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Divine Forces

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Posts: 7,324
19:24 Wed 4 Apr 12 (BST)  [Link]  
_niall_ vs poolbiird

8 ball uk: 5-0
8 ball us: 3-2
9 ball us: 2-3

Overall 10-5...I played pretty well for the most part, 9 ball's not my friend and Ang probably deserved to win more than that! ggs and gl for the rest
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19:51 Wed 4 Apr 12 (BST)  [Link]  
We can text him any time n try get him on

How about now?????
Posts: 7,324
19:54 Wed 4 Apr 12 (BST)  [Link]  
_niall_ vs warprincess

3-0...I played reasonably well again, when we eventually got them played...ggs and gl in your others

Edited at 18:22 Wed 04/04/12 (BST)
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21:45 Wed 4 Apr 12 (BST)  [Link]  

Divine Forces 18 vs 12 Team Angry

tokko v ipotalot
dbno 8 v 7 mattywellie
i_was_awesum v pool_king
_niall_ 10 v 5 poolbiird
antione08 v scott7a
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21:48 Wed 4 Apr 12 (BST)  [Link]  
FBL Cup Tie Game

Divine Forces 3 v 0 Crazy Eights

dbno 2 v 0 __7baller__
9 ball
antioneo8 v try
cool_dude v man_up
_niall_ 1 v 0 sly_fox

2 games of either 8us/9b/8uk or 1 game of straight
1 point per frame

Deadline : Saturday 7/4/12 @ midnight

Edited at 22:39 Wed 04/04/12 (BST)

Edited at 22:40 Wed 04/04/12 (BST)
Deleted User
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21:51 Wed 4 Apr 12 (BST)  [Link]  
Divine Forces 24 vs 21 Latin Legends

_niall_ v joker86
angel v barbaycue
antione08 v king8ball1
dbno 10 v 5 springer9
__anaconda__ v toluca321
i_was_awesum v zantetsukenz
cool_dude 7 v 8 vladimir
tokko 7 v 8 red4ever

Assassins 18 vs 12 Divine Forces

cree 9 v 6 dbno
pricer73 v mr_pink_eyes
najork 9 v 6 theukspoon
xxx v antione08
scallo v angel
nick79theman v _niall_
cue_control v fired_up_cue
aces_back v hightops

Deadline 15th April
Deleted User
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21:56 Wed 4 Apr 12 (BST)  [Link]  
FBL League
MVP (18) v (18) Divine Forces

8 ball
beenjammin 5 v 1 antione08
potlimit v angel
9 ball
rapid_pot 4 v 2 dbno
davybaumers 3 v 3 hightops
8 uk
andyw1 2 v 4 cool_dude
bunrzybhoy v i_was_awesum
dvz 0 v 6 tokko
perfect_play 4 v 2 _niall_

Divine Forces (30) v (6) Underdogs

8 ball
angel 5 v 1 hardy202
mr_pink_eyes 5 v 1 wade_
9 ball
antione08 4 v 2 woowoo69
dbno 5 v 1 jooodles
8 uk
cool_dude v redalert124
theukspoon 5 v 1 0utlaw
tokko v p00lw1zard
_niall_ 6 v 0 warprincess

Posts: 7,324
01:14 Thu 5 Apr 12 (BST)  [Link]  
Won my FBL cup game in straight...was tough work almost blew it after missing a simple shot on a run of 23, sly_fox is a very good player so I was somewhat fortunate to win! Played way too many clan games today and still have 2 to play oh the joys!
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01:41 Thu 5 Apr 12 (BST)  [Link]  
Won my FBL cup game in straight...was tough work almost blew it after missing a simple shot on a run of 23, sly_fox is a very good player so I was somewhat fortunate to win! Played way too many clan games today and still have 2 to play oh the joys!

You love it and well done :)
Posts: 7,324
01:44 Thu 5 Apr 12 (BST)  [Link]  
Haha nooo I love the team, that's about all ...thanks!
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10:08 Thu 5 Apr 12 (BST)  [Link]  
FBL Reminder

FBL League
Please can captains/vice send teamlists for fixture set 3 to anoneeemouse , the schedule with your opponents can be found on the website :

So that both teams in the tie game have a list submitted , please can capts/vices send their teamlist for round 2 of the FBL Cup to anoneeemouse Clearly marked that it is the cup teamlists ,
The schedule can be found on the website , as above

Deadline for submitting teamlists : Friday 6 / 4 / 12 @ 8pm

Head League Runner
Posts: 19,967
19:26 Thu 5 Apr 12 (BST)  [Link]  
i_was_awesum offline 5 days, any idea's when he's back?
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19:47 Thu 5 Apr 12 (BST)  [Link]  
i_was_awesum offline 5 days, any idea's when he's back?

He is meant to be coming on tomorrow to play me, hope this helps
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02:15 Fri 6 Apr 12 (BST)  [Link]  
FBL Cup Tie Game

Divine Forces 5 v 0 Crazy Eights

dbno 2 v 0 __7baller__
9 ball
antioneo8 2 v 0 try
cool_dude v man_up
_niall_ 1 v 0 sly_fox

2 games of either 8us/9b/8uk or 1 game of straight
1 point per frame

Deadline : Saturday 7/4/12 @ midnight

Edited at 22:39 Wed 04/04/12 (BST)

Edited at 22:40 Wed 04/04/12 (BST)
Deleted User
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02:41 Fri 6 Apr 12 (BST)  [Link]  
im done, sub me out of everythin...ill play wen im not embarrassin myself or the team

luck was unbelievable and quite frankly how i got 3 is beyond me, what a joke

12-3 to scott7a

2-0 to antione08 vs try (fbl cup)
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03:34 Fri 6 Apr 12 (BST)  [Link]  
ouch mate^^^
Posts: 2,530
09:50 Fri 6 Apr 12 (BST)  [Link]  
im done, sub me out of everythin...ill play wen im not embarrassin myself or the team

luck was unbelievable and quite frankly how i got 3 is beyond me, what a joke

12-3 to scott7a

2-0 to antione08 vs try (fbl cup)

Pretty sure you say this every season and then end up playing most of the games anyway
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13:16 Fri 6 Apr 12 (BST)  [Link]  

tokko hasnt been on for 3 days

was supposed to play last weekend also but he was a no show

just lettin ya'll know
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13:36 Fri 6 Apr 12 (BST)  [Link]  
im done, sub me out of everythin...ill play wen im not embarrassin myself or the team

luck was unbelievable and quite frankly how i got 3 is beyond me, what a joke

12-3 to scott7a

2-0 to antione08 vs try (fbl cup)

Pretty sure you say this every season and then end up playing most of the games anyway

I stay when I say I'm leaving but I never play when I'm playing crap embarrassing myself

I won't be playing until I can atleast pick up the cue which is more than I could do last night going by the scoreline, in reality he didn't miss and fot very lucky on numerous shots, can't beat luck

Was 3-0 down, got it to 3-2 and luck took over..score reflects that fact so ill be subbing out unless I hit form soon
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14:11 Fri 6 Apr 12 (BST)  [Link]  
Any chance of getting awesum on any time soon????
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