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Uprising the Fourth

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Posts: 4,971
19:19 Mon 18 Mar 13 (GMT)  [Link]  
Man_up 3days
Lost 4days

4 and 5 days now. Posted on their thread but obviously the captain and vice have ignored it, despite posting afterwards and there not being enough posts to have missed it.

Well ive seen it, and ive just now said to erigert what the plan is regarding them 2 players.
Posts: 10,109
19:19 Mon 18 Mar 13 (GMT)  [Link]  
Sorry Harry!
Posts: 6,417
19:20 Mon 18 Mar 13 (GMT)  [Link]  
The Clan League - Fixture Set 5

Uprising v Fighting Eagles

angry_bacon v gordo
irish_ninja v kingdadcool
derik_dalton v destroyer_16
zantetsukenz v vegas
sharky89 v sensibleshow
rabbit v time_bandit
cgibson92 v pat_groves07
erigert v seriousblack

Uprising (32) v (8) The Vipers

emmajane v pot9ball
cgibson92 v fry06
the_beast v the_saint
walktall v therev
slimeball (18) v (2) blackcabman7
sharky89 v junster333
greenie1983 (14) v (6) lfc12
rabbit v girl_power7

Deadline for these games is Midnight UK 31/3/13
Posts: 6,417
19:22 Mon 18 Mar 13 (GMT)  [Link]  
FCL Set Three

Uprising (48) v (42) Elite Force

bluenose1872/sharky89 (7) v (8) huts24
chisisidovev (11) v (4) w_hoolahan
irish_ninja (10) v (5) shadwell17
zantetsukenz v man_up
greenie1983 (6) v (9) baghera
derik_dalton (6) v (9) 2awesome2win
emmajane v lost
erigert (8) v (7) dinkydo

Unbeatables (29) v (61) Uprising

im_crap_adam (6) v (9) chisisidovev
ritcho v angry_bacon
doubler (3) v (12) greenie1983
j_a_m_e_s (0) v (15) zantetsukenz
turtle1560 (11) v (4) erigert
serious_game (5) v (10) sharky89
mr_pink_eyes v slimeball
blackhorse (4) v (11) derik_dalton

Deadline: 24/3/13
Posts: 10,109
19:22 Mon 18 Mar 13 (GMT)  [Link]  
Damn you Eri! lol
Posts: 6,417
19:23 Mon 18 Mar 13 (GMT)  [Link]  
FBL Set Three

Uprising (24) vs (12) Vipers

chisisidovev (5) v (1) lfc12
erigert v therev

derik_dalton (2) v (4) blackcabman7
walktall (4) v (2) fry06

zantetsukenz (5) v (1) thegreatone7
sharky89 (2) v (4) cgibson92

irish_ninja v emmajackson
bluenose1872 (6) v (0) junster333

Uprising (25) vs (5) Underdogs

angry_bacon v hardy202
rabbit (5) v (1) mardu0o

irish_ninja v welshie
zantetsukenz (3) v (3) the_9_ball

greenie1983 (5) v (1) ronald_faja
the_beast v cke1982

bluenose1872 (6) v (0) kopiteking01
erigert (6) v (0) xxx

Deadline: 24/3/13
Posts: 19,967
19:23 Mon 18 Mar 13 (GMT)  [Link]  
Is the plan sub them out ASAP?

What's the point in telling erigert, tell the players actually in the fixture. We aren't subbing out so tell us what you are gonna do. Waiting isn't good enough, that's lazy and poor effort. Both those players have logged in once this entire fixture set and we're over halfway in.
Posts: 4,971
19:26 Mon 18 Mar 13 (GMT)  [Link]  
Is the plan sub them out ASAP?

What's the point in telling erigert, tell the players actually in the fixture. We aren't subbing out so tell us what you are gonna do. Waiting isn't good enough, that's lazy and poor effort. Both those players have logged in once this entire fixture set and we're over halfway in.

