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Deleted User
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16:27 Mon 17 Jun 13 (BST)  [Link]  
Well Colin you are right Derik needs to stay on his thread and funnky is right only Captains and Vice Captains can add are remove Players.(Go back to uprising Joe)
Posts: 3,846
16:36 Mon 17 Jun 13 (BST)  [Link]  
u love it really mikee
Posts: 3,610
16:37 Mon 17 Jun 13 (BST)  [Link]  
If there's a new rule where anyone can sign players then it has something to do with everyone who's in clans. I was just asking a question sorry if it upset you in any way...

im sure my m8 willz will be part of this team.. even if he doesnt play straight away.... im sure kingdad and fatmikiiii wont be bothered about him being a sub

Quote edited

Edited by forum moderator ab_rfc, at 19:08 Mon 17/06/13 (BST)
Posts: 3,846
16:41 Mon 17 Jun 13 (BST)  [Link]  
If there's a new rule where anyone can sign players then it has something to do with everyone who's in clans. I was just asking a question sorry if it upset you in any way...

im sure my m8 willz will be part of this team.. even if he doesnt play straight away.... im sure kingdad and fatmikiiii wont be bothered about him being a sub

just get craig to post on team changes

Quote edited

Edited by forum moderator ab_rfc, at 19:08 Mon 17/06/13 (BST)
Posts: 3,610
16:42 Mon 17 Jun 13 (BST)  [Link]  
If there's a new rule where anyone can sign players then it has something to do with everyone who's in clans. I was just asking a question sorry if it upset you in any way...

im sure my m8 willz will be part of this team.. even if he doesnt play straight away.... im sure kingdad and fatmikiiii wont be bothered about him being a sub

just get craig to post on team changes

wot will be will be my good friend

Quote edited

Edited by forum moderator ab_rfc, at 19:09 Mon 17/06/13 (BST)
Posts: 2,094
16:43 Mon 17 Jun 13 (BST)  [Link]  
I'm not doubting it m8 I was just asking a question on the rules that was all, but for some reason you're buddy seemed to take it the wrong way and got really touche!!
Posts: 3,846
16:44 Mon 17 Jun 13 (BST)  [Link]  
If there's a new rule where anyone can sign players then it has something to do with everyone who's in clans. I was just asking a question sorry if it upset you in any way...

im sure my m8 willz will be part of this team.. even if he doesnt play straight away.... im sure kingdad and fatmikiiii wont be bothered about him being a sub

just get craig to post on team changes

wot will be will be my good friend

kai sera sera

Quote edited

Edited by forum moderator ab_rfc, at 19:09 Mon 17/06/13 (BST)
Posts: 38,097
17:10 Mon 17 Jun 13 (BST)  [Link]  
far as i know anyone can sign players (preferably Captain or Vice but they could agree to the signing) and only Captain and Vice can add them to the league team.

Blueberry asks Spinner to join the clan and agreed by Fattmikee who allows the signing, Spinner joins Eagles.

But Blueberry tries to add Spinner to League Team but the Runners disallow it. Fattmikee then has to post to make it official

hope that helps
Posts: 7,974
17:11 Mon 17 Jun 13 (BST)  [Link]  

wheyyyyy heyyyyy its Terry !!!!!!!!!
wheres June ????????? ........... Derk
(no crocodiles here or Sinners
sure people here can read the title of this thread its
drum roooooollllllllllllllllllllll >>>>>>>>>> Fighting Eagles )


some people eh ??????
Posts: 3,610
17:14 Mon 17 Jun 13 (BST)  [Link]  
far as i know anyone can sign players (preferably Captain or Vice but they could agree to the signing) and only Captain and Vice can add them to the league team.

Blueberry asks Spinner to join the clan and agreed by Fattmikee who allows the signing, Spinner joins Eagles.

But Blueberry tries to add Spinner to League Team but the Runners disallow it. Fattmikee then has to post to make it official

hope that helps

ty m8
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
17:24 Mon 17 Jun 13 (BST)  [Link]  
Players can suggest potential signings (best to kept private via offline message) with their Vice or Captain, it s at their discretion whether they approach the 'suggested player' or not. Only they (Cpt/V/c) can add them to the team officially. Mooksterman recommended a player to myself the other day and I agreed therefore I approached them and signed them up. This is called 'teamwork', if it benefits the team in the long run then I see no problem with it. (Sorry I know I'm not meant to post on this thread, just wanted to assist, sorry)
Posts: 3,846
17:46 Mon 17 Jun 13 (BST)  [Link]  

wheyyyyy heyyyyy its Terry !!!!!!!!!
wheres June ????????? ........... Derk
(no crocodiles here or Sinners
sure people here can read the title of this thread its
drum roooooollllllllllllllllllllll >>>>>>>>>> Fighting Eagles )


some people eh ??????

is it bad to look like terry of terry and june?
Posts: 7,974
17:53 Mon 17 Jun 13 (BST)  [Link]  

i dunno does it ??????
do you read all my posts joe ,,,, im flattered

do you no June btw ?????
nice wheels dont you think ???
Posts: 3,846
18:01 Mon 17 Jun 13 (BST)  [Link]  

i dunno does it ??????
do you read all my posts joe ,,,, im flattered

do you no June btw ?????
nice wheels dont you think ???

yes I read everyone, random bouts of complete nonsense en tertains me no end
Posts: 7,974
18:05 Mon 17 Jun 13 (BST)  [Link]  
oooh ok
no crocodiles then ?

you didnt answer ... do like the wheels
Posts: 3,846
18:11 Mon 17 Jun 13 (BST)  [Link]  
oooh ok
no crocodiles then ?

you didnt answer ... do like the wheels

I don't knows why ure askin me about whells, or crocodiles?
Posts: 7,974
18:14 Mon 17 Jun 13 (BST)  [Link]  
oooh ok
no crocodiles then ?

you didnt answer ... do like the wheels

I don't knows why ure askin me about whells, or crocodiles?

not whells joe wheels m8
things that go round and round

you no like the wheels on the bus go round round Round

there the wheels m8
Posts: 3,846
18:18 Mon 17 Jun 13 (BST)  [Link]  
oooh ok
no crocodiles then ?

you didnt answer ... do like the wheels

I don't knows why ure askin me about whells, or crocodiles?

not whells joe wheels m8
things that go round and round

you no like the wheels on the bus go round round Round

there the wheels m8

Why would u ask me about wheels lol?
Posts: 7,974
18:27 Mon 17 Jun 13 (BST)  [Link]  
i was just asking in general mate, anyways i like the wheels or whells just thought id tell yaaa

thanks for the chat ,,,, got to go now,,,, im a very busy person

Posts: 6,262
01:10 Tue 18 Jun 13 (BST)  [Link]  
I wasn't upset, you were both stirring, no-one said he'd been signed..

And your reply was as meaningless as ever Derik, but kind thanks for your one letter input, I'd love a cuppa tea !

And no probs ash, your inputs welcome pal !


Edited at 22:13 Mon 17/06/13 (BST)
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