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keeps freezing!

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Posts: 35
21:46 Mon 26 Mar 07 (BST)  [Link]  
just recently it keeps freezing when im in a game especialy when im in a tournament and then i have to log off then log back on just wondered if anyone new what the problem was?
Posts: 8,940
22:11 Mon 26 Mar 07 (BST)  [Link]  
Just to clarify - do you mean freezing completely, or just not responding (when you get the countdown to 8/8 above the top right corner of the table?

If you're not responding (connection between yourself and the FP server is broken) then you should check no-one else is using a phone in your house (if on dialup), that each phone socket has a DSL filter fitted (if on broadband) and if you are on a network, that no-one else in the house is using anything intensive, like file sharing software, while you are playing.

If you're on a wireless connection, make sure your security is setup so you dont get leechers.
Posts: 35
22:34 Mon 26 Mar 07 (BST)  [Link]  
its freezing completely
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06:03 Tue 27 Mar 07 (BST)  [Link]  
i think i know what he/she means????
The game window , when the balls stop moving , yet the game is still playing, you can hear your opponents play and potting as normal, but you cant see the progress until your opponent has finished the break and only then when its your turn can you see the position of the cue ball and object balls?????

To that i have no answer, it happens to me sometimes and what i do is not too open other windows up ...anything from maximising the main page and opening PM's etc to opening a completely different web page, it seems to help buy can still happen.
This however only happens to me at work, never at home
Posts: 35
10:51 Tue 27 Mar 07 (BST)  [Link]  
what happens is on the game window i can still see the game but it wont let me take a shot because the aim isnt the circle with a cross in it its the little hour glass like something is loading up and it wont let me close the window either
Posts: 8,940
12:11 Tue 27 Mar 07 (BST)  [Link]  
This means the game is crashing on your comp.

First thing that springs to mind is Windows Live Messenger, make sure this isnt running as it causes lots of problems.

I'd also advise re-installing Java - are you comfortable with removing/reinstalling or do you want more detailed instructions?
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17:12 Tue 27 Mar 07 (BST)  [Link]  
hmmmm i run my pool game via msn and have live messenger running, never had a problem like that, but then again i do have the latest java i dont know if that makes the difference

Edited at 22:12 Tue 27/03/07 (BST)
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17:34 Tue 27 Mar 07 (BST)  [Link]  
ok i know im changing subject here slightly...but a few times i've had it where i take a shot, i can hear the balls move but it doesn't show me it on the screen, just waits till the balls have stopped and then kind of jumps to where they have finished...usually to fix it i have to log out and back in again.

dont know if anyone can help me? and im sorry for changing the subject lol

(btw this is miss_steph - used all my posts up on it hehe)
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17:36 Tue 27 Mar 07 (BST)  [Link]  
happens to me 2 i have no clue y tho
Posts: 8,940
17:52 Tue 27 Mar 07 (BST)  [Link]  
The Messenger problem comes from the fancy "emoticons" it displays. Most are flash based, but some things also (according to geek forums) use Java.

These animations could interrupt the FP animation routines, but thats a really just a guess. However they do freeze things quite regularly which is why i mentioned it to benno91.

miss_steph, sorry, LADY_steph's problem also sounds exactly like the kind of lag i suffered from a year or so ago. I could often miss a few shots before things came back to normal though.
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17:59 Tue 27 Mar 07 (BST)  [Link]  
So Spinner there's nothing i can do about it?

Sorry am just curious, when it happens im not usually in a game so i dont mind so much.

Also, it does this sometimes and i see the table cover the chat area up or a PM if i have one open and the balls move in that but not where they are supposed too??
Posts: 8,940
18:02 Tue 27 Mar 07 (BST)  [Link]  
I've seen it too, and it could be a graphics driver problems.

I'll have a snoop and see if i can recreate it.. <puts geek hat on>

For now though, logging out and back in again seems to be the work-around.
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18:04 Tue 27 Mar 07 (BST)  [Link]  
Ill get a screen shot next time it does it spinner to show ya

Thanks tho ill just log in and out till it fixes itself
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18:23 Tue 27 Mar 07 (BST)  [Link]  
thats exactly what i 1st described steph, if spinner can source a possible cure that wud be great, wen it happens i use FF and am on windows 2000 pro ( a works thing, lets not ask why i use FF)
Deleted User
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18:27 Tue 27 Mar 07 (BST)  [Link]  
Yeah it wud be great cos its realllllly anoying!..

Im using IE6 on this comp and it only really happens if im on this comp..dont know if that makes any difference tho.
Deleted User
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18:31 Tue 27 Mar 07 (BST)  [Link]  
look up at the reasons why it happens to me and if its the same with you, avoid doing it.
However.... i play it through msn and have live messenger running at home and its fine

Edited at 23:31 Tue 27/03/07 (BST)
Deleted User
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18:37 Tue 27 Mar 07 (BST)  [Link]  
I have both MSN and i have live messenger...but i dunno what causes it...only happens on odd occasions like i say
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keeps freezing!

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