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The Professionals

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Posts: 22,512
17:32 Fri 16 Nov 12 (GMT)  [Link]  
The Professionals (70) v (35) Mouseketeers

dvz (12) v (3) mfc_ss
mattywellie (8) v (7) fastboysam
lethal_playa (8) v (7) girl_power7
beenjammin (11) v (4) mat_123
rapid_pot (10) v (5) samwisemac
scott7a (11) v (4) stephenball
ginomanx3 v marksmith
_redherring_ (10) v (5) woowoo69

Inpossibles (29) v (61) The Professionals

blackcabman7 (3) v (12) bluenose1872
rhinofool (6) v (9) _redherring_
hotdave v ginomanx3
remarkaball (5) v (10) lethal_playa
tamtheman v rapid_pot
winter64 (3) v (12) mattywellie
lisus (2) v (13) scott7a
shadwell17 (10) v (5) horse10000

Deadline: 18/11/12 @ Midnight!
Posts: 22,512
17:32 Fri 16 Nov 12 (GMT)  [Link]  
Set Three

Snooker Squad v The Professionals

crazy_greg v dvz
lethal_lures v horse10000
onevisit v davybaumers
mich v scott7a
whocares8x8 v mattywellie
rubber_duck v rapid_pot
sarny_lad v beenjammin
pirate_steve v tinie_tempah

The Professionals v Uprising

beenjammin v psychosis
ginomanx3 v w_hoolahan
lethal_playa v derik_dalton
_redherring_ v slimeball
bluenose1872 v therev
horse10000 v angry_bacon
rapid_pot v lost
dvz v huts24

Cup Round One

The Professional v Underdogs

scott7a v xxx
lethal_playa v stop_police
bluenose1872 v fast_one11
ginomanx3 v ads19
_redhering_ v redalert124

Deadline: 2/12/12
Posts: 22,512
17:34 Fri 16 Nov 12 (GMT)  [Link]  
Underdogs (7) vs (23) The Professionals

my2cjms (2) v (4) horse10000
hardy202 (0) v (6) beenjammin

xxx (2) v (4) lethal_playa
welshie (2) v (4) dvz

wobblefit v _redherring_
fast_one11 (1) v (5) bluenose1872

redalert124 v rapid_pot
stop_police v scott7a

Underdogs v The Professionals

The Professionals (6) vs (6) The Sinners

beenjammin v king8ball1
davybaumers v the__priest

bluenose1872 (4) v (2) jgo3000
ginomanx3 v gerard_mc

_redherring_ v jame2010s
scott7a v its_me

rapid_pot v mdj
dvz (2) v (4) banana

The Professionals v The Sinners

Deadline: 25/11/12
Posts: 22,512
17:35 Fri 16 Nov 12 (GMT)  [Link]  
There you go ladies, new games are posted and others are updated.

Have tagged our players in new games instead so you all can see what games you have to play and what not.
Posts: 3,846
18:13 Fri 16 Nov 12 (GMT)  [Link]  
hello, sry to have a post on here, ive got lethal playa in a clan match and i cant message him cos he has me on ignore, all i did was win 2 1 once in a couple of rank games,if u can ask him to get in touch with me pls

Edited by forum moderator jooodles, at 20:42 Fri 16/11/12 (GMT)
Posts: 5,821
18:16 Fri 16 Nov 12 (GMT)  [Link]  
sry but tamtheman has got his messages not recieving messages he was online ask him to get game done but did not get back to me and ii no subs left sry about this but think its going to default
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
18:17 Fri 16 Nov 12 (GMT)  [Link]  
hello, sry to have a post on here, ive got lethal playa in a clan match and i cant message him cos he has me on ignore, all i did was win 2 1 once in a couple of rank games however if u can ask him to get in touch with me pls,


