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Divine Forces (We love our ego's!)

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Posts: 12,419
01:30 Wed 18 Apr 12 (BST)  [Link]  
zantetsukenz, got subbed in for chalkey last week froggy in FBL cup

done, cheers

you spying on me?
Deleted User
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01:30 Wed 18 Apr 12 (BST)  [Link]  
just making sure you got the right fixtures mate

why would i wana spy on a toad
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02:30 Wed 18 Apr 12 (BST)  [Link]  
FCL League

Tokko v Coldsteel12

8 Ball UK 4 - 1 to Tokko
8 Ball US 3 - 2 to Tokko
9 Ball US 4 - 1 to Tokko

Overall 11 - 4 to Tokko.

Good games Coldsteel unlucky at times! I had no decent form so happy with the scoreline. Should have lost a couple more.

Some great results coming in peeps. Superb start Redherring! And Spoonie.... i'll decide if your good enough! lol. Your going no where!

Up the Divine Forces!!!
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02:37 Wed 18 Apr 12 (BST)  [Link]  
very nice result tokko mate, leadin by example still keep it up bud, want some big wins from us all, dont mind close games, but nice overall wins wouldnt go a miss
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13:55 Wed 18 Apr 12 (BST)  [Link]  
woooow less than a week left on fbl deadline and still quite a few games to get played

any news DF?
Posts: 12,419
14:09 Wed 18 Apr 12 (BST)  [Link]  
woooow less than a week left on fbl deadline and still quite a few games to get played

any news DF?

im avaliable to sub in 8's game if needed
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14:10 Wed 18 Apr 12 (BST)  [Link]  

im avaliable to sub in 8's game if needed

Play Me , play me Oj not in that fixture
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14:36 Wed 18 Apr 12 (BST)  [Link]  
woooow less than a week left on fbl deadline and still quite a few games to get played

any news DF?

im avaliable to sub in 8's game if needed

u fancy 9ball then? seein as dbno wont be around
Deleted User
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14:43 Wed 18 Apr 12 (BST)  [Link]  
Can all players post to say if they have made contact with there peeps and have arranged a time. I'll be looking to authorise all swaps and subs by any players so would help me out before i do.
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14:52 Wed 18 Apr 12 (BST)  [Link]  
Assassins (12) v (24) Divine Forces

8 ball
unstopp4bl3 v angel
najork v mr_pink_eyes

9 ball
xxx (3) v (3) dbno
nick79theman (1) v (5) _pro__frog_

8 uk
cue_control (2) v (4) theukspoon
rocketweaz8 (4) v (2) cool_dude

pusher (2) v (4) _niall_
cree (0) v (6) tokko

Divine Forces (4) v (2) Crazy Eights

8 ball
antione08 v lfc07
angel v daveg

9 ball
dbno v __7baller__
hightops (4) v (2) try

8 uk
i_was_awesum v skunkyfool
cool_dude v man_up

tokko v diamond_jem
_niall_ v sly_fox


i think this is all up to date now

Edit: froggie, is 24-12 to us vs Assassins, not 24-14, but very close, well done, u get a "nearly" sticker lol
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14:54 Wed 18 Apr 12 (BST)  [Link]  
Can all players post to say if they have made contact with there peeps and have arranged a time. I'll be looking to authorise all swaps and subs by any players so would help me out before i do.

i second this mate,

We dont want to be makin subs or swaps if games have been arranged

me vs lfc should be played, hes not been able to play me all fix set until either today, tomorrow n friday, or tomorrow, friday n sat...i cant remember exactly, but its one of the 3 day period lol
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14:58 Wed 18 Apr 12 (BST)  [Link]  
still no contact about my fbl cup game other than a message off toluca sayin pretty much, "let me know when ur on and ill text king, but kings only online on weekends or middle of the night durin the week"

not really sure why i cant just message my opponent as he clearly has no trouble typin
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15:00 Wed 18 Apr 12 (BST)  [Link]  
FCL league - Last fix set

Crazy Eights 1 vs 14 Divine Forces

sly_fox v tokko
man_up v _niall_
bri1974 v fired_up_cue
daveg v antione08
skunkyfool 1 v 14 _redherring_
spin_doctor v theukspoon
recs_a v angel
walktall v _pro__frog_

Vipers 13 vs 17 Divine Forces

flapjack 4 v 6 hightops (score not added, 8uk to play)
blackcabman7 v __anaconda__
coldsteel12 4 v 11 tokko
fry06 9 v 6 theukspoon
hotdave v angel
staffie_man v _pro__frog_
viking4life v cool_dude
mk_lad v mr_pink_eyes

Deadline 29th APRIL

FCL cup - semi-final

Divine Forces vs Latin Legends

__anaconda__ v toluca321
tokko v red4ever
mr_pink_eyes v zantetsukenz
antione08 v barbaycue
_niall_ v vladimir
angel v joker86
_redherring_ v king8ball1

Deadline 29th APRIL

Please add and message you opponents asap to arrange these games. Keep all messages IF your game goes unplayed, but i want to see every effort to get these played and every effort to kick backsides

We all know who the number 1 team is in Div 2 and now is the time to show it and put the league to rest, its last fix set so lets go out on a high!!!
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15:28 Wed 18 Apr 12 (BST)  [Link]  
ill play froggy if needs be , i got dbno on facebook though so i can get him online most probs so ...Up to you?
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18:00 Wed 18 Apr 12 (BST)  [Link]  
DF vs C8s

dbno vs 7baller

is now

_pro__frog_ v 7baller
Posts: 22,512
21:09 Wed 18 Apr 12 (BST)  [Link]  
FCL Announcement

Thanks to the division two default team and there quick responses to the defaults, they have been locked.

These defaults are now over and final.

nick79theman (2) - (4) _niall_
aces_back (2) - (13) mr_pink_eyes
king8ball1 (3) - (3) antione08

Deleted User
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21:10 Wed 18 Apr 12 (BST)  [Link]  
FCL Announcement

Thanks to the division two default team and there quick responses to the defaults, they have been locked.

These defaults are now over and final.

nick79theman (2) - (4) _niall_
aces_back (2) - (13) mr_pink_eyes
king8ball1 (3) - (3) antione08


how the hell did people work that out with several refusals to play and all the rest of it? lmaooooo u must be jokin jay
Posts: 22,512
21:12 Wed 18 Apr 12 (BST)  [Link]  
There was also information handed in from Latin Legends to. Ant the decision is final mate, and i thought you were not going to start anything haha.
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21:15 Wed 18 Apr 12 (BST)  [Link]  
There was also information handed in from Latin Legends to. Ant the decision is final mate, and i thought you were not going to start anything haha.

i werent as i thought the decision would be fair and not a joke...2-1 up equals 3-3, so meanin king made more effort to play it? lmfaoooooo jay wat a joke, im done after this season, just shows how much of a joke the league is...

and 4-2 for niall? yea ok mate, u seriously need to look at ur staff
Posts: 22,512
21:17 Wed 18 Apr 12 (BST)  [Link]  
What on earth you having a go at me for?

The default has to be re opened now anyway as all the scores are different, when i was locking the thread, a panel member edited a score line. So now have to work out the majority.
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Divine Forces (We love our ego's!)

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