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Top Pool Aces (RETURN PART 2)

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13 years ago  [Link]  
Div One fcl

Top Pool Aces vs Snooker Squad

_dntbmad_ v dgeneratio
fleetwood v tinie
greyhound v crazy_greg
jpenny3 v jose_enrique
rustybmf v junster333
yetti v sarny_lad
cannibals v meadow
chanel v pilbyjoel


Top Pool Aces 20 vs 25 Team Angry

_dntbmad_ 6 v 9 badger2
fleetwood 6 v 9 chalkie35
greyhound v crazzymadman
jpenny3 v no1hustl3r
rustybmf v ipotalot
yetti v mattwellie
cannibals v mrmtp
chanel 8 v 7 poolbiird
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
13 years ago  [Link]  
FCL Announcement

Defaults Results

With regards to the fleetwood vs cphaynes clan match, the result was locked in at 12 - 0 to cphaynes as decided by the defaults panel.

All decisions are final, once locked, a default is considered closed and will not be re-opened.

League Runner
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
13 years ago  [Link]  

Yetti 9 days offline

Il be out tomorow night,and sunday night (probably) so he needs to come on . Or sort a sub if its no trouble.
Deleted User
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13 years ago  [Link]  
12.0 your having a laugh so if you dont play when god says you dont win any frames at all.beter tell myself and my animals you cant have any food yet because chris wants to play now and what he says goes your having a laugh
Posts: 9,926
13 years ago  [Link]  
12.0 your having a laugh so if you dont play when god says you dont win any frames at all.beter tell myself and my animals you cant have any food yet because chris wants to play now and what he says goes your having a laugh

The reason why you received no points is due to no information being put forward for the default. The people who done the defaults only had information provided by chris.

Maybe you should try and ensure that you send in default information and make sure that you send messages which can be used when games go to default.

Deleted User
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13 years ago  [Link]  
yep im sure he copies all messages sent and recieved i have beter things to do.this is meant to be fun .not a court room
Deleted User
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13 years ago  [Link]  
12.0 your having a laugh so if you dont play when god says you dont win any frames at all.beter tell myself and my animals you cant have any food yet because chris wants to play now and what he says goes your having a laugh

The reason why you received no points is due to no information being put forward for the default. The people who done the defaults only had information provided by chris.

Maybe you should try and ensure that you send in default information and make sure that you send messages which can be used when games go to default.


to be far horse you no what chris said on your thread his attitude towards steve was bad who wants to play a player like that with no manners towards other players but then again he one of the league runners team mates says it all as you just ignore his comments like always
Posts: 11,063
13 years ago  [Link]  
jpenny3 vs jose_enrique
is now
jpenny3 vs rubber_duck
Posts: 22,512
13 years ago  [Link]  
Another comment made towards the runners of the league, really Rick? get real. No MVP player or league runner had anything to do with the default decision so get over yourself. Fact is MVP (Chris) sent in default information and Top Pool Aces never. If information was sent in by Top Pool Aces then fleetwood may have received some points, the default team went by information given like they are supposed to do.

No information handed in does not help a team in the defaults does it? No it doesn't.
Posts: 7,164
13 years ago  [Link]  
rick i have read with great interest that you intend to play no more

FBL matches against shooters ??????

you have had players online as we have had

needless to say there has being some that hasnt been on thats fair and subs will be made i can on apologise for that and that will be done today

however yyou will not complete games and are happy for them to go to default is a childish remark and ive got to say
certainly not what id expect from a captain

i will sort subs today if not now

for any TPA players with games to play against shooters if your online message me and i will try and sub players in that are online

not having had one deafault in any league or cup game last season means alot, ive been on holiday and my co captain has had big problems , thanks players for being understanding, im sure we will get these games played before deadline

Posts: 7,164
13 years ago  [Link]  
Shooters (16) v (8) TPA

8 ball mdj 4 v 2 fleetwood
8 ball its_me v chanel
this is ok dont no why it hasnt been played

9 ball playa87 2 v 4 cleansheet

9 ball blueberry / mrflibble v _dntbmad_
this is ok dont no why it hasnt been played

8 uk w_hoolahan (4) v (2) cannibals
8 uk jame2010s v pennyarcade9
is now
8 uk doubted2 v pennyarcade9

straight lethal_lures v greyhound
is now
straight n_e_r_d / or huts24 v greyhound

straight eggfriedrice (6) v (0) dementedmind
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
13 years ago  [Link]  

