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23:51 Wed 9 Jan 13 (GMT)  [Link]  
Ok so next season is a new start, I respect the sinners as a team for what they have achieved this season, yes ok I have had ups and downs with majority of this team but we are all adults and should all be able to act in a sensible way if we don't like each other I suppose the least we can do is show a bit of respect and/or courtesy for why we have each achieved instead of constantly belittling each other and I'm talking about myself here just as much as people in this clan. I will not make any more snide comments towards people in this clan so long as I get treated with the same respect :-).
Posts: 7,974
00:06 Thu 10 Jan 13 (GMT)  [Link]  
we are going to have a friendly with mice people
let me no who wants in, we will do 5 of each game type
5 uk
5 8 ball
5 9 ball

again ppl we have 2 new players in the team,

also we are waiting for gerard comming back and hopefully1 big announcement
Posts: 6,262
01:26 Thu 10 Jan 13 (GMT)  [Link]  
Welcome to the 2 new guys, I played Steven and hes good, hope to meet and play nspcsl soon..

How many is in friendly, people I mean ?

Some people need to check their facts before they post also

Or was Arcade Cup in FSL not considered as league games ?

I avoid noone, anyone ever wanting a game pm me

Edited at 23:29 Wed 09/01/13 (GMT)
Posts: 7,974
01:31 Thu 10 Jan 13 (GMT)  [Link]  
eight col

you want in ??

nd yes arcade was fsl cup which we won m8
Posts: 6,262
01:36 Thu 10 Jan 13 (GMT)  [Link]  
Sarah played pintofshandy in that I believe, just someone said she hadn't played a single clan game all season, they were clearly mistaken if I'm correct

Put me in if needed but I'd like to see the new guys play first if they like so don't mind either way
Posts: 7,974
14:13 Thu 10 Jan 13 (GMT)  [Link]  
nps col all is good

yes sarah did play that fixture, why would anyone say sarah hadnt played a game, more mischief maybe

sarah asked at the beginning of the season, about a none playing captain and was told no.

both myself and sarah have played less, games this season be it enforced or not.

for some reason it seems a problem to others i dont no why, we did say at the beginning of the season this clan would be run a little differant to others and has been.

our results and lack of defaults prove its a winning formula

what both sarah and i have not been happy with is snide remarks about getting games played and badgering teams to do so

the record dosnt show this one bit, if weve seen an opposistion player online weve asked them to play, weve swapped and subbed our own players in to make this happen, in nearly all cases this has been the case.

hence, getting games played again stressing we made subs and swaps not the other team. how that is deemed tactical or by some cheating is a complete joke.

the model should be copied not slated and accusing people of cheating, having 1 enforced default all season

we allow an amount ot time and add all the other teams players to our friends list when seeing them on line we see if our player is online then hopefully pair them up, if not sub or swap our players around to get the game played.
Posts: 7,974
14:19 Thu 10 Jan 13 (GMT)  [Link]  
in any other walk of life this is called being organised, also its a team game, how many of our own team complained, it isnt about others its what we do that matters.

weve heard this season of games being arranged and then a sub put in.

whats funny about this statement we contact all of our own players to see whats happenng in games regulary

its funny weve had one player say theyd organised agame that we changed nd yet even to this date no offline message confirming this date and time and has ever been recieved.

we talked to our own player who stated it was to be played maybe next week, hardly arranged

any game that is arranged wouldnt have a sub or swap made unless people agree and as we talk to our players we have all info anyway

it works, again all of our subs and swaps are recorded on our own website, so why people continue to make mischief is un real

show had core proof before pointing fingers we can

hope that answers everything col
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
14:26 Thu 10 Jan 13 (GMT)  [Link]  
I'm going to go on record to say it was you that said something about me not playing games long before I mentioned yourself or Sarah Craig, even though I played games at the beginning in fact every fixture, that is the reason something was said about you two from myself :-).
Posts: 7,974
14:51 Thu 10 Jan 13 (GMT)  [Link]  
this isnt and wasnt aimed at you, this was for colins benefit

i read your above comments,
so nps this isnt a dig at anyone.

we did ask the leagues about sarah being a none playing captain and free up a space and it was declined.
Posts: 2,094
14:53 Thu 10 Jan 13 (GMT)  [Link]  

must be great being a none playing captain, at least i played some part in The Sinners season

Lmao at this one! You played 5 games, one against underdogs and 2 you got spanked 13-2 and 11-4 in!
Funny seeing you slagging off non playing captains too seeing as though you have one here...your partner!
Lets face it Craig server crashes and power cuts have contributed more to your teams achievements than you have over the seasons lol

Deleted User
(IP Logged)
14:53 Thu 10 Jan 13 (GMT)  [Link]  
this isnt and wasnt aimed at you, this was for colins benefit

i read your above comments,
so nps this isnt a dig at anyone.

we did ask the leagues about sarah being a none playing captain and free up a space and it was declined.

