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15:18 Fri 6 Apr 12 (BST)  [Link]  
tokko offline 3 days for poolw1zards match may need a sub please he also didnt turn up for an arranged match at the weekend
Posts: 9,926
15:26 Fri 6 Apr 12 (BST)  [Link]  

potlimit v angel

is now

polar_bear v angel
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15:45 Fri 6 Apr 12 (BST)  [Link]  
Right I might have just dreamt this but.....

polar_bear v angel

0 - 6

he was very ul tbf :( and my hand is now shakin
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16:01 Fri 6 Apr 12 (BST)  [Link]  
FBL League
MVP (18) v (24) Divine Forces

8 ball
beenjammin 5 v 1 antione08
polar_bear 0 v 6 angel
9 ball
rapid_pot 4 v 2 dbno
davybaumers 3 v 3 hightops
8 uk
andyw1 2 v 4 cool_dude
bunrzybhoy v i_was_awesum
dvz 0 v 6 tokko
perfect_play 4 v 2 _niall_

Divine Forces (30) v (6) Underdogs

8 ball
angel 5 v 1 hardy202
mr_pink_eyes 5 v 1 wade_
9 ball
antione08 4 v 2 woowoo69
dbno 5 v 1 jooodles
8 uk
cool_dude v redalert124
theukspoon 5 v 1 0utlaw
tokko v p00lw1zard
_niall_ 6 v 0 warprincess

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22:44 Fri 6 Apr 12 (BST)  [Link]  
Pool_king 8-7 i_was_awesum from 5 or 6-0 down i am not to ashamed with this score, king took advantage of my missed finishes in US 8 and then ran kept in distance on 9 ball, managed to perform as i am used to on UK winning 4-1 and tipped my hat to my opponent, great game over very fast, well done and good luck in next games pool_king
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23:08 Fri 6 Apr 12 (BST)  [Link]  

Supposed to play at 7pm she has not shown up yet
Sent 38 minutes ago

Hes now gone off the game browser

When can you play the game emma?
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23:42 Fri 6 Apr 12 (BST)  [Link]  
if zantetsukenz comes on here asking where i am can someone message me please, i log in he logs out, i have replied to his initial message and then sent another sayin i would be on tinight, they have not replied to either. peace!
Posts: 19,967
01:09 Sat 7 Apr 12 (BST)  [Link]  
if zantetsukenz comes on here asking where i am can someone message me please, i log in he logs out, i have replied to his initial message and then sent another sayin i would be on tinight, they have not replied to either. peace!

I'm right here, i did go offline at 7 before you logged in (as i did check before i left) as i got called away. Sorry if i didn't reply, i got distracted. Though it did take you 6 days or so to get in contact, and you didn't give me warning that you'd be off 5 days as I was informed by your other opponent. I'll be on for a while now incase you come back. Can you give me some times you're usually online please?
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13:37 Sat 7 Apr 12 (BST)  [Link]  
Clan Grand Slam - The Players Championship

Four games to play - then the next round can get drawn.

(LL) toluca321 v (DF) antione08

Deadline is Midnight BST 10/4/12
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14:49 Sat 7 Apr 12 (BST)  [Link]  
Anyone got the app draw something?!!
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15:00 Sat 7 Apr 12 (BST)  [Link]  
All team have permission to sub into underdogs game
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21:35 Sat 7 Apr 12 (BST)  [Link]  
I do angel

me and Zante are set to play at 21:00 tonight.

As for bunrzybhoy he expects me to message him each time i come on and when i do he says he cant play, he asked me to play yesterday as he couldnt get online that night, i tried after finishing match but had to look after my kid, then he asked me to check for him today if i log 1-5, i played 3 str8 frames at 1PM and he didnt log! i messaged him at 18:00 to see if he could play and he said come online so i did and guess what..... he cant play now cos he has to go out, also tomorrow is a no go again cos i am out 1 til late, makes out like he has waited around for me but browsing means nothing. this goes to default i am fuming!!! not my fault he knows he cant stop me geting the win! "all i'm saying".
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21:38 Sat 7 Apr 12 (BST)  [Link]  
With the next set of fixtures... could i be messaged with names of who i am playing and what format the match is FBL/FCL/CUP and how many frames if not the usual 6 of 1 or 5 of 3, i can then establish contact and know how long i plan to be online for cos i am not being a puppet for players that want to default matches. i dont check the forum everytime my name is mentioned in a thread as my life is busy these days.

Posts: 9,926
22:56 Sat 7 Apr 12 (BST)  [Link]  
I do angel

me and Zante are set to play at 21:00 tonight.