Top Pool Aces 22 v 9 The Vipers

_dntbmad_ 4 v 2 _miserable_

greyhound 5 v 2 staffie_man

cannibals 3 v 3 punkpoet

chanel 4 v 2 marksmith

jpenny3 6 v 0 champof9ball


Top Pool Aces 10 v 8 Crazy Eights

_dntbmad_ 4 v 2 sly_fox

greyhound 5 v 1 diamond_jem

cleensheet 1 v 5 bri1974

big_mouse v badbeat83

jpenny3 v skunkyfool

Game Format

- 2 racks each of US8, UK8 and US9 (6 racks in total)
- 1 point for each rack won
- 1 point for each 'event' achieved (Golden Break or Run Out)

Games to be played by Midnight (UK) on 28/3/12

got to be played by midnight tomorrow that the deadline for these games
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
13 years ago  [Link]  
Div One fcl

Top Pool Aces vs Snooker Squad

_dntbmad_ v dgeneratio
fleetwood v tinie
greyhound v crazy_greg
jpenny3 v jose_enrique
rustybmf v junster333
yetti v sarny_lad
cannibals v meadow
chanel v pilbyjoel


Top Pool Aces 20 vs 25 Team Angry

_dntbmad_ 6 v 9 badger2
fleetwood 6 v 9 chalkie35
greyhound v crazzymadman
jpenny3 v no1hustl3r
rustybmf v ipotalot
yetti v mattwellie
cannibals v mrmtp
chanel 8 v 7 poolbiird

Deadline: 1st April
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
13 years ago  [Link]  
Shooters 16 v 8 TPA ----- FBL

8 ball mdj 4 v 2 fleetwood

8 ball its_me v big_mouse

9 ball playa87 2 v 4 cheetsheet

9 ball blueberry v_dntbmad_

8 uk w_hoolahan 4 v 2 cannibals

8 uk jame2010s v pennyarcade9

straight lethal_lures v greyhound

straight eggfriedrice 6 v 0 dementedmind

TPA 21 v 21 Latin Legends

8 ball fleetwood 3 v 3 therev

8 ball chanel 4 v 2 barbaycue

9 ball _dntbmad_ 3 v 3 toluca321

9 ball rustybmf 3 v 3 chalkey_84

8 uk ads19 0 v 6 red4ever

8 uk jpenny3 6 v 0 zantetsukenz

straight greyhound v king8ball1
game as been arrange for sunday

straight dementedmind 2 v 4 joker86

6 frames of us8 ball
6 frames of us9 ball
6 frames of uk 8 ball
3 frames of straight

good luck aces

Deadline for fixture set 1 : 25 / 3 /12 @ MIDNIGHT (GMT)

got to be played by midnight tomorrow that the deadline for these games
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
13 years ago  [Link]  
Shooters (16) v (8) TPA

8 ball mdj 4 v 2 fleetwood
8 ball its_me v chanel
this is ok dont no why it hasnt been played
i have been sub in for that game sorted for tonight

9 ball playa87 2 v 4 cleansheet

9 ball blueberry / mrflibble v _dntbmad_
this is ok dont no why it hasnt been played

8 uk w_hoolahan (4) v (2) cannibals
8 uk jame2010s v pennyarcade9
is now
8 uk doubted2 v pennyarcade9

straight lethal_lures v greyhound
is now
straight n_e_r_d / or huts24 v greyhound

straight eggfriedrice (6) v (0) dementedmind

Edited at 11:06 Sat 24/03/12 (GMT)
Posts: 3,610
13 years ago  [Link]  
messaged big_mouse alot and hes online?

i can play most days but work at night ???

he wont answer me
Posts: 7,164
13 years ago  [Link]  
dont no what you expect its me to do rick
Deleted User
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13 years ago  [Link]  
dont no what you expect its me to do rick

well i ask him to play and i invite him one min he was playing the next he wasn't so he was messing around so now i will wait until the time we said
Posts: 7,164
13 years ago  [Link]  
so whats the problem then ??? why not just talk instead of posting trash all over the shooter thread

jolly good eggs rick jolly good

Edited at 20:27 Sat 24/03/12 (GMT)
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
13 years ago  [Link]  
so whats the problem then ??? why not just talk instead of posting trash all over the shooter thread

jolly good eggs rick jolly good

it was not thrash over shooters i was asking you do you no what he means one min he was playing the next he wasn't so ab had no right to move it i wonted you to see it
if you could understand what he was saying
Edited at 20:27 Sat 24/03/12 (GMT)
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Top Pool Aces (RETURN PART 2)

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