Legend Killers (Losing is not an option)
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13 years ago
Super League II
Fixture Set 3 games are here...
Deadline for these games is Midnight UK on Sunday 8th July.
Fixture Set 3 games are here...
Deadline for these games is Midnight UK on Sunday 8th July.
Deleted User
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13 years ago
Nah nowhere near deadline but getting it played tonight is a great idea get it out the way mate :-)
it is mate deadline tonight its champions player
dbno says he can play me after the footy 2night so will be close to deadline but should be done :)
Nah nowhere near deadline but getting it played tonight is a great idea get it out the way mate :-)
it is mate deadline tonight its champions player
Deleted User
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13 years ago
You can play - however I didnt get a teamlist. You will need to get yourself subbed into a game if you want to play.
i thought i was plying this round of ?
You can play - however I didnt get a teamlist. You will need to get yourself subbed into a game if you want to play.
Deleted User
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13 years ago
Nah nowhere near deadline but getting it played tonight is a great idea get it out the way mate :-)
it is mate deadline tonight its champions player
Oh you have him to play in the league aswell pal.
dbno says he can play me after the footy 2night so will be close to deadline but should be done :)
Nah nowhere near deadline but getting it played tonight is a great idea get it out the way mate :-)
it is mate deadline tonight its champions player
Oh you have him to play in the league aswell pal.
Deleted User
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(IP Logged)
13 years ago
Nah nowhere near deadline but getting it played tonight is a great idea get it out the way mate :-)
it is mate deadline tonight its champions player
Oh you have him to play in the league aswell pal.
i know mate tnx haha
dbno says he can play me after the footy 2night so will be close to deadline but should be done :)
Nah nowhere near deadline but getting it played tonight is a great idea get it out the way mate :-)
it is mate deadline tonight its champions player
Oh you have him to play in the league aswell pal.
i know mate tnx haha
Deleted User
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13 years ago
Post it in FBL results..its 6 games of one type. FCL is 15 games..and FSL is 2 games of each, so 6.
Hi guys...
fuunky 4 vs 2 tombstone74 (UK 8Ball)
good games m8, very unlucky
Do i have to post this result anywhere else??
fuunky 4 vs 2 tombstone74 (UK 8Ball)
good games m8, very unlucky
Do i have to post this result anywhere else??
Deleted User
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13 years ago
They are both FCL games..so FCL results, but if they arent there already i will post 4 u
im_crap_adam (9) vs (6) davey_1985
ggs mate gl for rest of season...
davey1985 (11) vs (4) robl94
ggs mate gl for rest of season
wot result thread do these go in..
ggs mate gl for rest of season...
davey1985 (11) vs (4) robl94
ggs mate gl for rest of season
wot result thread do these go in..
Deleted User
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13 years ago
The_only_ego vs liquidpool
Is now
Polar_bear vs liquidpool
The_only_ego vs liquidpool
Is now
Polar_bear vs liquidpool
Deleted User
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(IP Logged)
13 years ago
FCL season 17
Untouchables (40) vs (20) The Legend Killers
5 Games each of 8 ball US, 8 ball UK, and 9 ball!
polar_bear (0) vs (0) liquidpool
jimmy_1878 (8) vs (7) i_am_dubstep
dbno (0) vs (0) relisys
the_unknown (9) vs (6) ads19
mattywellie (0) vs (0) yorkshire1
banana (14) vs (1) r1p0m4n
hightops (0) vs (0) familyguy0
im_crap_adam (9) vs (6) davey_1985
The Legend Killers (34) vs (11) UnderDogs
liquidpool (0) vs (0) redalert124
sniper (9) vs (6) tombstone74
relisys (14) vs (1) hardy202
ads19 (0) vs (0) 0utlaw
davey1985 (11) (4) robl94
r1p0m4n (0) vs (0) lilmisscragg
familyguy0 (0) vs (0) welshie
yorkshire1(s) (0) vs (0) lfc07
Deadline for these games is 1/7/12
Good luck everybody! Deadline is July 1st
Edited at 21:38 Sun 24/06/12 (BST)