If neither have appeared on by thursday then subs are being made. Til then its how it is, lost is very likely to be online in next 48 hours, inless something has really happened / real busy.
Posts: 6,417
19:27 Mon 18 Mar 13 (GMT)  [Link]  
Is the plan sub them out ASAP?

What's the point in telling erigert, tell the players actually in the fixture. We aren't subbing out so tell us what you are gonna do. Waiting isn't good enough, that's lazy and poor effort. Both those players have logged in once this entire fixture set and we're over halfway in.

we agreed that if they dont show enter thursday subs will be made Zante
Posts: 3,846
19:32 Mon 18 Mar 13 (GMT)  [Link]  
Is the plan sub them out ASAP?

What's the point in telling erigert, tell the players actually in the fixture. We aren't subbing out so tell us what you are gonna do. Waiting isn't good enough, that's lazy and poor effort. Both those players have logged in once this entire fixture set and we're over halfway in.

you know whats happened to lost, dont you pal

If neither have appeared on by thursday then subs are being made. Til then its how it is, lost is very likely to be online in next 48 hours, inless something has really happened / real busy.
Posts: 19,967
19:36 Mon 18 Mar 13 (GMT)  [Link]  
I'm sorry but giving them till thursday is an absolutely poor decision. You have active players who could get the games done by thursday easily. For these two games the Elite Forces management has been beyond poor.

There is no justification for giving lost and man_up until thursday to log in. This is purely because you want them to play the game because you consider them to be your best chance to win it.

krazyash_07 is online right now, one game could be played. Sub him in to play?

You don't have to respond to that, I know you won't bother subbing those two out until beyond when you absolutely have to
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19:40 Mon 18 Mar 13 (GMT)  [Link]  
It's a joke Zante but it sums up the clan unfortunately!! Hopefully they use a brain and the game gets played btw lost being on in 'the next 48 hours' doesn't help me!!
Posts: 4,971
19:41 Mon 18 Mar 13 (GMT)  [Link]  
I'm sorry but giving them till thursday is an absolutely poor decision. You have active players who could get the games done by thursday easily. For these two games the Elite Forces management has been beyond poor.

There is no justification for giving lost and man_up until thursday to log in. This is purely because you want them to play the game because you consider them to be your best chance to win it.

krazyash_07 is online right now, one game could be played. Sub him in to play?

You don't have to respond to that, I know you won't bother subbing those two out until beyond when you absolutely have to

I could do this but krazyash tends to play 8:30pm and after too, but theres still like half of this to go. And lost or man_up could easily appear and get it done. It isnt needed just yet.
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19:42 Mon 18 Mar 13 (GMT)  [Link]  
Course them being on once in 9 days don't call for it!
Posts: 6,417
19:42 Mon 18 Mar 13 (GMT)  [Link]  
dont worry Zante and emma. both games will be played and none of you will be subbed out
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19:48 Mon 18 Mar 13 (GMT)  [Link]  
dont worry Zante and emma. both games will be played and none of you will be subbed out

It pees me off how people act like this and cause defaults. Same old with the same people!
Posts: 19,967
19:49 Mon 18 Mar 13 (GMT)  [Link]  
Yeah, it'll be played when man_up and lost get subbed out. If you subbed krazyash in the game would be played whenever he was free today. Be that in 5 minutes or anytime after 8:30
Posts: 19,967
20:07 Mon 18 Mar 13 (GMT)  [Link]  
TCL Fixture Set 4

Any information regarding these unplayed/part played games?

Uprising v Unbeatables

emmajane vs brainphr33ze

Please note that any information/evidence provided should be relevant to the game and directly relevant to any player that was in the fixture and should demonstrate an ongoing committment to getting a game played as far as possible.

Please can I have any information by Wednesday Midnight.

^ default info needs to be sent to chris
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20:19 Mon 18 Mar 13 (GMT)  [Link]  
in process of writing essay now!
Posts: 19,967
20:20 Mon 18 Mar 13 (GMT)  [Link]  
enjoy that one
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Uprising the Fourth

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