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The Unbeatables..........and that's it!!

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Posts: 3,250
23:49 Sun 6 Oct 13 (BST)  [Link]  
Good luck everyone with these new games, also very well done matt, its a class result mate, keeps us close in the fixture
Posts: 3,250
23:50 Sun 6 Oct 13 (BST)  [Link]  
FCL Fixture 1
(5 frames each of 8us,9us,8uk)

The Unbeatables v Phoenix Storm

greyhound v ooo_u_tap_2
turtle1560 v poolh8r
bluenose1872 v sharpey_boii
msl v krazyash_07
hippesville v linc123
cannibals v unknownelite
dbno v ub3rnator
dntbmad__ v fear_me

Top Guns v The Unbeatables

_maverick_ v mad_matt
winter64 v poolbiird
__sniper__ v mooksterman
jig_saw v no1hustl3r
snoball v red4eva
bradonforest v serious_game
pool_black v weirdo_1
chisisidovev v turtle1560

Deadline: 20/10/13

Edited at 21:52 Sun 06/10/13 (BST)
Deleted User
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00:32 Mon 7 Oct 13 (BST)  [Link]  
Fixtures just come out: were you aware dntbmad__'s deactivated?
Deleted User
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00:52 Mon 7 Oct 13 (BST)  [Link]  
d0ubler v no1hustl3r


chapster7 v no1hustl3r

due to d0ubler banned

sorry my mistake its

jig_saw v no1hustl3r
Posts: 232
01:17 Mon 7 Oct 13 (BST)  [Link]  
no1hustl3r 3 - 10 jose Enrique

8US 0 - 4
9US 2 - 2 (I got a golden break)
8UK 0 - 4
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01:17 Mon 7 Oct 13 (BST)  [Link]  
Good luck everyone with these new games, also very well done matt, its a class result mate, keeps us close in the fixture

Not anymore hunniieeee
Posts: 3,250
01:24 Mon 7 Oct 13 (BST)  [Link]  
lol ya cheeky git ya.. Still not over yet
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01:35 Mon 7 Oct 13 (BST)  [Link]  
The Players Championship

Round 1

turtle1560 v intermediate
staffie_man v msl
kurt_corris v cannibals
its_me v weirdo_1
mad_matt v blueberry

If you aren't listed here then you received a bye to Round 2

Deadline for these games is Midnight (UK) 13/10/13.

Participation is purely voluntary. Should your opponent not which to play you may claim the victory. Any unplayed games at the time of the deadline will result in DQ's of both players unless a default decision has been requested.

Reminder of the rules if required...
Posts: 22,512
02:55 Mon 7 Oct 13 (BST)  [Link]  
Fixtures just come out: were you aware dntbmad__'s deactivated?

Yes, he/she will have the time to reactivate if they don't a sub will be made.
Posts: 5,821
04:22 Mon 7 Oct 13 (BST)  [Link]  
dntbmad__ deactivated?

I wait to see if he or she reactivate
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12:11 Mon 7 Oct 13 (BST)  [Link]  

Thank you to everyone participating in the FBL Pre Seasons

The deadline has now passed and the majority of clans got their games completed so well done to you.

I need to sort a few things out so have a week off to get going with your FCL games and I shall release the first set next Sunday, maybe sooner if I am sorted before hand.

Cheers guys
Posts: 22,512
13:38 Mon 7 Oct 13 (BST)  [Link]  
FCL Set One

The Unbeatables v Phoenix Storm

greyhound v ooo_u_tap_2
turtle1560 v poolh8r
bluenose1872 v sharpey_boii
msl v krazyash_07
hippesville v linc123
cannibals v unknownelite
dbno v ub3rnator
dntbmad__ v fear_me

Top Guns (6) v (9) The Unbeatables

_maverick_ v mad_matt
winter64 (6) v (9) poolbiird
__sniper__ v mooksterman
jig_saw v no1hustl3r
snoball v red4eva
pool_black v serious_game
bradonforest v weirdo_1
chisisidovev v turtle1560

Deadline: 20/10/13

Edited at 12:50 Mon 07/10/13 (BST)
Posts: 22,512
13:39 Mon 7 Oct 13 (BST)  [Link]  
Super League

Unbeatables A (50) v (21) Top Guns


Unbeatables A (38) v (8) Ballbreakers A

greyhound (9) v (3) doverlad32
msl v moonbeem06
mooksterman (10) v (2) fire_queen
hippesville (8) v (2) dvae TBC
bluenose1872 (11) v (1) kathleen_b


Unbeatables B (21) v (29) Snooker Squad

cannibals (3) v (9) hi_im_gary
mad_matt (5) v (7) whocares8x8
no1hustl3r (3) v (10) jose_enrique
red4eva v thegame26
turtle1560 (10) v (3) snowdon


Unbeatables B (25) v (10) Ballbreakers B

weirdo_1 v brooksy1986
dntbmad__ v blackcabman7
turtle1560 v pmix
mad_matt (8) v (4) kurt_corris
cannibals (9) v (3) jimmyd20

Killer: (8) - (3)

4 Frames of 8US
4 Frames of 9US
4 Frames of 8UK

Any run out or golden break earns you an extra point.

2 v 2 in Killer (One game) scoring is -

5 Points for First
3 Points for Second
2 Points for Third
1 Point for Fourth

Deadline: 13/10/13
Deleted User
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15:28 Mon 7 Oct 13 (BST)  [Link]  
Im such a sore loser , bad workman always blames his tools ...THATS ME!! ahaha
Posts: 4,775
15:41 Mon 7 Oct 13 (BST)  [Link]  
winter64 v poolbiird

8ball 2-3
9ball 3-2
Uk 1-4

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15:42 Mon 7 Oct 13 (BST)  [Link]  
fcl swap

bradonforest v serious_game
pool_black v weirdo1


pool_black v serious_game
bradonforest v weirdo1

due to ciaran not being able to play after 9pm

Edited at 12:45 Mon 07/10/13 (BST)
Posts: 22,512
15:51 Mon 7 Oct 13 (BST)  [Link]  
Nice result Ang

Cheers Kenny, edited our games to show the above.
Deleted User
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16:59 Mon 7 Oct 13 (BST)  [Link]  
Individual Leagues

Just to clarify
Group games are released one at a time with an ample 9 day deadline, this was decided to be the best way for a large number of reasons.
Fixtures can be found on the website just below the groups, apologies if anyone has played a game that is void through this not being made clear.
Posts: 13,570
19:04 Mon 7 Oct 13 (BST)  [Link]  
Individual Leagues

Just to clarify
Group games are released one at a time with an ample 9 day deadline, this was decided to be the best way for a large number of reasons.
Fixtures can be found on the website just below the groups, apologies if anyone has played a game that is void through this not being made clear.

Deleted User
(IP Logged)
21:05 Mon 7 Oct 13 (BST)  [Link]  
FCL Fixture Set 1 vs Unbeatables

Was: sharpey_boii vs bluenose1872
Is Now: thanatos vs bluenose1872
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The Unbeatables..........and that's it!!

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