Untouchables (40) vs (20) The Legend Killers
5 Games each of 8 ball US, 8 ball UK, and 9 ball!
polar_bear (0) vs (0) liquidpool
jimmy_1878 (8) vs (7) i_am_dubstep
dbno (0) vs (0) relisys
the_unknown (9) vs (6) ads19
mattywellie (0) vs (0) yorkshire1
banana (14) vs (1) r1p0m4n
hightops (0) vs (0) familyguy0
im_crap_adam (9) vs (6) davey_1985
The Legend Killers (34) vs (11) UnderDogs
liquidpool (0) vs (0) redalert124
sniper (9) vs (6) tombstone74
relisys (14) vs (1) hardy202
ads19 (0) vs (0) 0utlaw
davey1985 (11) (4) robl94
r1p0m4n (0) vs (0) lilmisscragg
familyguy0 (0) vs (0) welshie
yorkshire1(s) (0) vs (0) lfc07
Deadline for these games is 1/7/12
Good luck everybody! Deadline is July 1st
Edited at 21:38 Sun 24/06/12 (BST)
Deleted User
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(IP Logged)
13 years ago
FSL Fixture Fixture 1
Team Angry (17) v (13) The Legend Killers
mrmtp (4) v (2) davey_1985
_merkovo_ (0) v (6) r1p0m4n
crazzymadman (4) v (2) sniper
therev (4) v (2) ads19
ipotalot (5) v (1) familyguy0
Deadline is Midnight UK Wednesday 27th June
Comepleted!! Well done everybody you did great lost by 4 points to a great team, but very fast games. Well done again to everybody
Shooters Revenge (12) v (12) The Legend Killers
steventait88 v sniper
blueberry (4) v (2) ads19
bl3ss3d(4) v (2) r1p0m4n
cree (3) v (3) relisys
i_am_classic (1) v (5) davey_1985
Just up to me to get a tie or win here guys!
Deadline for games are Midnight UK Wednesday 27th June
Team Angry (17) v (13) The Legend Killers
mrmtp (4) v (2) davey_1985
_merkovo_ (0) v (6) r1p0m4n
crazzymadman (4) v (2) sniper
therev (4) v (2) ads19
ipotalot (5) v (1) familyguy0
Deadline is Midnight UK Wednesday 27th June
Comepleted!! Well done everybody you did great lost by 4 points to a great team, but very fast games. Well done again to everybody
Shooters Revenge (12) v (12) The Legend Killers
steventait88 v sniper
blueberry (4) v (2) ads19
bl3ss3d(4) v (2) r1p0m4n
cree (3) v (3) relisys
i_am_classic (1) v (5) davey_1985
Just up to me to get a tie or win here guys!
Deadline for games are Midnight UK Wednesday 27th June
Deleted User
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(IP Logged)
13 years ago
FBL Fixture set 1
The Legend Killers (4) vs (2) Underdogs
8US yorkshire1 (0) vs (0) lfc07
8US ads19 (0) vs (0) hardy202
9US familyguy0(s) (0) vs (0) joodles
9US relisys (0) vs (0) robl94
8UK fuunky (4) vs (2) tombstone74
8UK khukuri (0) vs (0) welshie
Straight r1p0m4n (0) vs (0) woowoo69
Straight ripped_rank (0) vs (0) lilmisscragg
Killer sniper/khukuri/r1p0m4n(or any 3 players) v 3 underdogs
Killer ads19/relisys/familyguy0(or any 3 players) v 3 different underdogs
The Legend Killers (0) vs (0) Uprising
8US yorkshire1 (0) vs (0) unstopp4bl3
8US ads19 (0) vs (0) spin_doctor
9US davey_1985(s) (0) vs (0) irish_ninja
9US relisys (0) vs (0) wade_
8UK fuunky (0) vs (0) cool_dude
8UK khukuri (0) vs (0) run_outt
Straight r1p0m4n (0) vs (0) psychosis
Straight ripped_rank (0) vs (0) powerfool
Killer is same as underdogs killer games.
Good luck everybody, and as always please message your opponents.
Deadline is 8th July 2012
Edited at 22:02 Sun 24/06/12 (BST)
The Legend Killers (4) vs (2) Underdogs
8US yorkshire1 (0) vs (0) lfc07
8US ads19 (0) vs (0) hardy202
9US familyguy0(s) (0) vs (0) joodles
9US relisys (0) vs (0) robl94
8UK fuunky (4) vs (2) tombstone74
8UK khukuri (0) vs (0) welshie
Straight r1p0m4n (0) vs (0) woowoo69
Straight ripped_rank (0) vs (0) lilmisscragg
Killer sniper/khukuri/r1p0m4n(or any 3 players) v 3 underdogs
Killer ads19/relisys/familyguy0(or any 3 players) v 3 different underdogs
The Legend Killers (0) vs (0) Uprising
8US yorkshire1 (0) vs (0) unstopp4bl3
8US ads19 (0) vs (0) spin_doctor
9US davey_1985(s) (0) vs (0) irish_ninja
9US relisys (0) vs (0) wade_
8UK fuunky (0) vs (0) cool_dude
8UK khukuri (0) vs (0) run_outt
Straight r1p0m4n (0) vs (0) psychosis
Straight ripped_rank (0) vs (0) powerfool
Killer is same as underdogs killer games.
