and all games played in super league, you guys dont hang about......

Also iv arranged to play hotdave sometime over the weekend. hopeully tonight at 8 if he sees me message.
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01:52 Sat 12 Oct 13 (BST)  [Link]  
Just a suggestion, maybe i should sub in for _nerdzz_ game against blueberry?
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02:29 Sat 12 Oct 13 (BST)  [Link]  
Super League IV

Fixture Set 2 (of 3) can be found here ...

Group 1

Group 2

The deadline for these games is Midnight (UK) Sunday 27th October 2013.

In posting results I would be grateful for details of any GBs or Run Outs plus the Killer order (1st to 4th) to assist with keeping the Individual Award updated.

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03:01 Sat 12 Oct 13 (BST)  [Link]  
Super League

Fixture Set 2 Group 1

The Professionals B () vs () Top Guns

dvz vs chisisidovev
scott7a vs blueberry
tinie vs winter64
_redherring_ vs __sniper__
techno vs jig_saw

Killer TBA vs TBA

The Professionals B () vs () The Unbeatables A

dvz vs serious_game
scott7a vs turtle1560
tinie vs mooksterman
_redherring_ vs hippesville
techno vs bluenose1872

Killer TBA vs TBA


Individual games are 12 racks (4 each of US8, UK8 and 9 Ball). One point for each rack won plus a further one point for every 'Event' achieved. An 'Event' is a Run Out or a Golden Break.

Killer games are 2 vs 2. Scoring breakdown is
1st 5pts
2nd 3pts
3rd 2 pts
4th 1pt

The deadline for these games is Midnight (UK) Sunday 27th October 2013.
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
03:01 Sat 12 Oct 13 (BST)  [Link]  
Super League

Fixture Set 2 Group 2

The Professionals A () vs () Ballbreakers B

beenjammin vs moonbeam06
cphaynes vs brooksy1986
sixty_plus vs fire_queen
mattywellie vs kathleen_b
onevisit vs _vip_

Killer TBA vs TBA

The Professionals A () vs Uprising

beenjammin vs pirate_steve
cphaynes vs cgibson92
sixty_plus vs derik_dalton
mattywellie vs sharky89
onevisit vs 2andygorams

Killer TBA vs TBA


Individual games are 12 racks (4 each of US8, UK8 and 9 Ball). One point for each rack won plus a further one point for every 'Event' achieved. An 'Event' is a Run Out or a Golden Break.

Killer games are 2 vs 2. Scoring breakdown is
1st 5pts
2nd 3pts
3rd 2 pts
4th 1pt

The deadline for these games is Midnight (UK) Sunday 27th October 2013.
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
04:12 Sat 12 Oct 13 (BST)  [Link]  

techno vs jig_saw

US 3-1 ( I messed up on 8 ball lol)
9 4-0
UK 1-0


He fouled black in uk then left without saying a word
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(IP Logged)
04:27 Sat 12 Oct 13 (BST)  [Link]  

techno vs jig_saw

US 3-1 ( I messed up on 8 ball lol)
9 4-0
UK 1-0


He fouled black in uk then left without saying a word
Nice result so far, i'll post on there thread to say to have a word with him.
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
19:45 Sat 12 Oct 13 (BST)  [Link]  
The Players Championship

Round 1

gollom v mattywellie
cuester v techno
roxbury_100 v sixty_plus
onevisit v born_killer
ritcho v walktall
_jesus_ v liam_scfc

If you aren't listed here then you received a bye to Round 2

Deadline for these games is Midnight (UK) 13/10/13.

Participation is purely voluntary. Should your opponent not wish to play you may claim the victory. Any unplayed games at the time of the deadline will result in DQ's of both players unless a default decision has been requested either on main thread or by message.

Reminder of the rules if required...
Posts: 2,463
22:11 Sat 12 Oct 13 (BST)  [Link]  
been 9 - 3 moonbeam06

8us 2-2
9us 3-1
8uk 4-0, he/she was very unlucky here. I carried 2 or 3 frames.

ggs, he/she can play, saw that in 8us. Neither of us at our best I'd say, but he/she was very ul overall.
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01:25 Sun 13 Oct 13 (BST)  [Link]  

_redherring_ 6 vs 6 __sniper__

us8 2-2 (first frame I fouled black first visit, and he had the run of the balls, my splits were bad his landed perfect, I played well here but luck against me)

us9 2-2 tbh standard was really poor from both but some 1 messaged me in pop up window just as I took on a standard 8 ball with 9 over bag and lagged for ball in hand, but not his fault)

uk8 2-2 good standard from both, he played really well and won a frame that never looked possible, full length cross double deserved it. That shot alone warranted you the draw despite my bad luck.

pleasant to play, wd ggs, sorry it wasn't more
Posts: 2,463
01:30 Sun 13 Oct 13 (BST)  [Link]  
A tie don't hurt anything , wd, ul
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05:59 Sun 13 Oct 13 (BST)  [Link]  
Pass this along! The more the merrier
Remember if your on pool, log into your snooker accountPosted Image
Pass this along! The more the merrier

Edited at 03:11 Sun 13/10/13 (BST)
Posts: 9,926
19:47 Sun 13 Oct 13 (BST)  [Link]  
FCL Fixture Set 1

The Professionals (76) vs (44) BallBreakers

techno (13) vs (2) kathleen_b
liam_scfc (12) vs (3) blackcabman7
scott7a (6) vs (9) intermediate
davey_1985 (10) vs (5) moonbeam06
onevisit (7) vs (8) doverlad32
mattywellie (11) vs (4) snoox
horse10000 (7) vs (8) truescotsman
ritcho (10) vs (5) fire_queen

The Professionals (24) vs (6) Top Guns

_redherring_ (11) vs (4) staffie_man
dvz (13) vs (2) rocketweaz8
sixty_plus vs hotdave
_nerdzz_ vs blueberry
beenjammin vs chisisidovev
tinie vs chapster_7
cphaynes vs emmajackson
davey_1985 vs pixie_dust

Deadline is Midnight (UK) on 20th October 2013

Need a push to get these 6 games done asap as by the middle of next week we will need to start looking at subbing to get them completed.
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20:05 Sun 13 Oct 13 (BST)  [Link]  
should be playing monday/tuesday arranged it last week
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