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Snooker Squad VIII- We don't post stupid pictures because we're at work

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Posts: 38,097
02:50 Thu 20 Dec 12 (GMT)  [Link]  
got an orig cent earlier to you all along with 5 halfs got all those in 5 frames before i snookered myself on 46 for 6 in a row against jose_enrique, if i got it would have been 7 halfs and 1 cent in a row. I still beat him 7-3 though to you all
Posts: 38,097
02:50 Thu 20 Dec 12 (GMT)  [Link]  
5 frames of 8US, 9-Ball, and 8UK

Snooker Squad 15 vs 0 Ninja Warriors

pirate_steve vs powerfool
crazy_greg vs jack_86
dgeneratio vs pixie_dust
whocares8x8 15 vs 0 jig_saw
mich vs dextr
lethal_lures vs krazyash_07
sarny_lad vs thegame26
r1p0m4n vs raymondrfc52

FCL Cup Semifinals:

Snooker Squad 32 vs 13 Mouseketeers

onevisit vs woowoo69
lethal_lures 12 vs 3 ang3l
davey_1985 vs marksmith
r1p0m4n 11 vs 4 mat_123
sarny_lad vs playa87
the__tornado 9 vs 6 samwisemac
slatty vs solskjaer20

Deadline: Dec. 30th
Posts: 38,097
02:51 Thu 20 Dec 12 (GMT)  [Link]  
FBL - Last Fixture

Professionals 23 vs 25 Snooker Squad

horse10000 2 vs 4 onevisit
beenjammin 3 vs 3 sarny_lad
_redherring_ 1 vs 5 lethal_lures
potlimit 3 vs 3 crazy_greg
rapid_pot 4 vs 2 mich
fuunky 3 vs 3 pirate_steve
dvz vs slatty
scott7a 3 vs 0 whocares8x8
Killer: 1 vs 5


Super League Playoffs
Play 2 frames of 8US, 9-Ball, 8UK

Snooker Squad 12 vs 7 Uprising

r1p0m4n 3 vs 3 tweedweasle
pirate_steve 4 vs 2 derik_dalton
slatty 5 vs 2 irish_ninja
davey_1985 vs psychosis
dgeneratio vs angry_bacon

Deadline: Dec. 23rd


FBL Cup Semis
Play 4 frames of your type; 2 of straight

Underdogs 1 vs 11 Snooker Squad

welshie vs onevisit
karl_b 0 vs 4 r1p0m4n
hardy202 1 vs 3 crazy_greg
hatt0nl vs davey_1985
redalert124 vs the__tornado
fast_one11 vs mich
xxx vs slatty
staffie_man 0 vs 2 dgeneratio

Deadline: Dec. 30th?
Deleted User
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02:51 Thu 20 Dec 12 (GMT)  [Link]  
got an orig cent earlier to you all along with 5 halfs got all those in 5 frames before i snookered myself on 46 for 6 in a row against jose_enrique, if i got it would have been 7 halfs and 1 cent in a row. I still beat him 7-3 though to you all

Shhhh!! it was my first night back! give it a week
Deleted User
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10:48 Thu 20 Dec 12 (GMT)  [Link]  
If owen wants a game im happy to give him my FBL cup game and super league game..
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12:53 Thu 20 Dec 12 (GMT)  [Link]  
10:49 Thu 20/12/12 Won the 8 Ball Tournament, winning 196 TournaPoints!
10:47 Wed 19/12/12 Won the 8 Ball Tournament, winning 210 TournaPoints!
09:31 Wed 19/12/12 Won the Micro 8 Ball Tournament, winning 70 TournaPoints!
17:15 Tue 18/12/12 Won the 8 Ball Tournament, winning 378 TournaPoints!

Getting use to this 8us now..
Deleted User
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14:28 Thu 20 Dec 12 (GMT)  [Link]  
If owen wants a game im happy to give him my FBL cup game and super league game..

Ah cheers man!! ... its upto the captain tho
Posts: 38,097
14:58 Thu 20 Dec 12 (GMT)  [Link]  
Seb isn't back while tomorrow, i don't really mind, Super League due in a few days, and no real pressure in the FBL Cup yet
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16:06 Thu 20 Dec 12 (GMT)  [Link]  
13:52 Thu 20/12/12 Won the 9 Ball Marathon Tournament, winning 532 TournaPoints!
13:17 Thu 20/12/12 9 Ball Billiards - davey_1985 potted the 9 ball on a golden break!

Started the tourny on 716 rank and finished on 767..

1st round
davey_1985 bye vs DQ al_packer +5.4 rank

2nd round
davey_1985 (3) vs ant_walden (0) +9.3 rank

davey_1985 (3) vs zakmagic (0) +11.8 rank

davey_1985 (4) vs gerard_mc (2) + 14.8
The worst loser ever.. also beat him in straight semi and he still thinks my luck beat him in all frames..

davey_1985 (5) vs (2) baghera + 13 rank..

Posts: 38,097
16:13 Thu 20 Dec 12 (GMT)  [Link]  
davey_1985 (4) vs <name removed> (2) + 14.8
The worst loser ever.. also beat him in straight semi and he still thinks my luck beat him in all frames..

sounds like no_talking to me who said same thing on my 56 run to win my only Straight Final
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16:15 Thu 20 Dec 12 (GMT)  [Link]  
Posts: 22,512
16:47 Thu 20 Dec 12 (GMT)  [Link]  
r1p0m4n v raymondrfc52
is now
r1p0m4n v i_am_beast

Jema asked me to do this for her as her laptop keeps turning off on her and im using the normal computer right now. Website will show this in a minute as she asked me to do while i was updating games.
Posts: 38,097
16:58 Thu 20 Dec 12 (GMT)  [Link]  
np only problem is James is having PC problems at mo but still early days
Posts: 4,971
18:07 Thu 20 Dec 12 (GMT)  [Link]  
psychosis v davey_1985
is now
w_hoolahan v davey_1985
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19:20 Thu 20 Dec 12 (GMT)  [Link]  
davey 1 vs 5 hoolahan
Posts: 38,097
20:08 Thu 20 Dec 12 (GMT)  [Link]  
ul mate, think thats 1 frame ahead with my game left so a 3-3 or better would be enough
Deleted User
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22:26 Thu 20 Dec 12 (GMT)  [Link]  
Playing FCL soon

be back with report
Deleted User
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23:10 Thu 20 Dec 12 (GMT)  [Link]  
sarny v thegame

3-2 us8

2-3 us9 this was hurrendous from both.

2-3 8uk i was 2 up here and had a straight into touchpad shot for me lol..shuda been over but i lost some how..oh i fouled black on run out effort in last .

we both ran rack in uk.

otherwise it was not a good match.

7-8 loss wow is all il say
Posts: 38,097
23:46 Thu 20 Dec 12 (GMT)  [Link]  
ul mate snooker players are always decent here though in most cases
Posts: 38,097
00:36 Fri 21 Dec 12 (GMT)  [Link]  
me vs bacon

US: 1-1
9US: 0-2
UK: 1-1
Tot: 2-4

US, played well with a 7 balling in 1st after he had a lag spike
9US, should have won one of these but missed a sitter
UK, 1st frame my yellows went towards his reds so i had to fight hard to escape which involved a double cannon, i got snookered on black, in 2nd i needed a runout but break lagged a touch i won that frame, 1-1 fair result here

could have done better but bacon played well and slightly disappointed in myself for not getting the draw.

nice guy, ggs gl for season
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Snooker Squad VIII- We don't post stupid pictures because we're at work

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