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Deleted User
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00:18 Thu 5 Jul 12 (BST)  [Link]  
must pop in here and have a big LOL at therev's comment on his thread ! guess he will always cry and make excuses when he loses maybe someone should tell him he isnt that good !

So your telling me that all your shots that went about 90mph around the table and 75% went in pocket weren't lucky(if you think not then ur a typical ex shooter)?

Also all the lucky positions ya got in in uk8 after smashing balls was completely unreal aswell
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
00:18 Thu 5 Jul 12 (BST)  [Link]  
yes, your right there.

See you in the next round.. oh wait, you wont be there
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
00:20 Thu 5 Jul 12 (BST)  [Link]  
yes, your right there.

See you in the next round.. oh wait, you wont be there

How old are you? its a game get a life
Posts: 19,819
00:20 Thu 5 Jul 12 (BST)  [Link]  
Hey will do people in clans do this spoonie and rev I get on with you 2 so show some respect please and not cotinue this.
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
00:21 Thu 5 Jul 12 (BST)  [Link]  
yes, your right there.

See you in the next round.. oh wait, you wont be there

How old are you? its a game get a life

meh, i just dont like the fact you are calling a teammate "cry baby" etc etc..

i will leave your thread zac. see you and good luck
Posts: 19,819
00:23 Thu 5 Jul 12 (BST)  [Link]  
Thank you spoonie if people have problems can they be dealt in offline messages and pms?
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
00:24 Thu 5 Jul 12 (BST)  [Link]  
yes, your right there.

See you in the next round.. oh wait, you wont be there

How old are you? its a game get a life

meh, i just dont like the fact you are calling a teammate "cry baby" etc etc..

i will leave your thread zac. see you and good luck

you read his post tell me that don't sound like a bad loser (cry baby) lol!
Posts: 19,819
00:24 Thu 5 Jul 12 (BST)  [Link]  
FBL fixtue set one

Mouseketeers 26 vs 10 Vipers

8US tartanrox vs master8ball
8US fastboysam vs fry06

9US mastroianni 3 vs 3 matthew95_8
9US ryanbelfast 3 vs 3 thegreatone7

8UK fleetwood vs staffie_man
8UKmarksmith 4 vs 2 rhinofool

Straight samwisemac 6 vs 0 pixie_dust
Straight punkpoet 6 vs 0hotdave

Killer marksmith, punkpoet, samwisemac 4 vs 2 pixie_dust rhinofool and hotdave
Killer 3 vs 3 match 2

Uprising 20 vs 16 Mouseketeers

8US unstopp4bl35 vs 1 playa87
8US spin_doctor 4 vs 2 mastroianni

9US irish_ninja 2 vs 4 punkpoet
9US wade_vs nick79theman

8UK run_outt vs tartanrox
8UK cool_dude 3 vs 3 fleetwood

Straight psychosis vs eggfriedrice
Straight powerfool 0 vs 6 marksmith

spin_doctor powerfool rocketweaz 6 vs 0 punkpoet mastrioanni playa87
Killer 3 vs 3 match 2

You now the format lads, deadline is 8th of july i will be arranging when best to do killer. but expect killer pms :)

Edited at 21:41 Wed 04/07/12 (BST)

Edited at 22:26 Wed 04/07/12 (BST)

Edited at 23:16 Wed 04/07/12 (BST)
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
00:24 Thu 5 Jul 12 (BST)  [Link]  
yes, your right there.

See you in the next round.. oh wait, you wont be there

How old are you? its a game get a life

meh, i just dont like the fact you are calling a teammate "cry baby" etc etc..

i will leave your thread zac. see you and good luck

you read his post tell me that don't sound like a bad loser (cry baby) lol!

I dont care what it sounds like, doesnt give you the right to carry it on, why couldnt you have just been the bigger man and left it alone, instead of trying to show him up in front of your team?

Same thing happened to me last night zantetsukenz left the problem alone whilst i posted about him, i was in the wrong and was embarassed when he just posted 'things are best left alone'.. for leaving alone, he became the better man.

