~Vipers~ (Just having fun)
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00:56 Tue 10 Jul 12 (BST)
my man so much looks at me his in trouble rite now
00:58 Tue 10 Jul 12 (BST)
Best part is she wasnt even in the same room as me when i posted it
The man says hello and still gets in trouble
Best part is she wasnt even in the same room as me when i posted it
01:41 Tue 10 Jul 12 (BST)
FBL Announcement
Can you please send your default inofrmation for the following game(s) to bluenose1872 by the 11th of July before Midnight.
Game(s) going to default:
tartanrox (0) vs (0) blackcabman7 (8US)
Can you please send your default inofrmation for the following game(s) to bluenose1872 by the 11th of July before Midnight.
Game(s) going to default:
tartanrox (0) vs (0) blackcabman7 (8US)
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03:20 Tue 10 Jul 12 (BST)
FBL Straight
r1p0m4n (4) vs (2) pixie_dust
r1p0m4n (4) vs (2) pixie_dust
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13:39 Tue 10 Jul 12 (BST)
fbl 8us
hotdave(2) vs(4) relisys
should of been at least 3-3 but due to a hit and hope on the last game on black he potted it.
not too bad a games though gl rest.
hotdave(2) vs(4) relisys
should of been at least 3-3 but due to a hit and hope on the last game on black he potted it.
not too bad a games though gl rest.
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14:47 Tue 10 Jul 12 (BST)
welshie (5) vs (1) master8ball
handed him 3 frames , potted all the balls and made silly mistake on 9!! was annoying me ,even he noticed i was having bad luck
great guy , wish him all the luck in the season
Sorry Vipers
handed him 3 frames , potted all the balls and made silly mistake on 9!! was annoying me ,even he noticed i was having bad luck
great guy , wish him all the luck in the season
Sorry Vipers
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16:22 Tue 10 Jul 12 (BST)
sniper vs master8ball
9us sniper 4-1 master8ball
8us sniper 3-2 master8ball
8uk sniper 5-0 master8ball
total 12-3 sniper
9us sniper 4-1 master8ball
8us sniper 3-2 master8ball
8uk sniper 5-0 master8ball
total 12-3 sniper
01:01 Wed 11 Jul 12 (BST)
rhinofool v sean_paul
rhinofool v k1rk
Playing now
rhinofool v sean_paul
rhinofool v k1rk
Playing now
01:39 Wed 11 Jul 12 (BST)
The Underdogs(15) v(15) The Vipers
chris (6)v(0) blackcabman7
welshie (5)v(1) matthew95_8
woowoo69 (0) v(6) fry06
jooodles (2) v (4) mfc_ss
0utlaw(2) v(4) pixie_dust
Team Angry(9) v (3)The Vipers
the_rev v staffie_man
uncle_bob v matthew95_8
mooksterman(5) v(1) fry06
cannibals(4) v(2) rhinofool
najork v pixie_dust
2 of each 8us,9, UK
The Underdogs(15) v(15) The Vipers
chris (6)v(0) blackcabman7
welshie (5)v(1) matthew95_8
woowoo69 (0) v(6) fry06
jooodles (2) v (4) mfc_ss
0utlaw(2) v(4) pixie_dust
Team Angry(9) v (3)The Vipers
the_rev v staffie_man
uncle_bob v matthew95_8
mooksterman(5) v(1) fry06
cannibals(4) v(2) rhinofool
najork v pixie_dust
2 of each 8us,9, UK
01:43 Wed 11 Jul 12 (BST)
FCL - Fixture Set Two
Vipers (21) vs (54) The Legend Killers
matthew95_8 (3) vs (12) r1p0m4n
master8ball (3)vs (12)sniper
rhinofool (9) vs (6) relisys
pusher (3) vs (12) be_happy
staffie_man vs haste
fry06 vs ads19
blackcabman7(3)vs(12) davey_1985
_hot_potter_ vs familyguy0
Underdogs (21) vs (54) Vipers
hardy202 (2)vs(13) matthew95_8
robl94 (4)vs (11)pixie_dust
tombstone74 (4) vs (11) rhinofool
_the_rock_ (5) vs (10) mfc_ss
0utlaw (6) vs (9) hotdave
welshie vs x_connor
redalert124 vs pusher
9balljay vs _hot_potter_
Vipers (15) vs (30) MVP
_hot_potter_ vs davybaumers
rhinofool vs k1rk
fry06 (4) vs (11) _redherring_
master8ball (6) vs (9) huts24
pixie_dust (5)vs (10)bunrzybhoy
Deadline: 15th July 2012
Vipers (21) vs (54) The Legend Killers
matthew95_8 (3) vs (12) r1p0m4n