Yeah i think non playing captains Should be allowed as I also would of stepped aside to make another space in pros, hopefully this can be looked at as I think it is something that maybe should be implemented for people that can't/don't play the game to still be able to have an active part.
Posts: 7,974
14:56 Thu 10 Jan 13 (GMT)  [Link]  
sarah only wanted to run the clan
and not play it was an obvious choice she wanted to make

but as the above joker makes out its a problem
Posts: 7,974
14:57 Thu 10 Jan 13 (GMT)  [Link]  

must be great being a none playing captain, at least i played some part in The Sinners season

Lmao at this one! You played 5 games, one against underdogs and 2 you got spanked 13-2 and 11-4 in!
Funny seeing you slagging off non playing captains too seeing as though you have one here...your partner!
Lets face it Craig server crashes and power cuts have contributed more to your teams achievements than you have over the seasons lol


does this have any input into this clan thread

we will continue this on pros thread
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
14:57 Thu 10 Jan 13 (GMT)  [Link]  
this isnt and wasnt aimed at you, this was for colins benefit

i read your above comments,
so nps this isnt a dig at anyone.

we did ask the leagues about sarah being a none playing captain and free up a space and it was declined.

Yeah i think non playing captains Should be allowed as I also would of stepped aside to make another space in pros, hopefully this can be looked at as I think it is something that maybe should be implemented for people that can't/don't play the game to still be able to have an active part.

Bit like a manager's role in a football team. He controls it but still the 11 players can play
Posts: 7,974
15:00 Thu 10 Jan 13 (GMT)  [Link]  
it is constructive

you get where im comming from

being fair to sarah she didnt want to play, but to run the clan which lost us a space for an active player
Posts: 7,974
15:03 Thu 10 Jan 13 (GMT)  [Link]  
after recent messages from players

we are entering in the following:-


for the forthcomming season, sarah will firm up up with the FBL and FCL.

Edited at 13:06 Thu 10/01/13 (GMT)
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
15:06 Thu 10 Jan 13 (GMT)  [Link]  
And tbf, it reduces the risk of defaults too
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
15:09 Thu 10 Jan 13 (GMT)  [Link]  
Come on now guys (ipotalot and fuunky) bit unfair to be jumping down The Sinners throats all the time.

How they run the clan is entirely their choice and Craig/Sarah you should not have to justify your decisions.

The ONLY time it should be subject to scrutiny is when there is a default and that is by a selected panel.

I know I have the odd crack at Craig but that is personal and not clan related.
Posts: 2,094
15:11 Thu 10 Jan 13 (GMT)  [Link]  

must be great being a none playing captain, at least i played some part in The Sinners season

Lmao at this one! You played 5 games, one against underdogs and 2 you got spanked 13-2 and 11-4 in!
Funny seeing you slagging off non playing captains too seeing as though you have one here...your partner!
Lets face it Craig server crashes and power cuts have contributed more to your teams achievements than you have over the seasons lol


does this have any input into this clan thread

we will continue this on pros thread

Good effort, you have failed massively tho cause I won't be replying to you're post!!

You were wondering why people have a problem with none playing captains, I was just reminding people that its only you that seems to have a problem with it, that was all, well done on making yourself look a fool once again!!

Haha pixie I haven't posted here for a bit and neither has lee I don't think. If you read priests post about people having a problem with none playing captains then you will understand why I replied. I was just reminding him that he's the only one that seems to have a problem with it!!

Edited at 13:19 Thu 10/01/13 (GMT)
Posts: 7,974
15:11 Thu 10 Jan 13 (GMT)  [Link]  
jimmy i dont no why it wasnt considered
you want players playing, if the captain decideds not to play, it just fills a place.

but hey i aint making comment, im banned, gutted but nevertheless banned.

and i do try not to post on the FCL or FBL threads, i didnt even make myself a new account. how good am i

unlike 2 players now playing in clans, but hey no proof lol lol
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