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Crazy Eights - May The Mayhem Begin.

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Posts: 22,512
13:40 Fri 9 Mar 12 (GMT)  [Link]  

You have two players that have been offline for 20 days combined, and a further two that have not been online. Where is the need for Crazy Eights to make a sub exactly? there players are active correct?

Are you proposing that a few swaps are made? because even then someone is still going to get landed with the people who are offline for days on end.

You also seem to forgot that the players on this team also have a life, jobs and other commitments to but they still come online at least once a day or as much as they can.
Deleted User
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13:50 Fri 9 Mar 12 (GMT)  [Link]  

You have two players that have been offline for 20 days combined, and a further two that have not been online. Where is the need for Crazy Eights to make a sub exactly? there players are active correct?

Are you proposing that a few swaps are made? because even then someone is still going to get landed with the people who are offline for days on end.

You also seem to forgot that the players on this team also have a life, jobs and other commitments to but they still come online at least once a day or as much as they can.

read thread jay if your going to butt in i said i stand in for them if you look she dose not want to make subs or swaps people do work not on here all day
Posts: 22,512
13:55 Fri 9 Mar 12 (GMT)  [Link]  
I read the thread, and i can butt in where i like as it was me getting the information about players being offline and stuff as i offered to help Jema out a little until she finds another suitable vice captain or co-captain.

Fact of the matter is your players have been offline for god knows how long, im guessing by now your running real short on subs for these games to. So why should Jema make a sub or a swap for a player that is not even been active. For example yetti has been offline for 13 days while his opponents signs on at least every day or two (mainly due to he has uni) but you think she should make a swap or a sub? Would be pure pointless.

You have yourself as a sub also so if your really wanting to get a game played then sub in to run_outt's game instead of waiting for hours to make a sub later when Bri mate not be able to get on or something.
Deleted User
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13:57 Fri 9 Mar 12 (GMT)  [Link]  

You have two players that have been offline for 20 days combined, and a further two that have not been online. Where is the need for Crazy Eights to make a sub exactly? there players are active correct?

Are you proposing that a few swaps are made? because even then someone is still going to get landed with the people who are offline for days on end.

You also seem to forgot that the players on this team also have a life, jobs and other commitments to but they still come online at least once a day or as much as they can.
Thankyou for your concerns jay.
Regarding this situation , whoever maybe right or wrong , both captains would have time better spent , instead of pointing fingers, allocating their time in creating solutions to the problems rather than fanning the flames, when it is the teams position in the league which shouldnt be lost sight of,and is the most important thing here

Head League Runner
Posts: 22,512
14:00 Fri 9 Mar 12 (GMT)  [Link]  
Thats the thing though, the only person pointing the finger is Rick with stupid comments like "she is a league runner she should know better" when in actual fact she is doing nothing wrong at all, what can she do sub in another active player to play against an non active player, where is the sense in that.

Above all of that stop comparing the running of the FCL to the FBL Rick, both leagues are different and work differently.
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14:03 Fri 9 Mar 12 (GMT)  [Link]  
I read the thread, and i can butt in where i like as it was me getting the information about players being offline and stuff as i offered to help Jema out a little until she finds another suitable vice captain or co-captain.

Fact of the matter is your players have been offline for god knows how long, im guessing by now your running real short on subs for these games to. So why should Jema make a sub or a swap for a player that is not even been active. For example yetti has been offline for 13 days while his opponents signs on at least every day or two (mainly due to he has uni) but you think she should make a swap or a sub? Would be pure pointless.

look jay am not going to fall out with you over this but this team as nothing to do with you
but i ask her be gaining of the week about sub and swaps
and she ignore all messages from me
and i got every one of her players on my friend list dont come out with that crap iv got no subs am waiting to see what players come on line so i can sub them in to the ones she as on line not one was on last night i was setting and waiting for them all
Posts: 2,182
14:04 Fri 9 Mar 12 (GMT)  [Link]  
I should be playing Rusty tonight!
Posts: 22,512
14:08 Fri 9 Mar 12 (GMT)  [Link]  
Incase you never read anything properly, Jema asked for my help, and im going to defend anything i think is right mate.

