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The Sinners - 'The Forgiven Ones'

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Posts: 7,974
20:07 Wed 19 Sept 12 (BST)  [Link]  
I'm not apologising for nothing love me or hate me I speak my mind all I've done here is the same thing a lot of this clan have done in the past few seasons to others and not a word has been said, get over it and build a bridge have a good season back to EARN my money now see ya.

speak your mind, but please dont offend people in the way which your trying to do

your comments are totally inaccurate, unfounded and untrue

your just causing trouble and think your untouchable, be you a mod here or on snooker, who really cares.
Deleted User
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20:08 Wed 19 Sept 12 (BST)  [Link]  
See I've left the thread alone and Craig for no reason you comment on my posts this is a clear case of bullying, you say nothing to your "friends" one of whom has swore yet you feel you can say something to me, one day you will stop wih your double standards Craig and realise the truth.

Just so you know I actually asked a mod to check all my posts to make sure I wasn't breaking forum rules and the one that I did was wrong of me To accuse and i edited
Posts: 7,974
20:09 Wed 19 Sept 12 (BST)  [Link]  
How can she nobody can force me to leave a thread unless in doing something wrong which I'm clearly not, I'm not arguing I'm just making simple comments.

And by you saying your team will win not you, I felt it deserved a reply :-)

I don't like to be ignorant you see when I'm replied to.

all a matter of oppinion
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20:10 Wed 19 Sept 12 (BST)  [Link]  
I'm not apologising for nothing love me or hate me I speak my mind all I've done here is the same thing a lot of this clan have done in the past few seasons to others and not a word has been said, get over it and build a bridge have a good season back to EARN my money now see ya.

speak your mind, but please dont offend people in the way which your trying to do

your comments are totally inaccurate, unfounded and untrue

your just causing trouble and think your untouchable, be you a mod here or on snooker, who really cares.

Read through the posts I don't care I'm a mod it was someone else who brought that point up Craig. Again just aiming these posts at me is deemed as bullying and they will be reported :-)
Deleted User
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20:11 Wed 19 Sept 12 (BST)  [Link]  
See I've left the thread alone and Craig for no reason you comment on my posts this is a clear case of bullying, you say nothing to your "friends" one of whom has swore yet you feel you can say something to me, one day you will stop wih your double standards Craig and realise the truth.

Just so you know I actually asked a mod to check all my posts to make sure I wasn't breaking forum rules and the one that I did was wrong of me To accuse and i edited

Jeez Matty you're on fire lol.
Posts: 7,974
20:13 Wed 19 Sept 12 (BST)  [Link]  
See I've left the thread alone and Craig for no reason you comment on my posts this is a clear case of bullying, you say nothing to your "friends" one of whom has swore yet you feel you can say something to me, one day you will stop wih your double standards Craig and realise the truth.

Just so you know I actually asked a mod to check all my posts to make sure I wasn't breaking forum rules and the one that I did was wrong of me To accuse and i edited

i dont give a jot what youve done or what youve said
i accuse you of nothing, your comments are there to be seen , by all and admin to

i find your post boring to be honest, but hey you say what you want as always.
Posts: 3,610
20:14 Wed 19 Sept 12 (BST)  [Link]  
on.... fire.... or gutted players r here and not with him...... matty is a mod on snooks and had to delete his post about craig and sarah..... wot does that say ???
Deleted User
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20:15 Wed 19 Sept 12 (BST)  [Link]  
See I've left the thread alone and Craig for no reason you comment on my posts this is a clear case of bullying, you say nothing to your "friends" one of whom has swore yet you feel you can say something to me, one day you will stop wih your double standards Craig and realise the truth.

Just so you know I actually asked a mod to check all my posts to make sure I wasn't breaking forum rules and the one that I did was wrong of me To accuse and i edited

i dont give a jot what youve done or what youve said
i accuse you of nothing, your comments are there to be seen , by all and admin to

i find your post boring to be honest, but hey you say what you want as always.

