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Shooters Revenge

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14:45 Thu 7 Jun 12 (BST)  [Link]  
Not a the moment there not m8, i thought they would of tried to rebuild in the break but i can't really see any change tbh.
Posts: 4,557
19:59 Thu 7 Jun 12 (BST)  [Link]  
16:41 Thu 07/06/12
Won the 9 Ball Arcade Tournament, winning 420 TournaPoints!

winner huts24 : 35th time of winning this tournament

R1 huts24 vs titch DQ
R2 huts24 vs ink DQ
QF huts24 2-0 shahul5
SM huts24 2-0 hill_scouse
Final huts24 3-2 dntbscared

enjoyed winning this one , was close in the final but skill was the key hence why i won

22 more tournament wins to reach 200

Edited at 17:04 Thu 07/06/12 (BST)
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20:12 Thu 7 Jun 12 (BST)  [Link]  

sooo true, plus now there is killer which i think we have literally no chance of playing, thankfully it's only a friendly.

But when the season starts i think we need to be concentrating on either getting killer played or getting all 6 default points i don't want to be losing points over that tbh.

Out of the 8 active there were 5 on last night at 7pm from their profiles including gordo who is very easy to arrange things with and the eagles players pretty much all play killer, shouldn't be any problems getting a game done if you liase with gordo pete.
Appreciate it isnt ideal having to fit in with when they actually have 3 on but when you're as active as you guys it helps.

i was on all nyt last nyt and from 8pm no1 came on apart from fattmikee who i messaged asking him wud he sub himself in to get a game out the way and i got ignored
Posts: 3,610
21:32 Thu 7 Jun 12 (BST)  [Link]  
im thinking about having a season out of clan games cause its annoying me so ill be online but not as a player...... im still a shooter though ive done clan games long enough to have a little break
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21:42 Thu 7 Jun 12 (BST)  [Link]  
Fighting Eagles Teamsheet

1) fattmikee Captain - 19 hours
2) soothsayer -James - 23 days
3) gordo Vice Captain - 3 hours
4) pintofshandy -Stevie - 3 hours
5) cam07-Mick - 17 hours
6) vegas-Dave - 5 days
7) 07nels07 -Dara - 1 hour
8) eaglestrike - 5 days
9) breksis - 20 days
10) colpepper - a month
11)fired_up_cue -Chad - 8 days
12) aaron1973 -Aron - 4 hours
13) kingywhu -Ian - 1 hour
14) flash_is_bac -Dillion - a day
15) TBA
16__anaconda__Phil - month and half

Make that 8 active players out of 15 players. Going to be a struggle to get this one complete, so we need to make sure we are doing all we can, so no fault is on our side.

Having done this at 9, there were only 2 players on after 7, latest 8, 2 players on at the latest 6pm, 1 player who was on till the lastest 5pm, just as I know when I did this and the hours related to this. I get what point your trying to make ipotalot however it doesnt help when as stated by shadows, fattmikee doesnt reply to messages.

All this does leave us with much leeway to play the games.
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21:44 Thu 7 Jun 12 (BST)  [Link]  
im thinking about having a season out of clan games cause its annoying me so ill be online but not as a player...... im still a shooter though ive done clan games long enough to have a little break

so ur thinking u might or u are ?????

u either a shooter and play or ur not a shooter full stop lol#

if u go im gone to meny changes happening
Posts: 3,610
21:46 Thu 7 Jun 12 (BST)  [Link]  
dont think so pal.... ill play when i want............ or not when i want u got it
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21:48 Thu 7 Jun 12 (BST)  [Link]  
dont think so pal.... ill play when i want............ or not when i want u got it

tevez !!!
Posts: 3,610
21:50 Thu 7 Jun 12 (BST)  [Link]  
shadows......... do 1 m8........... since when have i ever ever listened to u? or any11........ i listen to doubted.lethal.......blueberry... ure just a player thats in the team..... end of silly boy
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21:52 Thu 7 Jun 12 (BST)  [Link]  
shadows......... do 1 m8........... since when have i ever ever listened to u? or any11........ i listen to doubted.lethal.......blueberry... ure just a player thats in the team..... end of silly boy

yh team player u r u dont respond to messages and blame other ppl .. u try 4 arguments round every corner and a player yh so r u but <removed> this team more drama than a school class

