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The Assassins ***

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02:27 Tue 17 Apr 12 (BST)  [Link]  
unstopp4bl3 v __7baller__

8us 2-3
9ball 4-1
8uk 3-2


chose the totally wrong time to play.. but oh well its done now lol. ggs j-o-h-n
Deleted User
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02:29 Tue 17 Apr 12 (BST)  [Link]  
Well played C-H-R-I-S (unstopp4bl3)

Next time ...

Deleted User
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03:07 Tue 17 Apr 12 (BST)  [Link]  
Super League Games Still Left For Completion

Top Pool Aces v Assassins

_dntbmad_ v pusher
dementedmind v sxs000

Deadline is Midnight BST this Wednesday 18/4/12
Posts: 126
04:38 Tue 17 Apr 12 (BST)  [Link]  
Springer vs _hot_potter_

8uk 3-2 should of been 4-1
8us 2-3 should of been 4-1
9 us 5-0 should of been 4-1

10-5 to me a bit more luck and it would of been 12-3 but happy with that as it was 5-5 going into last game type.

GG's mate best of the luck for the rest of the season.

Posts: 54
05:38 Tue 17 Apr 12 (BST)  [Link]  
Super League Games Still Left For Completion

Top Pool Aces v Assassins

_dntbmad_ v pusher
dementedmind v sxs000

Deadline is Midnight BST this Wednesday 18/4/12

Hi My games with _dntbmad_ is over

8 ball 1 : 1

9 ball 2: 0

8 UK 1 : 1

Final result 4 :2 for me
Posts: 54
05:40 Tue 17 Apr 12 (BST)  [Link]  
FBL CUP ~ Quarter Final

Assassins (6) v (5) Top Pool Aces

8 ball najork () v () fleetwood
8 ball pricer73 () v () jpennys
9 ball _hot_potter_ (3) v (1) sporting
9 ball swagga_back () v () _dntbmad_
8 uk rocketweaz8 () v () cannibals
8 uk jds1966 (1) v (3) run_outt
straight pusher () v () big_mouse
straight cree (2) v (2) greyhound

Deadline ~ 22/4/12 @Midnight(gmt)

4 games of either 8us/9ball/8uk or 2 games of straight

Edited at 20:25 Mon 16/04/12 (BST)

Hi My game with big_mouse is over lost 2-0 to him
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
12:51 Tue 17 Apr 12 (BST)  [Link]  
cheers pusher well played
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
15:07 Tue 17 Apr 12 (BST)  [Link]  

Assassins (13) vs. (17) Latin Legends

cree () v () bonkerrs17
pricer73 () v () therev
_hot_potter_ (5) v (10) springer9
najork () v () mighty_zeus
sxs000 () v () champof9ball
aces_back () v () zantetsukenz
scallo () v () barbaycue
unstopp4bl3 (8) v (7) red4ever

Assassins (18) vs. (12) Crazy Eights

unstopp4bl3 (9) v (6) __7baller__
jds1966 (9) v (6) diamond_jem
xxx () v () lfc07
rocketweaz8 () v () hughsy89
letsgamble () v () try
swagga_back () v () recs_a
pusher () v () too_good
cue_control () v () bri1974

Deadline for the above games is 29/4/12 @ Midnight!

Each game consists of exactly 5 frames of each game type:
- 5 frames of 8 Ball US
- 5 frames of 8 Ball UK
- 5 frames of 9 Ball

Edited at 12:13 Tue 17/04/12 (BST)
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
15:09 Tue 17 Apr 12 (BST)  [Link]  
FBL CUP ~ Quarter Final

Assassins (6) v (9) Top Pool Aces

8 ball najork () v () fleetwood
8 ball pricer73 () v () jpennys
9 ball _hot_potter_ (3) v (1) sporting
9 ball swagga_back () v () _dntbmad_
8 uk rocketweaz8 () v () cannibals
8 uk jds1966 (1) v (3) run_outt
straight pusher (0) v (4) big_mouse
straight cree (2) v (2) greyhound

Deadline ~ 22/4/12 @Midnight(gmt)