master8ball (3)vs (12)sniper
rhinofool (9) vs (6) relisys
pusher (3) vs (12) be_happy
staffie_man vs haste
fry06 vs ads19
blackcabman7(3)vs(12) davey_1985
_hot_potter_ vs familyguy0
Underdogs (21) vs (54) Vipers
hardy202 (2)vs(13) matthew95_8
robl94 (4)vs (11)pixie_dust
tombstone74 (4) vs (11) rhinofool
_the_rock_ (5) vs (10) mfc_ss
0utlaw (6) vs (9) hotdave
welshie vs x_connor
redalert124 vs pusher
9balljay vs _hot_potter_
Vipers (15) vs (30) MVP
_hot_potter_ vs davybaumers
rhinofool vs k1rk
fry06 (4) vs (11) _redherring_
master8ball (6) vs (9) huts24
pixie_dust (5)vs (10)bunrzybhoy
Deadline: 15th July 2012
01:46 Wed 11 Jul 12 (BST)
Underdogs (5) vs (1) Vipers
8USjooodles vs _hot_potter_
8UStombstone74 vs matthew95_8
9USwelshie (5) vs (1) master8ball
9USrobl94 vs pixie_dust
8UKhardy202 vs blackcabman7
8UK redalert124 vs rhinofool
Straight _the_rock_ vs pusher
Straight chris vs fry06
Killer Underdogs vs Vipers
Vipers (4) vs (8) The Legend Killers
8US hotdave (2)vs(4) relisys
8US mfc_ss vs mighty_zeus
9US staffie_man vs sniper
9US pusher vs wade_
8UK howhigh vs haste
8UK x_connor vs khukuri
Straight ripped_rank vs be_happy
Straight pixie_dust(2) vs(4)r1p0m4n
Killer Vipers vs Legend Killers
Underdogs (5) vs (1) Vipers
8USjooodles vs _hot_potter_
8UStombstone74 vs matthew95_8
9USwelshie (5) vs (1) master8ball
9USrobl94 vs pixie_dust
8UKhardy202 vs blackcabman7
8UK redalert124 vs rhinofool
Straight _the_rock_ vs pusher
Straight chris vs fry06
Killer Underdogs vs Vipers
Vipers (4) vs (8) The Legend Killers
8US hotdave (2)vs(4) relisys
8US mfc_ss vs mighty_zeus
9US staffie_man vs sniper
9US pusher vs wade_
8UK howhigh vs haste
8UK x_connor vs khukuri
Straight ripped_rank vs be_happy
Straight pixie_dust(2) vs(4)r1p0m4n
Killer Vipers vs Legend Killers
02:04 Wed 11 Jul 12 (BST)
rhinofool vs k1rk
8us rhinofool 2-3 k1rk
9us rhinofool 1-4 k1rk
8uk rhinofool 1-4 k1rk
rhinofool 4-11 k1rk
Not in same league as k1rk he was far too good. Got lucky a couple of times or scoreline wouldve been worse. Very well played mate.
8us rhinofool 2-3 k1rk
9us rhinofool 1-4 k1rk
8uk rhinofool 1-4 k1rk
rhinofool 4-11 k1rk
Not in same league as k1rk he was far too good. Got lucky a couple of times or scoreline wouldve been worse. Very well played mate.
02:26 Wed 11 Jul 12 (BST)
Cheers mate, nice guy and credit to your clan
rhinofool vs k1rk
8us rhinofool 2-3 k1rk
9us rhinofool 1-4 k1rk
8uk rhinofool 1-4 k1rk
rhinofool 4-11 k1rk
Not in same league as k1rk he was far too good. Got lucky a couple of times or scoreline wouldve been worse. Very well played mate.
8us rhinofool 2-3 k1rk
9us rhinofool 1-4 k1rk
8uk rhinofool 1-4 k1rk
rhinofool 4-11 k1rk
Not in same league as k1rk he was far too good. Got lucky a couple of times or scoreline wouldve been worse. Very well played mate.
Cheers mate, nice guy and credit to your clan
05:37 Wed 11 Jul 12 (BST)
Davy also won his game against hot potter.
Good cup game their Vipers, pleasure to play you all.
Good cup game their Vipers, pleasure to play you all.
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12:46 Wed 11 Jul 12 (BST)
ripped_rank nearly offline 6 days ..... eny information on him or wot time he can be caught ?
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12:49 Wed 11 Jul 12 (BST)
Same, need a sub for Kenny, as does another player of mine.
ripped_rank nearly offline 6 days ..... eny information on him or wot time he can be caught ?
18:05 Wed 11 Jul 12 (BST)
tombstone is quite active and uncle_bob is active and usually on in evenings
waituiin on opponents fr my games
tombstone is quite active and uncle_bob is active and usually on in evenings
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~Vipers~ (Just having fun)
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