Edited by forum moderator jooodles, at 20:42 Fri 16/11/12 (GMT)
Posts: 98
18:22 Fri 16 Nov 12 (GMT)  [Link]  
hello, sry to have a post on here, ive got lethal playa in a clan match and i cant message him cos he has me on ignore, all i did was win 2 1 once in a couple of rank games ,if u can ask him to get in touch with me pls,

This is brilliant LMAO

Edited by forum moderator jooodles, at 20:43 Fri 16/11/12 (GMT)
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
18:26 Fri 16 Nov 12 (GMT)  [Link]  
hello, sry to have a post on here, ive got lethal playa in a clan match and i cant message him cos he has me on ignore, all i did was win 2 1 once in a couple of rank games however,if u can ask him to get in touch with me pls,

This is brilliant LMAO


Edited by forum moderator jooodles, at 20:43 Fri 16/11/12 (GMT)
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
18:38 Fri 16 Nov 12 (GMT)  [Link]  
hello, sry to have a post on here, ive got lethal playa in a clan match and i cant message him cos he has me on ignore, all i did was win 2 1 once in a couple of rank games however,if u can ask him to get in touch with me pls,

This is brilliant LMAO


You all may find it funny i find it quite pathetic and there was no need for the post at all, he could if messaged a captain or vice captain we have enough instead he chose to post on a public forum, very childish, and he wonders why he is on ignore.

Edited by forum moderator jooodles, at 20:44 Fri 16/11/12 (GMT)
Posts: 3,846
18:51 Fri 16 Nov 12 (GMT)  [Link]  
it werent inteneded to be funny matty,the reason im on ignore is cos i beat him 2 1 in some uk games, and he put u are a very luck gentlemen dont ever come into my room again, i laughed in response, and got another mouthfull of abuse, so i asked what were up were him to some one else, and they said he had mental problems at the moment, but he always seems to have mood changes,i just posted on oppositions wall like i always do if i have struggle to arrange games

Edited at 17:10 Fri 16/11/12 (GMT)
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
18:55 Fri 16 Nov 12 (GMT)  [Link]  
Oh come on matt, it's funny they way he said it.
Posts: 22,512
18:56 Fri 16 Nov 12 (GMT)  [Link]  
You may want to edit the above post.

All you needed to say was i have a game with him and he has me on ignore, if he refuses to play you then a swap will be made in due course.

Now that is settled
Posts: 3,846
18:59 Fri 16 Nov 12 (GMT)  [Link]  
You may want to edit the above post.

All you needed to say was i have a game with him and he has me on ignore, if he refuses to play you then a swap will be made in due course.

Now that is settled

Which post?
Posts: 22,512
19:01 Fri 16 Nov 12 (GMT)  [Link]  
The one in which you swore, admin and mods are not stupid remember and even rephrasing or rewording swear words is still against the rules mate and it ain't a good idea to quote what another player may have or may not have said to you in a message or in game.
Deleted User
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19:01 Fri 16 Nov 12 (GMT)  [Link]  
The one with swear words in it
Posts: 3,846
19:03 Fri 16 Nov 12 (GMT)  [Link]  
The one in which you swore, admin and mods are not stupid remember and even rephrasing or rewording swear words is still against the rules mate and it ain't a good idea to quote what another player may have or may not have said to you in a message or in game.

The way i posted it was exactly the way he said it to me, how can it be moderated and dealt with , if it wasnt at the time
Posts: 22,512
19:08 Fri 16 Nov 12 (GMT)  [Link]  
Does not matter, it is not allowed on the forums as it is breaking forum rules. I simply pointed it out to you so you would not get in to trouble over something so stupid, or if you wish i can point a moderator in the direction of the post and they can deal with it in their own way.
Posts: 3,846
19:11 Fri 16 Nov 12 (GMT)  [Link]  
Editited, sorry if it offended anyone, only repeating what was said to me
Posts: 1,142
19:28 Fri 16 Nov 12 (GMT)  [Link]  
Well tamtheman is online again, and has been for a while. I've messaged him while has been online with no reply again...
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The Professionals

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