Like i said why should she make the subs when her players are active, and i know 100% if there was a game that had a chance to be played she would make the swap or the sub for it. Even when she is not on pool, im sitting there telling her so and so is online and such and such.

You have no right to criticize her as a league runner though, as that is a totally different job and one she does very well.
Posts: 22,512
14:16 Fri 9 Mar 12 (GMT)  [Link]  
To stop all this yacking on the clan thread though if you message Jema again and i will make sure to tell her that you have so you can both work something out.
Deleted User
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14:17 Fri 9 Mar 12 (GMT)  [Link]  
Incase you never read anything properly, Jema asked for my help, and im going to defend anything i think is right mate.

Like i said why should she make the subs when her players are active, and i know 100% if there was a game that had a chance to be played she would make the swap or the sub for it. Even when she is not on pool, im sitting there telling her so and so is online and such and such.

You have no right to criticize her as a league runner though, as that is a totally different job and one she does very well.

well as i said it got nothing to do with you i keep all the prove
i need if she not willing to swaps or make subs that up to her
all am trying to do for the last week is get these game finish how simple is that you can say what you like i will not comment no more on this to you as is not your team
if her players come on i will make subs and swaps but if not going to do the same that it will be down to her
Posts: 22,512
14:17 Fri 9 Mar 12 (GMT)  [Link]  
FCL Set One

Crazy Eights (40) vs (35) Latin Legends

andy2b vs king8ball1
dee vs toluca321
man_up vs joker86
skunkyfool (7) vs (8) zantetsukenz
huts24 (8) vs (7) red4ever
hughsy89 (13) vs (2) therev
__7baller__ (4) vs (11) barbaycue
sly_fox (8) vs (7) chalkey_84

Crazy Eights (41) vs (19) Vipers

sly_fox (6) vs (9) funky_fluke
huts24 (13) vs (2) blackcabman7
hughsy89 vs hotdave
bri1974 (12) vs (3) coldsteel12
diamond_jem (10) vs (5) staffie_man
try vs mk_lad
dee vs i_am_classic
man_up vs master_p00l

Deadline: 18th March 2012
Posts: 22,512
14:18 Fri 9 Mar 12 (GMT)  [Link]  
FBL Pre Season

Crazy Eights (8) vs (4) Top Pool Aces

huts24 (5) vs (1) dementedmind
skunkyfool vs rustybmf

diamond_jem (3) vs (3) cleensheet
hughsy89 vs ads19

man_up vs fleetwood
bri1974 vs run_outt

dee vs yetti
sly_fox vs great_player

Divine Forces (25) vs (11) Crazy Eights

angel vs __7baller__
dbno (5) vs (1) sly_fox

hightops (2) vs (4) huts24
_shadows_ (4) vs (2) theukspoon

antione08 (5) vs (1) try
i_was_awsome (3) vs (3) skunkyfool

tokko vs hughsy89
_niall_ (6) vs (0) diamond_jem

Deadline: 11th March 2012
Posts: 22,512
14:19 Fri 9 Mar 12 (GMT)  [Link]  
FSL - Fixture 5 + 6

Crazy Eights (2) vs (4) The Assassins

daveg vs xxx
skunkyfool (2) vs (4) rocketweaz8
man_up vs letsgamble
andy2b vs sxs000
dee vs pricer73

Crazy Eights (12) vs (6) The Underdogs

diamond_jem vs warprincess
hughsy89 (4) vs (2) tombstone74
huts24 vs dementia
sly_fox (4) vs (2) wade_
__7baller__ (4) vs (2) foulonblack

Deadline: 18th March 2012
Deleted User
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14:35 Fri 9 Mar 12 (GMT)  [Link]  
Far as i'm concerned you shouldn't be having anything to do with the running of crazy eights Jay, you are an MVP player and as someone on the defaults panel for division 2 for next season this would cause major problems with results potentially being questioned because of objectivity.
Crazy Eights have very experienced players who have been captains and vices at different clans and at this one...leave them to it please.
Posts: 22,512
14:41 Fri 9 Mar 12 (GMT)  [Link]  
Already explained the above in offline message mate.

