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The Underdogs (getting stronger biting at your ankles)

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01:23 Mon 23 Apr 12 (BST)  [Link]  
FBL Announcement

Fixture set 4 has now been released

Good luck everyone

Head League Runner
Posts: 8,780
02:32 Mon 23 Apr 12 (BST)  [Link]  
Played my game v jacko (vipers)

jooodles 2 v 4 jacko

Good games, should have easy been a draw but never mind
Deleted User
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04:03 Mon 23 Apr 12 (BST)  [Link]  
FBL Notice

Please send all default information from fixture 3 to anoneeemouse within 48hrs :

League :
woowoo69 v aces_back
p00lw1zard v sxs000


Head League Runner
Posts: 11,489
14:42 Mon 23 Apr 12 (BST)  [Link]  
fbl division 2

Underdogs v Crazy Eights

8us jooodles v lfco7
8us hardy202 vdaveg
9ball crazydribble v try
9ball p00lw1zard v__7baller_
8uk lilmisscragg v skunkyfool
8uk redalert124 v man_up
str8 woowoo69 v sly_fox
str8 wade_ v punkpoet
Games left to be played with crazy eights
8us jooodles v lfco7
8us hardy202 v daveg
9ball crazydribble v try
9ball p00lwiz4rd v __7baller_
8uk lilmisscragg v skunkyfool
8uk redalert124 v man_up
Posts: 11,489
14:54 Mon 23 Apr 12 (BST)  [Link]  
Vipers 4 v 2 Underdogs

8us hotdave v hardy202
8us jacko 4 v 2 jooodles
9ball funky_fluke v cke1982
9ball viking4life v crazydribble
8ukmk_lad v foulonblack
8ukcue_control v ur_margey
str8 cree v lilmisscragg
str8 marksmith v woowoo69
Games left to be played with vipers
8us hotdave v hardy202
9ball funky_fluke v cke1982
9ball viking4life v crazydribble
8uk mk_lad v foulonblack
8uk cue_control v ur_margey
str8 cree v lilmisscragg
str8 marksmith v woowoo69
Posts: 11,489
14:55 Mon 23 Apr 12 (BST)  [Link]  
fbl rules

friendly not ranked
2o sec or more shot limit
All games must be played in these environments unless BOTH players agree to be changed
- Private Room
- Friendly
- 20 second shot limit

Please message opponents on when u both can play games and please post result after match on here so i can update the score and fbl result thread if u win match.
People who dont post the score after they play will be dropped for nxt matches after 2 times of not posting there score it helps me update scores and know if matches havent been played. And if they need subs to be played also keep messages of attempting to get the game played in case of defaults gl underdogs

8 ball uk 6 frames
8 ball us 6 frames
9 ball us 6 frames
straight 3 frames

DEADLINE 6/5/12 @ Midnight(gmt)
Posts: 1,524
20:44 Mon 23 Apr 12 (BST)  [Link]  
i have messaged my fbl opponents
Deleted User
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02:31 Tue 24 Apr 12 (BST)  [Link]  
woowoo69 loses to sly_fox 4-2

want to say gg's but we were both bad and sly beat me fair n square

good guy too gl m8
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
02:36 Tue 24 Apr 12 (BST)  [Link]  
woowoo69 loses to sly_fox 4-2

want to say gg's but we were both bad and sly beat me fair n square

good guy too gl m8

thanks m8,it was an experience pmsl
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
04:20 Tue 24 Apr 12 (BST)  [Link]  
omg why would you put me in a str game,u trying to lose.
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
09:45 Tue 24 Apr 12 (BST)  [Link]  
FBL Reminder

Please send all default information from fixture 3 to anoneeemouse by midnight tonight (24/4/12) :

League :
woowoo69 v aces_back
p00lw1zard v sxs000


Head League Runner
Posts: 1,524
20:56 Tue 24 Apr 12 (BST)  [Link]  
how is everyone today i am fine and i have message my opponents but no reply yet
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
21:04 Tue 24 Apr 12 (BST)  [Link]  
omg why would you put me in a str game,u trying to lose.

I don't mind playing the Straight game but if I sub in for you then I dont think you can play any other type. Best to see if any of our other players go missing first. If they do, then swap your game for theirs and I will then sub into their Straight game.
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
03:38 Wed 25 Apr 12 (BST)  [Link]  

Vipers vs Underdogs

mk_lad 6-0 foulonblack ( 8 UK )
Deleted User
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04:47 Wed 25 Apr 12 (BST)  [Link]  
suits me fine Jojo
Posts: 19,819
11:40 Wed 25 Apr 12 (BST)  [Link]  
Hey I have wade in straight but he has me on ignre which is making it impossible for this to be played.
Also reading above he doesn't want to play straight (or me ;)) I know what i beleive but its a moot point.
Regardless can you either get him to take me off ignore or sub someone in.
Hopefully not chris as I will lose lol
Posts: 19,819
11:50 Wed 25 Apr 12 (BST)  [Link]  
omg why would you put me in a str game,u trying to lose.

I don't mind playing the Straight game but if I sub in for you then I dont think you can play any other type. Best to see if any of our other players go missing first. If they do, then swap your game for theirs and I will then sub into their Straight game.

Abit unfair on me tbh why doesn't he just take me off ignore and play lol.
wade_ come on I am generally on about 7pm but i have been ill recently so been sleeping earlier. But if you tell me a time i will try and get on. Play the games and then ask not to do striaght again.
Posts: 11,489
15:38 Wed 25 Apr 12 (BST)  [Link]  
we all have to play st8 at somepoint not enough st8 players i have to sub in to play st8 but putting the guy on ignore is childish
Posts: 11,489
15:39 Wed 25 Apr 12 (BST)  [Link]  
if u have done that wade if u havent please play punkpoet and get game done when u can
Posts: 11,489
15:39 Wed 25 Apr 12 (BST)  [Link]  
Vipers 10 v 2 Underdogs

8us hotdave v hardy202
8us jacko 4 v 2 jooodles
9ball funky_fluke v cke1982
9ball viking4life v crazydribble
8uk mk_lad 6 v 0 foulonblack
8ukcue_control v ur_margey
str8 cree v lilmisscragg
str8 marksmith v woowoo69
Games left to be played with vipers
8us hotdave v hardy202
9ball funky_fluke v cke1982
9ball viking4life v crazydribble
8uk cue_control v ur_margey
str8 cree v lilmisscragg
str8 marksmith v woowoo69
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The Underdogs (getting stronger biting at your ankles)

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