I say what I want and I've broken no forum rules apart from when I said something to Sarah which I edited you on the other hand have still said nothing to your own players one o whom was swearing yet are directly aiming posts at me *looks up definition of bullying*
Posts: 6,262
20:16 Wed 19 Sept 12 (BST)  [Link]  
Who swore Matty ?

That is against forum rules I agree pal and is unsuitable for the forums..

The clip you wanted Craig that I told you about, I couldn't give a caber a toss, they're too heavy pal.
Deleted User
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20:17 Wed 19 Sept 12 (BST)  [Link]  
on.... fire.... or gutted players r here and not with him...... matty is a mod on snooks and had to delete his post about craig and sarah..... wot does that say ???

Didnt delete I edited, I'm not gutted about one player lol banana is a great player but he is here gl to him, get a grip if you actually think I care about an online game that much that I would have a vendetta against a team due to one player lol
Posts: 3,610
20:17 Wed 19 Sept 12 (BST)  [Link]  
I don't think it floats his but he can see how much pleasure this team is getting out of views, sad when u think about it surely if u all worked it would be better for the country :-)

u say here ^^^^ if we all worked........ not nice when u dont know if we do our not when ive stated alot.... that i do

they may work when ive asked .......... but u state here we dont work??? ure not a mod here...... let admin choose if its allowed or not.......... and stay of this thread........ jeezzzzzz..... u must be bored
Deleted User
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20:18 Wed 19 Sept 12 (BST)  [Link]  
Foxy who gives a caber toss what you earn, please take your crap to another thread where its wanted and appreciated

Your opinions means nothing here so keep them to yourself or share with someone who cares please pal..

Matty since when were you the octopus that knows everything please can you also leave it and shove ya petty comments where the sun doesn't shine pal, I have no issues with you personally just the crap you posted above

Have a nice day Sinners

You swore at the top there Colin. Even If it isn't filtered it is a clear swear word :-)
Posts: 3,610
20:18 Wed 19 Sept 12 (BST)  [Link]  
I don't think it floats his but he can see how much pleasure this team is getting out of views, sad when u think about it surely if u all worked it would be better for the country :-)

u say here ^^^^ if we all worked........ not nice when u dont know if we do our not when ive stated alot.... that i do

they may work when ive asked .......... but u state here we dont work??? ure not a mod here...... let admin choose if its allowed or not.......... and stay of this thread........ jeezzzzzz..... u must be bored
Deleted User
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20:19 Wed 19 Sept 12 (BST)  [Link]  
Is this not spamming repeating yourself over and over? Another breach of site rules.
Posts: 2,094
20:20 Wed 19 Sept 12 (BST)  [Link]  
LOL surprise surprise, It's going off on the sinners thread yet again!!
Deleted User
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20:21 Wed 19 Sept 12 (BST)  [Link]  
just leave it now , everyone please.
Enough is enough.

Take any further conversations to offline message please and not on here !
Posts: 3,610
20:22 Wed 19 Sept 12 (BST)  [Link]  
Is this not spamming repeating yourself over and over? Another breach of site rules.

just making it clear to people wot u said on this thread as u r still here
Posts: 6,262
20:23 Wed 19 Sept 12 (BST)  [Link]  
I didn't swear matty, its the context the word was used and you obviously have a different line of thought.

Caber tossing a sport in Scotland and very difficult to do, unless you have big muscles like tratter who I believe spends his days in the gym.

I for one could not do it as I am like Mr Sheen pal
Deleted User
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20:23 Wed 19 Sept 12 (BST)  [Link]  
just leave it now , everyone please.
Enough is enough.

Take any further conversations to offline message please and not on here !
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
20:24 Wed 19 Sept 12 (BST)  [Link]  
I didn't swear matty, its the context the word was used and you obviously have a different line of thought.

Caber tossing a sport in Scotland and very difficult to do, unless you have big muscles like tratter who I believe spends his days in the gym.

I for one could not do it as I am like Mr Sheen pal

Does he take his computer to the gym too?
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The Sinners - 'The Forgiven Ones'

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