Good luck everybody, and as always please message your opponents.
Deadline is 8th July 2012
Edited at 22:02 Sun 24/06/12 (BST)
Deleted User
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(IP Logged)
13 years ago
FSL set 3
Uprising v The Legend Killers
scallo v davey_1985
run_outt v r1p0m4n
walktall v (s)ripped_rank
wade_ v relisys
powerfoolv ads19
The Vipers v The Legend Killers
blackcabman7 v (s)ripped_rank
master8ball v familyguy0
matthew95_8 v davey_1985
fry06 v sniper
pixie_dust v r1p0m4n
2 Games of 8 ball US 8 ball UK and 9 ball
1 point for each game won. You get an extra point for golden breaks, or rack runs, 7 balling
Deadline for these games is Midnight UK on Sunday 8th July
Uprising v The Legend Killers
scallo v davey_1985
run_outt v r1p0m4n
walktall v (s)ripped_rank
wade_ v relisys
powerfoolv ads19
The Vipers v The Legend Killers
blackcabman7 v (s)ripped_rank
master8ball v familyguy0
matthew95_8 v davey_1985
fry06 v sniper
pixie_dust v r1p0m4n
2 Games of 8 ball US 8 ball UK and 9 ball
1 point for each game won. You get an extra point for golden breaks, or rack runs, 7 balling
Deadline for these games is Midnight UK on Sunday 8th July
Deleted User
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(IP Logged)
13 years ago
Team list
1. ads19 (captain)
2.sniper (co captain)
3. familyguy0 (Vice captain)
4. liquidpool 5 days offline!
5.fuunky (UK Only) so FBL only.
6.relisys (active)
7.the_pun1sh3r 9 days offline
8.davey_1985 (active) snooker player
9.r1p0m4n (active) snooker player
10.haste Able to play in 2 days
Welcome swarley glad to have you apart of this team! Please add fellow members if you wish, and get to know them.
scrappy_d00 removed due to 13 days offline! I sure hope he gets back on soon.
dubstep gone..
Edited at 23:34 Sun 24/06/12 (BST)
1. ads19 (captain)
2.sniper (co captain)
3. familyguy0 (Vice captain)
4. liquidpool 5 days offline!
5.fuunky (UK Only) so FBL only.
6.relisys (active)
7.the_pun1sh3r 9 days offline
8.davey_1985 (active) snooker player
9.r1p0m4n (active) snooker player
10.haste Able to play in 2 days
Welcome swarley glad to have you apart of this team! Please add fellow members if you wish, and get to know them.
scrappy_d00 removed due to 13 days offline! I sure hope he gets back on soon.
dubstep gone..
Edited at 23:34 Sun 24/06/12 (BST)
Deleted User
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(IP Logged)
13 years ago
Let's get these games goin guys! Good luck to everybody!
Deleted User
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(IP Logged)
13 years ago
fsl game against vipers
8 us 1 - 1
9 us 0 - 2
8 uk 2 - 0
3 - 3
sorry guys he got few flukes in 9 us but i did well in uk and took my chances well
he was a credit to play and would play him anytime again
he a credit to play for snipers and this guy deserves respect sorry for draw but 9 us and 8 us weren't there for me today
8 us 1 - 1
9 us 0 - 2
8 uk 2 - 0
3 - 3
sorry guys he got few flukes in 9 us but i did well in uk and took my chances well
he was a credit to play and would play him anytime again
he a credit to play for snipers and this guy deserves respect sorry for draw but 9 us and 8 us weren't there for me today
13 years ago
fsl game against vipers
thaxs m8 but nine ball was a fluke the way the balls landed for comb and u played well in 8 ball uk so the game could have went either way m8 gl in rest of season
1 - 1
9 us 0 - 2
8 uk 2 - 0
3 - 3
sorry guys he got few flukes in 9 us but i did well in uk and took my chances well
he was a credit to play and would play him anytime again
he a credit to play for snipers and this guy deserves respect sorry for draw but 9 us and 8 us weren't there for me today
thaxs m8 but nine ball was a fluke the way the balls landed for comb and u played well in 8 ball uk so the game could have went either way m8 gl in rest of season
1 - 1
9 us 0 - 2
8 uk 2 - 0
3 - 3
sorry guys he got few flukes in 9 us but i did well in uk and took my chances well
he was a credit to play and would play him anytime again
he a credit to play for snipers and this guy deserves respect sorry for draw but 9 us and 8 us weren't there for me today
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Legend Killers (Losing is not an option)
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