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M.V.P. - FCL Div 1 Champions

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03:29 Sun 1 Apr 12 (BST)  [Link]  
One last thing, 12-0 default? Somethings wrong there..... 15-0 should've been.

Another example of the league going to pot.
Deleted User
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03:29 Sun 1 Apr 12 (BST)  [Link]  
And well done MVP,,great match and well played we will see you all again
Posts: 22,512
03:33 Sun 1 Apr 12 (BST)  [Link]  
Oh Chris shut up and go an cry in a corner, the day you realise this is an internet game is the day that someone wins that massive american lottery jackpot!
Posts: 7,940
03:35 Sun 1 Apr 12 (BST)  [Link]  
FCL Fixture Set Two

Shooters Revenge 46 - 74 MVP - COMPLETE
w_hoolahan 3 - 12 eemad
doubted2 7 - 8 davybaumers
its_me 8 - 7 dvz
eggfriedrice 4 - 11 beenjammin
lethal_lures 9 - 6 cphaynes
mrflibble 7 - 8 potlimit
blueberry 3 - 12 andyw1
huts24 5 - 10 polar_bear

MVP 62 - 58 Snooker Squad - COMPLETE
polar_bear 7 - 8 sarny_lad
dvz 5 - 10 whocares8x8
rapid_pot 10 - 5 rubber_duck
bluenose1872 8 - 7 vendetta
beenjammin 11 - 4 cymmerboy
perfect_play 6 - 9 jose_enrique
davybaumers 9 - 6 sean92
cphaynes 6 - 9 dgeneratio
Posts: 38,097
03:35 Sun 1 Apr 12 (BST)  [Link]  
ty Jay, all i wanted was to keep it close, never expected to beat chris 12-3 even on his worst day as he appeared tonight, i stayed positive and chris did what i do normally, get annoyed at my own mistakes but i blocked it all out tonight which is what i needed to do
Posts: 7,940
03:36 Sun 1 Apr 12 (BST)  [Link]  
Thats enough guys
Deleted User
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03:39 Sun 1 Apr 12 (BST)  [Link]  
Meh, Jay's the one on here all of the time....... Says alot?

The fact is mr not so big league runner, you didn't answer my question, it should be 15-0, he made no effort, thats where the leagues gone to pot.... You just take it personally, as you think everything is about you.
Posts: 11,063
03:40 Sun 1 Apr 12 (BST)  [Link]  
Oh Chris shut up and go an cry in a corner, the day you realise this is an internet game is the day that someone wins that massive american lottery jackpot!
It was announced yesterday that three winning tickets were sold.
Posts: 22,512
03:40 Sun 1 Apr 12 (BST)  [Link]  
No problem Sir Ab, had it with the lame attitude some people have now anyway
Deleted User
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03:43 Sun 1 Apr 12 (BST)  [Link]  
Chris you lose 9-6,big deal,iv always liked you,but ur changing man,its an online game,and now u pick on jay cause u dont get 15-0,why not say this or complian when it happened? ah well good game mate and besta luck in future.
Posts: 22,512
03:45 Sun 1 Apr 12 (BST)  [Link]  
Oh nice comeback,

1. Me being active a lot is nothing to do with the above at all, at least i have the decency to congratulate my opponents and take the loss like a man and not like a little cry baby. Fact is everyone is beatable including you.

2. Default team thought a 12 - 0 was fair, if you have a problem with that you should have said when the result was announced over a week ago!

3. Certain non default members also thought a 12 - 0 was fair including some team mates, so sorry if i don't take your stupid post so seriously.

4. Your annoying me now so i may just ignore you from now on.

Have a good night.
Posts: 9,926
03:57 Sun 1 Apr 12 (BST)  [Link]  
Chris nice 6 points it gets us the win

Well done all MVP players on getting all games completed
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
04:01 Sun 1 Apr 12 (BST)  [Link]  
Oh nice comeback,

1. Me being active a lot is nothing to do with the above at all, at least i have the decency to congratulate my opponents and take the loss like a man and not like a little cry baby. Fact is everyone is beatable including you.

2. Default team thought a 12 - 0 was fair, if you have a problem with that you should have said when the result was announced over a week ago!

3. Certain non default members also thought a 12 - 0 was fair including some team mates, so sorry if i don't take your stupid post so seriously.

4. Your annoying me now so i may just ignore you from now on.

Have a good night.

Jay, I'm not sure if you noticed, but I haven't been on much this last week and a half, due to work. I didn't have time to hunt down the website and check the defaults.

12-0? He made no effort, I made all the effort, including asking for subs. It was his choice not to play the game, and he refused, how can I be expected to try and get the full points?
Posts: 22,512
04:03 Sun 1 Apr 12 (BST)  [Link]  
Good going on getting all the games completed ladies an extra 20 points our way to for winning both fixtures!
Posts: 1,170
04:04 Sun 1 Apr 12 (BST)  [Link]  
did anyone see the man city highlights?

action replay going on here
Posts: 7,940
04:07 Sun 1 Apr 12 (BST)  [Link]  
FBL Set Two.

MVP 10 v 14 Divine Forces
beenjammin 5 - 1 antione08
potlimit v angel

rapid_pot v dbno
davybaumers 3 - 3 hightops

andyw1 2 - 4 cool_dude
perfect_play v i_was_awesum

dvz 0 v 6 tokko
eemad v _niall_

Crazy Eights 8 v 16 MVP
bri1974 v nickh87
skunkyfool v cphaynes

diamond_jem 2 v 4 bluenose1872
dee v perfect_play

man_up v andyw1
__7baller__ 4 - 2 polar bear

sly_fox 2 - 4 potlimit
hughsy89 0 - 6 rapid_pot

Lets get these games completed now

Deadline: Sunday 8/4/12 @ Midnight
Posts: 22,512
04:08 Sun 1 Apr 12 (BST)  [Link]  
I'll be available most of this week if you need a sub to fill in mate.

What is going on with Damien, been like a ghost recently
Posts: 22,512
05:07 Sun 1 Apr 12 (BST)  [Link]  
Posted Image

Sisters cat is such a freak! haha
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
08:50 Sun 1 Apr 12 (BST)  [Link]  
The defining talent of a great player is their ability to focus on the positives of their (previous) play, and not on their one or two mistakes, or their bit of 'ul'.

May I site my recent game against mrflibble --- I was losing (the tie) 4-6, and needed at least at 4-1 win in the last discipline. I did not allow my head to drop... I played on.

I am no great player (like Chris is), but I am willing to fight, to gain an extra point. I am driven to show that I still have something to offer.

You're a great player Chris, stay with the greatest clan... let everybody see that the best players can still get better!
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
08:53 Sun 1 Apr 12 (BST)  [Link]  
Love pool, love clan games, love the match-ups, the 'fake' newbies, the fights, the contests, the competitions, the clans, the tourni's, the struggles.... love funky pool!
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M.V.P. - FCL Div 1 Champions

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