As for division two? I was under the impression i was on the division one panel due to MVP joining the FBL and they would be starting in division two.

Im about to go just now though anyway as i am already running late for my appointment as usual, 5 minutes to catch a bus =/
Deleted User
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14:54 Fri 9 Mar 12 (GMT)  [Link]  
OK my mistake on that one was forgetting MVP only joined FBL this season but you would potentially be involved in the decision in pre-season defaults.
Even putting defaults aside it's not right to be in one clan and helping run another, surely you see that?
From what I have seen both teams have the players to finish all the games comfortably it's the captain's working together that needs to happen to get them done, you getting involved hasn't helped that situation one bit and as stated they have the players with the experience to step up and help jem themselves.
Deleted User
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15:12 Fri 9 Mar 12 (GMT)  [Link]  
To put an end to all of this, both captains need to compromise a bit, the main concern is to get the games played . Both captains need to put any differences aside,if any, and concentrate on completing the fixture, so we hopefully dont have the situation of games going to default.
My suggestion is,for the captains to ensure they dont have each other on ignore, so if they do have players online before the deadline they can arrange with each other to have those players in games getting them played .Problem is then solved .
Regarding preseason defaults, a separate unbiased panel will be selected if it is required

Head League Runner
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17:37 Fri 9 Mar 12 (GMT)  [Link]  
well hang on, jay might be on another team but he is my fiance so when he offered help, i accepted, i have a lot on my plate, with dex gone , catching up with 3 leagues, running 1 league, websites, then i have a life off pool, remember people im about to become a mum ive got loads to do, that and i got to see Jay.

thank you jay for defending my stand on this.

if you dont want to hear it from Jay, then you will hear it from me... all my players are online everyday, your players have been offline for days. why would i sub an ACTIVE player for another ACTIVE player against a NON ACTIVE player... that is not solving anything, i sent you a list of the games we have Rick and told you which games were likely to be played with activeness and mentioned which of your players have been offline for numerous days... i cannot do much more than wait for you to give me active players for my games.

swapping people about my side would make no difference in getting games played as YOUR players are inactive.
Deleted User
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17:42 Fri 9 Mar 12 (GMT)  [Link]  

You have two players that have been offline for 20 days combined, and a further two that have not been online. Where is the need for Crazy Eights to make a sub exactly? there players are active correct?

Are you proposing that a few swaps are made? because even then someone is still going to get landed with the people who are offline for days on end.

You also seem to forgot that the players on this team also have a life, jobs and other commitments to but they still come online at least once a day or as much as they can.
Thankyou for your concerns jay.
Regarding this situation , whoever maybe right or wrong , both captains would have time better spent , instead of pointing fingers, allocating their time in creating solutions to the problems rather than fanning the flames, when it is the teams position in the league which shouldnt be lost sight of,and is the most important thing here

Head League Runner

i must disagree, i dont need to make any changes when all my players had been online within the last 12 hours of me telling Rick which games were left to play.

what am i meant to do when he has left in players who have been offline 6 + 13 days? take out an active player of mine and sub in another active player so the game still doesnt get played?
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
17:46 Fri 9 Mar 12 (GMT)  [Link]  
Crazy Eights (8) vs (4) Top Pool Aces

skunkyfool vs rustybmf - offline 14 hours ago - arranged for tonight

hughsy89 vs ads19 - online now

man_up vs fleetwood - 17 hours ago
bri1974 vs run_outt - 2 days ago

dee vs yetti - 13 days ago
sly_fox vs great_player - 7 days ago
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Crazy Eights - May The Mayhem Begin.

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