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Deleted User
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18 years ago  [Link]  
nah 6pack dont know where they got the idea of me cheating from, think they said because of fouls on the black which as far as i knew was 2 fouls in 1 game but u still never answered pvt game when nobody was on, & we all know what ur like u dont like not being virtuoso it hurts you & holding virtuoso for so long theres something going on u must just be doing some serious licking though.
where the rank is concerned a dont play much uk now at all so dont really care what the rank is & a have played u in the past & u aint the player ur bumchums make u out 2 be.

Edited at 15:48 Wed 28/03/07 (BST)
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
18 years ago  [Link]  
Seriously, what's the point? This is an internet forum, one of tranquility. Whenever you post it's negitive, you have been told of the appropriate action if you feel someone has cheated. So please refrain from posting yet another 'he's cheating' argument on our forums! If your accusation had any substance, it would be dealt with!

EDIT: Also, i've played jay many times, and i lose alot because he is good, i have no doubt that he wouldn't cheat!

Edited at 16:05 Wed 28/03/07 (BST)
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
18 years ago  [Link]  
the way this thread is going can see it getting capped very soon if you keep making accusations that jay is cheating and as said in my previous post contact a online mod/admin or send a complaint.for future reference _try_again_ you shouldn't name and shame jay for something he hasn't done.<edited spelling>

Edited at 16:13 Wed 28/03/07 (BST)
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
18 years ago  [Link]  
I hope it does get capped!
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
18 years ago  [Link]  
i can personally say they both aint cheats...lets leave it as it is
Posts: 1,363
18 years ago  [Link]  
i agree jon both great players
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
18 years ago  [Link]  
there is obv abit of bad blood between you two so why dont you both settle it in first to 10 match? i would love to see that...also can i add jay is a very consistante player and very good at uk so he defo aint a cheat and rangers the same come on over 100 gb's in uk that is impressive i cant even get one

as for this thread i think needs capping

Edited at 17:16 Wed 28/03/07 (BST)
Posts: 2,056
18 years ago  [Link]  
clooneman said:
Jay ain't no cheat, I can vouch for him. The end.

is 2 usernames classed as cheating?? if so please let me know as i know something

everyone sounds like little kids

Edited at 17:30 Wed 28/03/07 (BST)
Posts: 2,056
18 years ago  [Link]  
this thread makes me angry ive looked into a few things and ive noticed there is 2 lots of games 18-0 on two names and when people are saying about others cheating and cheat themselves really annoy me, and disguise they are from iraq any comments to this post... look forward to it
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
18 years ago  [Link]  
_try_again_ said:
holding virtuoso for so long theres something going on

Thanks for the compliment. It's called skill btw, something you know nothing about CHEATER...

as for you one or two fouls on black LMAO yeah like you would get reset for that like.

FACT: You and your other username brycie cheating with wont say who and his other username with over twenty fouls on black.. Swapping over and back on both accounts givin each other pts. He got reset too. Seen the results myself.

Must of hurt losing all them gb's LMAO. That's all ur good at anway, that and making false accusations..

Edited at 17:44 Wed 28/03/07 (BST)
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
18 years ago  [Link]  
this thread was to prove 2 cheaters of blattent cheating now its turned into an arguement please someone cap this NOW
Posts: 2,056
18 years ago  [Link]  
ok last post from me check out the name wizardly
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
18 years ago  [Link]  
as i said in a previous post <name removed> was booted for cheating and this thread is turning into a joke *shouts a mod*can you cap this thread now ?.before this thread gets capped to some up this arguement play the game fair and don't cheat.agreed ?

Edited at 18:19 Wed 28/03/07 (BST)
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
18 years ago  [Link]  
This thread is pointless needs to be capped

_try_again_ you can't just go around accusing people of cheating on the forum it just turns in to arguements and it's pointless, if you have problems like this then send a complaint or pm a mod as you should no

Edited at 19:05 Wed 28/03/07 (BST)
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
18 years ago  [Link]  
quick_pot said:
This thread is pointless needs to be capped

_try_again_ you can't just go around accusing people of cheating on the forum it just turns in to arguments and it's pointless, if you have problems like this then send a complaint or pm a mod as you should no
well said last post on this topic _try_again_ if jay was supposedly cheating don't you think a admin would have reset him by now ?.
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
18 years ago  [Link]  
i_love_emma said:
there is obv abit of bad blood between you two so why dont you both settle it in first to 10 match? i would love to see that...also can i add jay is a very consistante player and very good at uk so he defo aint a cheat and rangers the same come on over 100 gb's in uk that is impressive i cant even get one

as for this thread i think needs capping

i think i said it first
Posts: 452
18 years ago  [Link]  
back on topic....

what i dont understand is how one of the 2 has already been banned and the other one hasnt, What more evidence do admin need than whats there on his profile in black and white???

i can see why jays annoyed if i was at number 2 of the leader board legitimately and number 1 has cheated his way there i'd want something done about it. And as for ur spat boys - not big or clever
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
18 years ago  [Link]  
beannie said:
back on topic....

what i dont understand is how one of the 2 has already been banned and the other one hasnt, What more evidence do admin need than whats there on his profile in black and white???

i can see why jays annoyed if i was at number 2 of the leader board legitimately and number 1 has cheated his way there i'd want something done about it. And as for ur spat boys - not big or clever

well said jen
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
18 years ago  [Link]  
6pack you really have got a cheek bet if domin8trix looked through this she would laugh knowing that you were cheating, but she would obviously vouch for you if anything was said, you know you cheat but just doin a fair bit of licking as i said & getting away with it & you were saying skill am surprised you could spell that u aint a skillful player, hows wizardly & ur other account lethal notice how they're no longer up there in the ranks,whats wrong u not takin the chance cheating with all 3 now.
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
18 years ago  [Link]  
_try_again_ if you haven't something nice to say on this topic then don't write anything that could cause a arguement simple as ... the best solution is you just put each other on ignore and don't complain about jay being a cheat on the forum because it's naming and shaming which is against forum rules.

Edited at 22:39 Wed 28/03/07 (BST)
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