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12 years ago  [Link]  
Fighting Eagles v Inpossibles
Deadline Is Midnight Oct 21st /12

eaglestrike v k3v
kingdadcool v x_cassie_x
tarantino v lisus
gerard_mc v mark82
dessie_22 v shadwell17
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
12 years ago  [Link]  
opps did it again double post

Edited at 20:32 Sat 06/10/12 (BST)
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
12 years ago  [Link]  
Will ever 1 please welcome taratino to the Team.A Great addition.
ghost_rider out as very unreliable off 13 days with no advanced notice wt so ever.As i have said in the past i will not tolerate this.kingdadcool will be on vaccation,but atleast he did tell me.Thx Mikee
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
12 years ago  [Link]  
Fighting Eagles(31) v(14) Inpossibles
flash_is_bac(12) v(3) _danny_17
gordo v girl_power7
senisbleshow v tamtheman
kingdadcool(8) v(7) mark82
gerard_mc v winter64 UK8 TBC
skiller10(11) v(4) rhinofool
07nels07 v swagga_back
mackk v k3v

Fighting Eagles(34) v(26) Ninja Warriors

eaglestrike v lfc07
pintofshandy v seanallen
kingdadacool(11) v(4) jack86
pat_groves07(6) v(9) lethal_playa
murphybhoy v powerfool
dessie_22 v angela09
flash_is_bac(11) v(4) ripped_rank
scirocco(6) v(9 )jig_saw
Deadline is 10/14/12 Please keep it Freindly at all times

Edited at 22:24 Sat 06/10/12 (BST)
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
12 years ago  [Link]  
murphybhoy offline a week

maybe sub yourself in mike? we can get done now
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
12 years ago  [Link]  
Fighting Eagles Team Sheet
1.fattmikee (Captain)
2.gordo (vice Captain of FSL)
3.gerard_mc (Vice Captain FCL)
4.tarantino Davie
5.sensibleshow (ciaran)
7.07nels07 (Dara)
10.pintofshandy (Stevie)
11.kingdadcool (Paul)
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
12 years ago  [Link]  
Ok guys we are looking very good atm.I didnt no about the Acrade games.And i didnt have time to ask who wanted in are not.But if you do not wanna play just say so and ill put in a sub.Thx Mikee

Edited at 20:42 Sat 06/10/12 (BST)
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
12 years ago  [Link]  
Damm it another double post.Must be losing it.

Edited at 00:13 Sun 07/10/12 (BST)
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
12 years ago  [Link]  
Will ever 1 please welcome are new player tarantino(davie) to the Eagles.
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
12 years ago  [Link]  
8ball tarantino 0-2 lisus 9 ball tarantino 4-0 lisus total tarantino 4 - 2 lisus
Posts: 8,780
12 years ago  [Link]  
You get an extra point for your run out in us9 arcade, so it's 5-2 to you
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
12 years ago  [Link]  
You get an extra point for your run out in us9 arcade, so it's 5-2 to you

where was the run out i didnt see one and i was watching at the side of lisus.
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
12 years ago  [Link]  
a run out? you mean 7 baller?
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
12 years ago  [Link]  
oh yes, i ran the rack in 9ball. thanks jooodles

tarantino 5-2 lisus
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
12 years ago  [Link]  
im not very happy with impossibles captain. he keeps pestering me about my run out? says i didnt get one? jooodles has backed me up and says i did. here is my results page

please instruct hotdave not to contact me again about this please.
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
12 years ago  [Link]  
oh yes, i ran the rack in 9ball. thanks jooodles

tarantino 5-2 lisus

wo i aint keep messaging you and i didnt say that you didnt win either just that i dont understand how you had a run out when lisus had one shot in your last game of 9 ball as i also said to you i was there watching i was in the same room as lisus watching over his the only way i can see that you had a run out was that there must of been a glitch somewhere in the game there aint no other reason for it.
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
12 years ago  [Link]  
Well i dont think there is a glitch in the system? I broke, i cleared up. Maybe you got mistaken? As i dont want to argue but i dont remember you in the room to be honest?
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
12 years ago  [Link]  
Enough already.Dave you as a Captain shoud no if you have any dought about a run out are a golden break are a game played.Go to that players results page.And im sure JO JO did.End of discussion.

Edited at 20:31 Sun 07/10/12 (BST)
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
12 years ago  [Link]  
Fighting Eagles(5) v(2) Inpossibles
Deadline Is Midnight Oct 21st /12

eaglestrike v k3v
kingdadcool v x_cassie_x
tarantino(5) v(2) lisus 1 Bonas point to tarantino for run out
gerard_mc v mark82
dessie_22 v shadwell17

Edited at 20:44 Sun 07/10/12 (BST)
Posts: 8,780
12 years ago  [Link]  
Taken this from the super league web site

Each 8 Ball Arcade rack won by a player scores two points. In addition two points are scored for each 'event' recorded.

Each 9 Ball Arcade rack won by a player scores one point. A further one point is scored for each 'event' recorded.

An 'event' is classed as a Golden Break or a Run Out.

So i'm guessing the score for the game above is 5-4 to tarantino, i'll get chris to double check it
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