Edit: my apologies zac, will leave now.
Posts: 19,819
00:25 Thu 5 Jul 12 (BST)  [Link]  
super league fixture set 3

Mouseketeers 8 v 10 Team Angry

eggfriedrice 4 v 2 poolbiird
samwisemac v najork
tartonrox 1 v 5 mooksterman
nick79theman v mrmtp
marksmith 3 v 3 ipotalot

Mouseketeers 6 v 6 Shooters Revenge

eggfriedrice v bl3ss3d
mastroianni v _noodles_
samwisemac 2 v 4 jame2010s
nick79theman v cree
punkpoet 4 v 2 i_am_classic

deadline 8/7/12
Posts: 19,819
00:26 Thu 5 Jul 12 (BST)  [Link]  
Players championship

(MOU) playa87 v (SS) i_am_blessed
(MOU) _armsrace_ v (FE) pintofshandy
(MOU) fastboysam v (UND) redalert124
(VIP) master8ballv (MOU) punkpoet
(MOU) yetti v (MVP) andyw1 (12)
(MOU) fleetwood BYE

This is a optional competition if you don't play it doesn't matter :)
started a week ago but think i missed the post lol oops lol.
3 of each run outs and gbs get an extra point

deadline 8/7/12
Posts: 19,819
00:27 Thu 5 Jul 12 (BST)  [Link]  
FCL fixture set 2

Mouseketeers 15 Vs 15 Untouchables

eggfriedrice Vs polar_bear
ryanbelfast Vs mattywellie
marksmith Vs dark_chocco
fleetwood Vs dbno
fastboysam Vs madmiketyson
tartanrox Vs apples_back
samwisemac 7 Vs 8 jimmy__1878
punkpoet 8 Vs 7 im_crap_adam

Legend Killers Vs Mouseketeers

r1p0m4n Vs ryanbelfast
sniper 0 Vs 4 samwisemac TBC
relisys Vs nick79theman
be_happy vs eggfriedrice
haste Vs fleetwood
ads19 Vs mastroianni
davey_1985 Vs punkpoet
familyguy0 Vs marksmith

FCL Cup Game

Mouseketeers 16 vs 14 Team Angry

marksmith 7 vs 8 mooksterman
fleetwood vs ipotalot
eggfriedrice vs greyhound
samwisemac vs poobiird
playa87 9 vs 6 therev

Deadline 15/7/12

Edited at 22:25 Wed 04/07/12 (BST)
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
00:28 Thu 5 Jul 12 (BST)  [Link]  
yes, your right there.

See you in the next round.. oh wait, you wont be there

How old are you? its a game get a life

meh, i just dont like the fact you are calling a teammate "cry baby" etc etc..

i will leave your thread zac. see you and good luck

you read his post tell me that don't sound like a bad loser (cry baby) lol!

I dont care what it sounds like, doesnt give you the right to carry it on, why couldnt you have just been the bigger man and left it alone, instead of trying to show him up in front of your team?

thats rite my team not yours i could have posted it on your thread but didnt cos im in mouseketeers not team angry you didnt have to look at my post and reply but you stuck your nose in oh well maybe play for him next time or tell him to stop crying when he loses thanks and bye for now
Posts: 19,819
00:35 Thu 5 Jul 12 (BST)  [Link]  
Ok thats enough, I hate this aspect of clans, the rest of us don't need it.
Please pm each other or message or just ignore ok.
Posts: 2,800
00:39 Thu 5 Jul 12 (BST)  [Link]  

8UK cool_dude v tartanrox
8UK run_outt v fleetwood

is now

cool_dude vs fleetwood
run_outt vs tartanrox
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
01:00 Thu 5 Jul 12 (BST)  [Link]  
fbl fleetwood vs cool_dude 3.3 ggs m8
Posts: 19,819
01:23 Thu 5 Jul 12 (BST)  [Link]  
mouses vs untouchables
punkpoet 8 vs 7 im_crap_adam
3-2 8bus
3-2 9ball
2-3 8buk
Big win for me tbh pretty happy here. Adam was ul think it was the clean clearances of adam vs the scrappy play of me lol. Think it helped he was drunk for the beginning but happy with my performance here and my 3rd straight fcl win
Posts: 5,702
01:38 Thu 5 Jul 12 (BST)  [Link]  
Will say again here in case you didn't see on my thread pal, thanks for being patient while i went and got food , grats again on the win and best of luck with rest.
Posts: 19,819
01:47 Thu 5 Jul 12 (BST)  [Link]  
Will say again here in case you didn't see on my thread pal, thanks for being patient while i went and got food , grats again on the win and best of luck with rest.

No worries can't deny you a kebab
Posts: 19,819
01:48 Thu 5 Jul 12 (BST)  [Link]  
8US unstopp4bl3vs samwisemac
is now
unstoppbl3 vs playa87

9US wade_vs nick79theman
is now
9US wade_ vs firepower

hey I know i have subbed 2 active guys out, i did this for 2 reasons firstly so playa87 and firepower get a couple more games under there belts and secondly to get theese games sorted.
I hope the 2 players involved arn't upset by this :)
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