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3 Strikes, you're out!!

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Posts: 4,347
05:23 Sat 24 Mar 07 (GMT)  [Link]  
Unfair post - deleted

Edited by forum moderator martin_blank, at 09:13 Sun 1/04/07 (BST)
Posts: 8,940
06:34 Sat 24 Mar 07 (GMT)  [Link]  
myfriendfats - dont fall for the stereotypical interpetations shown on TV etc, the homosexual couples i know would break your face if you called them g ay!

However, back to the subject; The thing that amazes me is that despite swear words counting for less than 0.1% of the 616,500 words in the Oxford Englsh Dictionary, people still find the need to use them.

The fact is, 5 year old kids can have proper conversations without swearing, so it says a lot about your maturity if you cant..

Glad to see this idea can be implimented Nick. Any chance of even a trial period?
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16:25 Wed 28 Mar 07 (BST)  [Link]  
How about a stitch them up thread where you post screen shots of swearing in chat rooms!
Posts: 8,940
16:33 Wed 28 Mar 07 (BST)  [Link]  
Are you serious? Surely not!

Naming and shaming is bad enough, but combining that with permanent records displaying bad language has to be (sorry dude) one of the worst ideas yet.

Posts: 744
17:00 Wed 28 Mar 07 (BST)  [Link]  
Uh oh, the site will be empty. lol
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20:15 Wed 28 Mar 07 (BST)  [Link]  
A friend of mine has a nickname thats rooted from Richard. Idiota numero uno here decided to attempt to use this nickname here (although it does have a y on the end) and promptly got booted. Accidents or absent minded-ness happens. An Auto-ban isn't a great plan really.
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08:19 Thu 29 Mar 07 (BST)  [Link]  
It's a stupid plan. People should get warned and then banned manually.
Posts: 3
18:08 Thu 29 Mar 07 (BST)  [Link]  
on the subject of the word 'g a y'.
people should not be offended by its exclusion from the chat rooms, it is only to prevent people from abuse by people who consider the word to be derogatory and not to make people who are 'g a y' feel as though they should feel deragatory, if that makes any sense!

also, thanks for th tip on hidin th chat, but having th screen at the bottom would just annoy me!!!
Posts: 3
18:09 Thu 29 Mar 07 (BST)  [Link]  
Post deleted as only contained deleted quotes. Not fault of user.

Edited by forum moderator martin_blank, at 09:20 Sun 1/04/07 (BST)
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02:00 Fri 30 Mar 07 (BST)  [Link]  
I agree with dr. fedex's surgestion strange enough!!

With the G word, I go to school and the only time I ever here the G word, its only ever for a deroagatry comment. I don't know the stats on this so help me here nick but I would think that at least 70% of members of this website would be 20 or under, thats counting the people that lie about there age. 90% of these people would use the word for a put down.

Back to my surgestion, good to see a lot of response and im liking most of the ideas.

Keep it up guys!!
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03:01 Fri 30 Mar 07 (BST)  [Link]  
Also another surgestion, I have noticed that the word horny has not been filtered. As this relates to S**, I think that this word should also be filtered as there is no way that you can call someone horny like the G word Like "hey Horny, how you going?"

Its not like that, we should get it banned as well!! your thorghts spinner?

And I have only ever seen the word to descibe the stuff (S**)

Edited at 08:03 Fri 30/03/07 (BST)
Posts: 8,940
03:07 Fri 30 Mar 07 (BST)  [Link]  
Not just up to me but yes, valid point aflumpire.

Filtering a word like that would be very benificial especially with the auto-ban feature extended to members.

Although there have been a few objections, the simple fact remains that there is no way anyone talking normally will accidentally (as in, make a typing mistake) and use a filtered word 3 times in 15 minutes.
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07:58 Fri 30 Mar 07 (BST)  [Link]  
horny isn't swearing, that's why it's not blocked
Deleted User
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19:59 Fri 30 Mar 07 (BST)  [Link]  
myfriendfats said:
horny isn't swearing, that's why it's not blocked

g@y isnt swearing either
Posts: 8,940
20:12 Fri 30 Mar 07 (BST)  [Link]  
The filter isn't there just for swearing, it's there to make the site a more friendly experience for all.

The small minority of immature users are the ones who use these words most frequently, and almost without exception in a derogatory fashion. As has already mentioned many times.

There are plenty of other chat areas, or indeed people can use notepad if they feel the desperate need to type derogatory and "naughty" things, then they can come back here and interact like normal people.

As i mentioned before - children of 5 and under can converse without such language, which speaks volumes for the maturity of those who feel they cannot.
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20:21 Fri 30 Mar 07 (BST)  [Link]  
Good Point spinner.

I never used a bad word until I was 8 years old and I did my 1st bad word on the net when I was 14.

Anyone can be normal but as mentioned, there is a small minority of people who abuse the fun and the POINT of Funkypool.

I joined to make friends and to play some pool. Not to be sledged and to be sworn at.

This is why I surgested the 3 Strikes, to get the minoroty out of here so EVERYONE can enjoy Funkypool in peace.

Edited at 01:22 Sat 31/03/07 (BST)
Deleted User
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20:29 Fri 30 Mar 07 (BST)  [Link]  

Funkypool should make a page with all of the illegal words that can not say on funkypool.

That should make people more aware that there is ZERO tollorence on swearling on Funkypool.
Posts: 8,940
04:23 Sat 31 Mar 07 (BST)  [Link]  
Well, a page full of offensive or potentially derogatory words isn't a good idea, but everything else you say is spot on.

Well said that man.
Deleted User
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22:20 Sat 31 Mar 07 (BST)  [Link]  
I would like to see the list of pages as when I was talking to spinner last night, I was complaining about c yber bullying and I didnt know that c**** was considerd swearing. So I would have had one strike.

And just reading over the replies here. Some people seem to think I mean after 3 strikes, your baned. If you read my 1st post, I say after a amoun of times where you have been booted for 3 strikes.

Just a couple of people who mis read that
Posts: 338
00:02 Sun 1 Apr 07 (BST)  [Link]  
Deleted with user's permission (and so was my own post)

Edited by forum moderator martin_blank, at 09:26 Sun 1/04/07 (BST)
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3 Strikes, you're out!!

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