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Suggested modification to break shot rules (UK8)

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Posts: 8,940
12:11 Thu 4 Jan 07 (GMT)  [Link]  
mr_mcquiston said:
stevo15 said:
I think i sppeak for the majority of the site when i say, keep the rules for the UK8 break the same!

Well put tids and stevo - since the UK 8 ball was released. I've never seen the rules etc change since i've been here.

LOL its only a few months since the new rules were introduced due to GB's!

I'm sensing i'm no longer FP's wind-up merchant

The simple fact is, FP is such a great simulation, newbies are bound to ask basic questions like these (especially if they are real life pool players and dont have a background in programming)

It just a testament to how good the game is. Nothing wrong with that!
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12:31 Thu 4 Jan 07 (GMT)  [Link]  
Spinner, i THINK your talking about the re-rack button... (resolving people attempting the GB then leaving)... That isn't a rule!

If it was a rule...then it would be ILLEGAL to do a Golden Break.

So if anyone doesn't like the golden breaks, tough.

Can't avoid them completely.

Edited at 18:31 Thu 4/01/07 (GMT)
Posts: 8,940
13:01 Thu 4 Jan 07 (GMT)  [Link]  
Ah, but it is a "funkypool" rule. It would be illegal to break without clicking the rack button..

Ok, seriously, as you will see reading back, the reason that choice was made is because (basically, read back to see exactly what was said) Nick wanted to keep the GB's as it was something special to FP, and a simple way of encouraging strong breaks.

Fact is, it was never an issue till fccmike found "the shot". however the effect that has had is that those who play "the shot" are now, thanks to Martin, viewed on the same level as a 6 year old girl who cant play the game.

I suppose time will tell, but there is always the possibilty (if users etc allow) for a UK pro game, with a proper table and standard rules. However given the popularity of the core game, i doubt it for some time...
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15:37 Thu 4 Jan 07 (GMT)  [Link]  
Well I would definately support a UK pro game. One of the reasons I suggested the rule change was because of the new 8 ball US table, which is essentially the same as UK 8 (new rules would add more variation). Didn't see the point there personally (new 9 ball gets thumbs up though). Just my opinion, but maybe a 15 ball (first to 61 points) table might have been better. One for the future?
Posts: 160
17:56 Thu 4 Jan 07 (GMT)  [Link]  
I reckon we should have a billard game like that one where you hit a ball pot the white or colour next person uses yellow ball as cueball and you get points.

It can be like first to whatever you want you pick when you make the room.

PS: If someone knows how play this and can explain it better... go ahead!
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18:38 Thu 4 Jan 07 (GMT)  [Link]  
The rules are pretty simple really.

To begin with, players play their cue ball from within the D down the table so that it bounces back up the table and comes to rest in baulk. The player whose ball is closest to the baulk cushion chooses to go first or second.

The game starts with the red ball on it's spot and the cue ball of the starting player placed in the D. The cue ball must travel down the table, away from the baulk cushion.

Scoring is achieved by "potting" balls, by "cannons", and by going "in off".

If the opponents ball is potted, it remains out of play until they return to the table.

3 points for potting or going in off the red ball.
2 points for potting or going in off the opponents ball.
2 points for a cannon.

No ball hit = 1 point to opponent.
Cue ball potted with no ball hit = 3 points to opponent.

Points are also cumulative within a single shot.
i.e. pot red + cannon opponents ball = 5 points (3+2).

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18:56 Thu 4 Jan 07 (GMT)  [Link]  
Bar Billiards is a good game too.

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Posts: 8,940
19:57 Thu 4 Jan 07 (GMT)  [Link]  
I've been asking for billiards for a while now and (again) if you read back a few days there is already a thread about it.

(note - this is what the forum search is for - i'm not saying everyone should read the whole forum, but a quick search before posting something new is only decent.)

Haven't played bar billiards in years! I loved that game! You never see it anywhere now. Nothing but pool tables

Billiards would be a better addition to the snooker site, since the proper snooker table would be the only one suitable.
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
20:48 Thu 4 Jan 07 (GMT)  [Link]  
Wow, how the hell do you play that...i shall search the rules immediately!
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Suggested modification to break shot rules (UK8)

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