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Latin Legends Numero Four

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Posts: 3,610
13 years ago  [Link]  
ive got a job so im not able to play as much as u? u must get a hobby or something
Posts: 19,967
13 years ago  [Link]  
Where's barbaycue when you need him? His comment last time was genius

You're on here more than me tratter, pot kettle black again that should be you're new name. PKB.

Worrying signs for Super League game, Vlad and Zeus ain't about. Relying on subs or 3 top performances from me toluca and king
Deleted User
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13 years ago  [Link]  
Zak stop stooping to his level of crap comebacks man and let this fool leave this thread alone if not ill get someone mod, admins or league runners to give ya more warnings or hopefully get banned from leagues
Deleted User
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13 years ago  [Link]  
Where's barbaycue when you need him? His comment last time was genius

You're on here more than me tratter, pot kettle black again that should be you're new name. PKB.

Worrying signs for Super League game, Vlad and Zeus ain't about. Relying on subs or 3 top performances from me toluca and king
Ahh since you mentioned it zante, any chance of a sub in the next day or so, doesn't look likely that he'll come on.
Posts: 19,967
13 years ago  [Link]  
zeus has logged in, so hopefully he'll be about more. With vlad being offline 5 days and skiller10 logging in regularly it seems i'll sub him in. Not sure how its going to end up but its better than having a player who hasn't logged in for 5 days in the fixture

vladimir vs crazzymadman

is now

skiller10 vs crazzymadman
Posts: 4,700
13 years ago  [Link]  
Yeah if vladimir doesnt get online by tonite his gonna be offline for long time like the last time but he normally gets online from monday to friday 4am till 11 am uk time will see if he gets on tonite
Posts: 19,967
13 years ago  [Link]  
Playing mrmtp now, shall be super league first
Posts: 4,700
13 years ago  [Link]  
Good luck bud mattywallie told me he was going to be online yesterday to play king but never come he was browsing for a bit but that was about it
Posts: 19,967
13 years ago  [Link]  
zante vs mrmtp

sorry guys, was awful here. Had the chances but messed up on the 8 in 9ball and then gave a silly foul to set up a 3-9. 8us did well but got lucky to get that 2-0. then uk underhit the black and he fouled on his break and i fouled black first shot.
Posts: 19,967
13 years ago  [Link]  
zante vs mrmtp (FBL)

Probably about right, was disappointed to have lost the super league game and lost a bit of motivation. But started to play a few good shots and started to enjoy the games, probably what I should've just done from the start. Happy with some of the shots I pulled off even if my positioning ended up being off at times.

He was a good player, played well at times to put some pressure on and I cracked. all the best mate
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13 years ago  [Link]  
would like to say what a quality guy zante is, he showed great spotsmanship when i got logged out of a us game in the fsl and replayed the frame, i wish you and latin legends all the best in the future mate
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13 years ago  [Link]  
LOL @ Zak been a quality guy

Zak you donut ya take the frames when they log out epesh against matthew(mrmtp)

Did Matt fluke the 9ball games as i no he hits and hopes cos hes got no skill

Unlucky in SL Zak

nice result in FBL man
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
13 years ago  [Link]  
ha ha dan(therev) you know me too well i fluke everything not just 9ball lol
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13 years ago  [Link]  
vladimir vs crazzymadman

is now

skiller10 vs crazzymadman
Wait a minute thats an invalid sub as it says on Team changes and FBL Team Changes thread that skiller10 out.
Posts: 8,780
13 years ago  [Link]  
Yeh sorry i never noticed that and i'm assuming chris didn't either

The game stands at vladimir v crazzymadman
Posts: 156
13 years ago  [Link]  
barbaycue 4-2 chalkie35

Not sure why but I cant seem to control the pace of the white very well so I end up hitting shots full power by accident.....
Posts: 19,967
13 years ago  [Link]  
vladimir vs crazzymadman

is now

skiller10 vs crazzymadman
Wait a minute thats an invalid sub as it says on Team changes and FBL Team Changes thread that skiller10 out.
Yeh sorry i never noticed that and i'm assuming chris didn't either

The game stands at vladimir v crazzymadman

No, the game stands at skiller10 vs crazzymadman.

Skiller was taken out AFTER the teams lists were locked after set 9 & 10. That means no one in or out (chris's words). Otherwise skiller10 wouldn't have been eligible for the game vs Eagles and chris already posted that our eligible subs were champof9ball and skiller10
Posts: 19,967
13 years ago  [Link]  
Dan, I won the replayed frame anyway

He didn't fluke, he just didn't do silly shots like me
Deleted User
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13 years ago  [Link]  
Zak hes one hell of a flukey person man

We did a warm up FCL game as i was ment to play greg tonight but he aint showed

he won 8-7(mrmtp)

i ran rack and seven balled him in us8 and still ended up losing that 3-2 lol
Deleted User
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13 years ago  [Link]  
barbaycue 4-2 chalkie35

Not sure why but I cant seem to control the pace of the white very well so I end up hitting shots full power by accident.....

Great win that barbaycue mate
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Latin Legends Numero Four

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