Edited by forum moderator ab_rfc, at 19:00 Thu 07/06/12 (BST)
Posts: 3,610
21:53 Thu 7 Jun 12 (BST)  [Link]  
id be so so upset if u left lmao
Posts: 2,094
22:20 Thu 7 Jun 12 (BST)  [Link]  
shadows......... do 1 m8........... since when have i ever ever listened to u? or any11........ i listen to doubted.lethal.......blueberry... ure just a player thats in the team..... end of silly boy

yh team player u r u dont respond to messages and blame other ppl .. u try 4 arguments round every corner and a player yh so r u but <removed> this team more drama than a school class

Edited by forum moderator ab_rfc, at 19:00 Thu 07/06/12 (BST)

Haha even i picked up on this and I'm never on here lol, he's not called its_me for nothing you know!!
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22:32 Thu 7 Jun 12 (BST)  [Link]  
Posted Image

its_mes handbag is to powerful
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23:08 Thu 7 Jun 12 (BST)  [Link]  
Shooters Revenge 6 v 0 Uprising
bl3ss3d v run_outt
playa87 v cool_dude
blueberry v unstopp4bl3
steventait88 6 v 0 spin_doctor
j_a_m_e_s v walktall

Shooters Revenge 4 v 8 Latin Legends
huts24 2 v 4 pumas64
lethal_lures v straightline
its_me v king8ball1
jame2010s 2 v 4 w_hoolahan
schutzenmaus v vidic

Deadline - Midnight 17/6/12

FBL - Preseason Friendlies
Fighting Eagles 6 v 0 Shooters
8us : pintofshandy v bl3ss3d
8us : cam07 v shadows
9ball : upforit v j_a_m_e_s
9ball : gordo 6 v 0 playa87
8uk : fired_up_cue v jame2010s
8uk : kingywhu v its_me
str8 : eaglestrike v mattywellie
str8 : flash_is_bac v lethal_lures
killer 3 x 3: TBA v TBA

Deadline - Midnight 17/6/12

FCL - Preseason Friendlies
Underdogs 34 v 86 Shooters Revenge
lfc07 1 vs 14 its_me
hardy202 1 vs 14 lethal_lures
welshie 7 vs 8 i_am_classic
redalert124 4 vs 11 blueberry
cke1982 1 vs 14 bl3ss3d
chris 9 vs 6 playa87
woowoo69 4 vs 11 shadows
tombstone74 7 vs 8 ritcho

Deadline - Midnight 17/6/12
Posts: 3,610
23:09 Thu 7 Jun 12 (BST)  [Link]  
trats v lfc07 14-1

us9 ball lfc07-0--5 its_me
us8 ball lfc07-1--4 its_me
uk8 ball lfc07-0--5 its_me

he played alot better than the scoreline
Posts: 4,700
23:12 Thu 7 Jun 12 (BST)  [Link]  
tratter is it okay for you to play king8ball1 this coming saturday around this time?
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23:23 Thu 7 Jun 12 (BST)  [Link]  
Posted Image

its_mes handbag is to powerful

this made me laugh! lol
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23:30 Thu 7 Jun 12 (BST)  [Link]  
Hey guys i'm leaving to go help a friend out, i was here cos craig brought me and we was friends when i used to be a good player a while ago lol would never have been good enough to be here if he didn't bring me in! i like this clan awesome team here!

better off without me some of the results if had mind!

good luck all
Posts: 1,594
23:34 Thu 7 Jun 12 (BST)  [Link]  
Thanks for letting us no m8, good luck wherever u go
Posts: 1,594
23:53 Thu 7 Jun 12 (BST)  [Link]  
playa87 vs cool_dude

is now

jame2010s vs cool_dude
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