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Doubles Premier League :D

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Posts: 22,512
16:32 Tue 30 Apr 13 (BST)  [Link]  
Team Boo have now been removed, all scores against them have been removed from the league table, as usual scores in golden cue will stay.

Set Five Unplayed

onevisit v pixie_dust
onevisit v fry06
faust v fry06

greenie1983 v cke1982
cgibson92 v cke1982
cgibson92 v ronald_faja

blackhorse v serious_game
blackhorse v angry_bacon

blackhorse v davey_1985
blackhorse v r1p0m4n

sarny_lad v davey_1985
sarny_lad v r1p0m4n
irish_ninja v davey_1985
irish_ninja v r1p0m4n

I will remove games when they have been played (Not done results yet so some may be done already, partial games wont be added to games until finished or game has gone to default)

Deadline: 5/5/13

Edited at 16:46 Tue 30/04/13 (BST)
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
14:54 Wed 1 May 13 (BST)  [Link]  
blackhorse v davey_1985
sarny_lad v davey_1985

offline 11 days and 7 days.
Deleted User
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15:39 Wed 1 May 13 (BST)  [Link]  
I want to join this doubles shiz ill find a partner ;-)
Posts: 22,512
17:39 Wed 1 May 13 (BST)  [Link]  
blackhorse v davey_1985
sarny_lad v davey_1985

offline 11 days and 7 days.

Have already spoke to both their partners mate, Irish is going to find a replacement and i have not heard back from turtle yet.

mattywellie - Only way you can play in it now is if you take over an inactives players place. There is not many games left until the end of the event though.
Deleted User
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17:41 Wed 1 May 13 (BST)  [Link]  
blackhorse v davey_1985
sarny_lad v davey_1985

offline 11 days and 7 days.

Have already spoke to both their partners mate, Irish is going to find a replacement and i have not heard back from turtle yet.

mattywellie - Only way you can play in it now is if you take over an inactives players place. There is not many games left until the end of the event though.

If Irish wants a partner ask him if he wants me :-)
Posts: 22,512
17:44 Wed 1 May 13 (BST)  [Link]  

Marty (Irish) is only looking for a temporary one until Fran is back online and can play.

I am worried about the current games especially the ones blackhorse is in so you could take his place now, im sure Turtle wouldn't mind

Edited at 14:59 Wed 01/05/13 (BST)
Posts: 409
18:07 Wed 1 May 13 (BST)  [Link]  
blackhorse v davey_1985
sarny_lad v davey_1985

offline 11 days and 7 days.

Same situation with me!
Posts: 22,512
18:09 Wed 1 May 13 (BST)  [Link]  
Read above i answered what Davey put you bum!
Posts: 3,250
21:37 Wed 1 May 13 (BST)  [Link]  
Not sure what the story is with blackhorse tbh, havent heard anything from him. If mattywellie wants to take his place thats grand with me.
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00:31 Thu 2 May 13 (BST)  [Link]  
Not sure what the story is with blackhorse tbh, havent heard anything from him. If mattywellie wants to take his place thats grand with me.

Sweet ill take his place just tell me who I need to play :-)
Posts: 409
11:18 Thu 2 May 13 (BST)  [Link]  
Not sure what the story is with blackhorse tbh, havent heard anything from him. If mattywellie wants to take his place thats grand with me.

Sweet ill take his place just tell me who I need to play :-)

Posts: 1,325
12:03 Thu 2 May 13 (BST)  [Link]  
If anyone needs me im willing to join.
Deleted User
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12:37 Thu 2 May 13 (BST)  [Link]  
mattywellie - Link to site is on Jays profile , if you go to fixture set five when your on it, any non bold game with blackhorse's name in it is games you are to play. Deadline Sunday which Jay might extend he has said.

Onua0767 - Jay says that Irish_ninja needs a partner (temporary one) for his team so maybe speak to him

Hope that helps you Matty, Jay said he will be on later tonight when we get back home. Takes ages to type from the phone so hes got me doing this

P.S He will make the changes to the games and put Matty in the now, you will be added to website team later tonight though as weebly takes to long to load on laptop/phone.
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
12:44 Thu 2 May 13 (BST)  [Link]  
Set Five Unplayed

onevisit v pixie_dust
onevisit v fry06
faust v fry06

greenie1983 v cke1982
cgibson92 v cke1982
cgibson92 v ronald_faja

mattywellie v serious_game
mattywellie v angry_bacon

mattywellie v davey_1985
mattywellie v r1p0m4n

sarny_lad v davey_1985
sarny_lad v r1p0m4n
irish_ninja v davey_1985
irish_ninja v r1p0m4n

I will remove games when they have been played (Not done results yet so some may be done already, partial games wont be added to games until finished or game has gone to default)


Deadline: 5/5/13

Jay has changed game names now to show mattywellie as the player and removed blackhorse from them. He also asked me to put the site link under the games for everyone so there you go
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
13:00 Thu 2 May 13 (BST)  [Link]  
mattywellie - Link to site is on Jays profile , if you go to fixture set five when your on it, any non bold game with blackhorse's name in it is games you are to play. Deadline Sunday which Jay might extend he has said.

Onua0767 - Jay says that Irish_ninja needs a partner (temporary one) for his team so maybe speak to him

Hope that helps you Matty, Jay said he will be on later tonight when we get back home. Takes ages to type from the phone so hes got me doing this

P.S He will make the changes to the games and put Matty in the now, you will be added to website team later tonight though as weebly takes to long to load on laptop/phone.

Ok thanks, obviously ill get then played as quick as possible I e messaged a couple already and hopefully get then done soon.
Posts: 22,512
19:41 Fri 3 May 13 (BST)  [Link]  
Set Five Unplayed

onevisit v pixie_dust
onevisit v fry06

mattywellie v serious_game
mattywellie v angry_bacon

mattywellie v davey_1985
mattywellie v r1p0m4n

sarny_lad v davey_1985
sarny_lad v r1p0m4n
irish_ninja v davey_1985
irish_ninja v r1p0m4n

I will remove games when they have been played (Not done results yet so some may be done already, partial games wont be added to games until finished or game has gone to default)


Deadline: 5/5/13
Posts: 22,512
19:43 Fri 3 May 13 (BST)  [Link]  
irish_ninja is still in need of a temporary partner if anyone is interested speak to him

I may extend these deadlines but i have not made up my mind yet so for now the deadline is the same.
Posts: 22,512
18:17 Sat 4 May 13 (BST)  [Link]  
im_crap_adam will be teaming with irish_ninja as a temporary partner until Marty can find one or sarny_lad comes back. Im sure Marty will be fine with this
Posts: 22,512
18:18 Sat 4 May 13 (BST)  [Link]  
Set Five Unplayed

onevisit v pixie_dust
onevisit v fry06

mattywellie v serious_game
mattywellie v angry_bacon

mattywellie v davey_1985
mattywellie v r1p0m4n

im_crap_adam v davey_1985
im_crap_adam v r1p0m4n
irish_ninja v davey_1985
irish_ninja v r1p0m4n

I will remove games when they have been played (Not done results yet so some may be done already, partial games wont be added to games until finished or game has gone to default)


Deadline: 5/5/13
Posts: 22,512
01:12 Sun 5 May 13 (BST)  [Link]  
im_crap_adam will be teaming with irish_ninja as a temporary partner until Marty can find one or sarny_lad comes back. Im sure Marty will be fine with this
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