4 games of either 8us/9ball/8uk or 2 games of straight
Posts: 19,967
15:10 Tue 17 Apr 12 (BST)  [Link]  
messaged aces_back, but he's been off for 3 days. Does anyone know when aces will be back (excuse the pun)
Deleted User
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15:15 Tue 17 Apr 12 (BST)  [Link]  

Top Pool Aces (16) v (8) The Assassins

_dntbmad_ (2) v (4) pusher
jpenny3 (4) v (2) najork
greyhound (6) v (0) _hot_potter_
dementedmind () v () sxs000
cleensheet(4) v (2) nick79theman


Each game consists of exactly 2 frames of each game type:
- 2 frames of 8 Ball US
- 2 frames of 8 Ball UK
- 2 frames of 9 Ball
Posts: 54
19:12 Tue 17 Apr 12 (BST)  [Link]  
Hi Guys,
Again there is a problem of my game getting delayed

My game with too_good will be delayed,

I got the msg he is banned
Posts: 96
19:40 Tue 17 Apr 12 (BST)  [Link]  
assassins----vs-----latin legends 6-----------9 us8 2--3 uk8 2--3 and us 9 ball 2--3 i played well and enjoyed but the luck was in hes corner so i done the best i could
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
20:06 Tue 17 Apr 12 (BST)  [Link]  
FBL Announcement

Please can all teams please send their teamlists for fixture set 4 to anoneeemouse by 20/04/12 @ 8pm(gmt).

FBL Clan Cup Semi Final

Please will teams send their teamlist for the clan cup semi final to anoneeemouse by 20/04/12 @ 8pm(gmt)

The semi final has been randomly drawn,and can be found on the website :
the teamlists will be used from those teams who qualify from the quarter finals. In the event of there being any defaults in the current cup fixture which affect a team going through to the next round, there will be a delay in the release of the cup fixtures.


Head League Runner
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
20:17 Tue 17 Apr 12 (BST)  [Link]  
Dont worry pusher not our problem to find a sub, it will be done im sure. Well played aces_back very good result! Well pleased with that mate, we got a few games left to play! Can I please ask everyone to pull together to get them played please. Not happy with two games going to default! Without any evidence to send to default panel? :( really grates me that with the technology we got these days, if your unavailable to play for a few days, then just say so? So me and Johnny know, probably cost us 2 places in league!
In way home so be couple of hours.
Well pleased though with recent activity in the team, with plenty of communication. Keep it up assassins!
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
21:09 Tue 17 Apr 12 (BST)  [Link]  
Springer vs _hot_potter_

8uk 3-2 should of been 4-1
8us 2-3 should of been 4-1
9 us 5-0 should of been 4-1

10-5 to me a bit more luck and it would of been 12-3 but happy with that as it was 5-5 going into last game type.

GG's mate best of the luck for the rest of the season.
lmao it shoulda bin 3 2 to me last 1 shoulda bin 4 1 4 1 4 1 pmsfl
Posts: 126
21:17 Tue 17 Apr 12 (BST)  [Link]  
LOL! Notice you didn't mention your luck in both 8 game's! I'll leave it at that you believe what you want in your own little mind.
Deleted User
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21:26 Tue 17 Apr 12 (BST)  [Link]  
LOL! Notice you didn't mention your luck in both 8 game's! I'll leave it at that you believe what you want in your own little mind.

Think its ALL in your little mind? Please go have your tea, and dont post silly messages, your mum might see them!, then you'll be grounded, and what will the watch the paint dry class do without its leader?.
Posts: 126
21:28 Tue 17 Apr 12 (BST)  [Link]  
LOL! Notice you didn't mention your luck in both 8 game's! I'll leave it at that you believe what you want in your own little mind.

Think its ALL in your little mind? Please go have your tea, and dont post silly messages, your mum might see them!, then you'll be grounded, and what will the watch the paint dry class do without its leader?.

LMAO What a loser!
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
21:31 Tue 17 Apr 12 (BST)  [Link]  
LOL! Notice you didn't mention your luck in both 8 game's! I'll leave it at that you believe what you want in your own little mind.

Think its ALL in your little mind? Please go have your tea, and dont post silly messages, your mum might see them!, then you'll be grounded, and what will the watch the paint dry class do without its leader?.

spriger whenevr u lose the other person is suposigly lucky need to except defeat here nd there
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The Assassins ***

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