As for bunrzybhoy he expects me to message him each time i come on and when i do he says he cant play, he asked me to play yesterday as he couldnt get online that night, i tried after finishing match but had to look after my kid, then he asked me to check for him today if i log 1-5, i played 3 str8 frames at 1PM and he didnt log! i messaged him at 18:00 to see if he could play and he said come online so i did and guess what..... he cant play now cos he has to go out, also tomorrow is a no go again cos i am out 1 til late, makes out like he has waited around for me but browsing means nothing. this goes to default i am fuming!!! not my fault he knows he cant stop me geting the win! "all i'm saying".

bunrzybhoy has been online throughout the fixture set, i appreciate you have been busy and been offline for most of the fixture set but if you come back for the last couple of days, it does not take much to reply to a message to arrange a time to get game done. Seems strange that the day before deadline you finally manage to post about the game and admit you cannot play yet are worried in case default goes against you. It is a bit late now to try and show that you want game played, if you had replied to messages or been more active there wouldn't have been a problem.
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01:32 Sun 8 Apr 12 (BST)  [Link]  
this goes to default i am fuming!!! not my fault he knows he cant stop me geting the win! "all i'm saying".

bunrzybhoy has been online throughout the fixture set, i appreciate you have been busy and been offline for most of the fixture set but if you come back for the last couple of days, it does not take much to reply to a message to arrange a time to get game done. Seems strange that the day before deadline you finally manage to post about the game and admit you cannot play yet are worried in case default goes against you. It is a bit late now to try and show that you want game played, if you had replied to messages or been more active there wouldn't have been a problem.

i messaged him on friday and arranged that i would be online from 730 onwards, you chat poop, as for arrangin at end of fixture set they only messaged me 3 days ago. get a grip, i have done nothing but try to arrange the match but they logged off when messages were coming through, one second they say msgs coe tomy phone, next thing they log out to show that they are not online "browsing", cheap.
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01:37 Sun 8 Apr 12 (BST)  [Link]  
sorry ant but......
Posted Image

Edited at 22:44 Sat 07/04/12 (BST)

Edited by forum moderator ab_rfc, at 22:50 Sat 07/04/12 (BST)
Posts: 9,926
02:07 Sun 8 Apr 12 (BST)  [Link]  
this goes to default i am fuming!!! not my fault he knows he cant stop me geting the win! "all i'm saying".

bunrzybhoy has been online throughout the fixture set, i appreciate you have been busy and been offline for most of the fixture set but if you come back for the last couple of days, it does not take much to reply to a message to arrange a time to get game done. Seems strange that the day before deadline you finally manage to post about the game and admit you cannot play yet are worried in case default goes against you. It is a bit late now to try and show that you want game played, if you had replied to messages or been more active there wouldn't have been a problem.

i messaged him on friday and arranged that i would be online from 730 onwards, you chat poop, as for arrangin at end of fixture set they only messaged me 3 days ago. get a grip, i have done nothing but try to arrange the match but they logged off when messages were coming through, one second they say msgs coe tomy phone, next thing they log out to show that they are not online "browsing", cheap.

Not our fault you got told only 3 days ago, the fixture has been out for almost 2 weeks. But maybe the fact you were offline didn't help before that.
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(IP Logged)
10:40 Sun 8 Apr 12 (BST)  [Link]  
I think you will find it was nobody's fault as he was subbed in according to his message he sent me 4 days ago!
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16:05 Sun 8 Apr 12 (BST)  [Link]  
Goose... didn't realise you were so arrogant! Just reading your last few posts, spitting your dummy out and saying you quit over something which could have easily been remedied. Over reaction imo.

Dude sort yourself out! It is people like you with a god complex who always seem to jump to conclusions or find excuses and ruin it. Seriously think about what you're doing, the world is not against you.
Posts: 4,762
18:09 Sun 8 Apr 12 (BST)  [Link]  
this goes to default i am fuming!!! not my fault he knows he cant stop me geting the win! "all i'm saying".

bunrzybhoy has been online throughout the fixture set, i appreciate you have been busy and been offline for most of the fixture set but if you come back for the last couple of days, it does not take much to reply to a message to arrange a time to get game done. Seems strange that the day before deadline you finally manage to post about the game and admit you cannot play yet are worried in case default goes against you. It is a bit late now to try and show that you want game played, if you had replied to messages or been more active there wouldn't have been a problem.

i messaged him on friday and arranged that i would be online from 730 onwards, you chat poop, as for arrangin at end of fixture set they only messaged me 3 days ago. get a grip, i have done nothing but try to arrange the match but they logged off when messages were coming through, one second they say msgs coe tomy phone, next thing they log out to show that they are not online "browsing", cheap.

yes and I told you i was going to be out friday night, I was at my uncles house for birthday, then I had a 18th night out last night. I had been on through the days, and yes for you to message me when you come online because it comes to my phone and i would get online. You have not tried to arrange the match at all.
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