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Mourinho - does anyone want him?

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Posts: 4,347
16:28 Sat 13 Jan 07 (GMT)  [Link]  
There's all this talk of Jose maybe leaving Chelsea and where he might go. Do you want him?

I follow Real Madrid and there's talk he might go there.

I'd hate it. He has the worlds best attacking talent at his disposal - and he plays defensive

He has the worlds best footballers - and he plays the 'long ball game' - kick and rush to anybody else.

I don't even want him at Wycombe. He came to our £80k squad with his £280 million squad, and played defensive. He could have slaughtered us. He was happy with 1-1.

Do you really want this bloke Chelsea? Wouldn't you like to see that brilliant squad go all out attack?

Does anyone want him? Even you Nem?
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17:32 Sat 13 Jan 07 (GMT)  [Link]  
Two Portuaguese leages,a cup of Portugal, a UEFA cup, a champions league, a league cup and two Premierships. Hey, im not gonna argue with him.

Posts: 2
17:50 Sat 13 Jan 07 (GMT)  [Link]  
He's a fud IMO.

I'm not talking about his footballing credentials, only his arrogant persona.
Posts: 31,220
23:57 Sat 13 Jan 07 (GMT)  [Link]  
Clooneman Athletic FC are looking for a manager. I wonder if he'll take a paycut?
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02:32 Sun 14 Jan 07 (GMT)  [Link]  
I agree with you martin! Chelsea need a manager like Alex Ferguson, or anyone who will play attacking football. Whenevr i watch Chelsea i always come away dissapointed, but if i watch Man Utd, even though i dont like to say it, i'm entertained!

And i also hate Mourinho's arrogence, he's like a cjild stuck in the developmental cycle of ego-centrism (7 year old)!
The word narcacistic springs to mind aswell!

Edited at 10:26 Sun 14/01/07 (GMT)
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03:43 Sun 14 Jan 07 (GMT)  [Link]  
well sed 1_eye
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05:06 Sun 14 Jan 07 (GMT)  [Link]  
hes undeniably a very fine and astute tactician. however what chelsea need is someone to motivate their multi million pound prima donas. they dont needa more attacking manager they need a mna manager, someone who isnt afraid to give the players a rollocking at half time. someone like alladyce or pearce
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06:31 Sun 14 Jan 07 (GMT)  [Link]  
someone like alladyce or pearce

Couldn't agree more! Pearce learnt from one of the best manager's to ever grace English football, and he knows how to deal with a prima dona!
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16:09 Tue 16 Jan 07 (GMT)  [Link]  
no 1 wants him
Posts: 2,800
16:25 Tue 16 Jan 07 (GMT)  [Link]  
I would like to see Mourinho at a team that doesn't have the finances and players like chelsea and which he will have to wheel and deal on the market. Then lets see if he is a good manager.
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16:38 Tue 16 Jan 07 (GMT)  [Link]  
Should have came to rangers before Smith and McCoist came

Aw well 5-0 against Dundee Utd will do me for the time being!!

Edited at 22:39 Tue 16/01/07 (GMT)
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08:48 Sat 20 Jan 07 (GMT)  [Link]  

Come on Liverpool! (not really a liverpool fan)
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10:16 Sat 20 Jan 07 (GMT)  [Link]  
personally i think he should stay with chelsea buy the man makes his own decision's and..

Well done to bernitez.. for completing his only target he personally posseses by defeating chelsea 2-0 because he has never beaten chelsea with liverpool
Posts: 4,347
01:48 Sun 21 Jan 07 (GMT)  [Link]  
With the way Chelsea are behaving on & off field, Wycombe are either going to get a backlash-thumping in the second leg this week, or they'll provide the biggest upset in years.

I reckon 1-0 to Wycombe, and Jose to climb the stands and headbutt Roman at the final whistle.
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09:39 Tue 23 Jan 07 (GMT)  [Link]  
i cant stand the man dont get me wrong hes a good manager but the sooner hes out of english football the better
Posts: 4,347
16:26 Tue 23 Jan 07 (GMT)  [Link]  
I agree. He's too careful and too negative. He has an abundance of skill at his disposal but deploys it defensively.

I understand he also plays on this pool site, so we ought to be a bit careful what we say. (No user-name can be given, so please don't ask)

But needless to say, you scraped by against Wycombe tonight Jose, and the you could have at least shaken Shevchenko's hand properly.

I'm surprised, because on the forums you come across as a good bloke mr_mcquiston.

Edited at 22:30 Tue 23/01/07 (GMT)
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17:03 Tue 23 Jan 07 (GMT)  [Link]  
jose jose jose, what to do with you, what a disapointment as a manger get a 1-1 draw against wycombe what an embaressment ( no offence to wycombe fans) but seriously a MILLION pound team carnt even beat a maybe a 500K team ok they did tonight but, like you say martin he SCRAPED the win his team is good, his team football ISN'T!, what more can i say?

seriously though martin, what's his user name?... lol jokes ( don't play on here really people don't panic )

Edited at 23:04 Tue 23/01/07 (GMT)
Posts: 4,347
13:42 Wed 24 Jan 07 (GMT)  [Link]  
but seriously a MILLION pound team carnt even beat a maybe a 500K team

The actual figures: Chelsea's squad cost 280 million, Wycombe's cost 80 thousand. That 80k wouldn't even pay one Chelsea's players wages for 5 days.

Disappointed with Jermaine Easter last night though. Three really good chances to score and he fluffed them all badly. If he'd have been on his game the score could have been much closer because Chelsea's defending was poor.
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07:30 Thu 25 Jan 07 (GMT)  [Link]  
chav_h8r2 said:
Two Portuaguese leages,a cup of Portugal, a UEFA cup, a champions league, a league cup and two Premierships. Hey, im not gonna argue with him.


I don't like the man and his play is boring, but can't argue with the above!
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08:22 Thu 25 Jan 07 (GMT)  [Link]  
I wonder if Jose would be so arrogent in front of my hero (Ol' big ead' Brian Clough), because ol' big ead' would slap him round his chops if he showed any dis-respect to his players or the officals! I also like to imagine what a manager like Clough could of done with a team like chelsea and their finances!
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Mourinho - does anyone want him?

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