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Can ignore list be made bigger

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Posts: 21
17:52 Mon 1 Jan 07 (GMT)  [Link]  
Although I haven't read much about the suggestion or many of the replies on this thread, a bigger ignore list will just likely be an incentive to upgrade via a premium account.
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18:21 Mon 1 Jan 07 (GMT)  [Link]  
magicblack said:

Just to get my 2 pence worth: the only reason you have so many people on ignore, and this comes from before I was a mod, is because you aggravate soo many people with your frankly sad attitude. So the ignore list isn't the problem (especially since your the ONLY one with that problem) you are!!

The only person that can fix that problem is you I'm afraid

And while I'm diggin a hole...
*why* are you on about magicblack a cant stop ppl bein *idiots*, & the bad attitude where are you gettin that bit from anyone who's decent enough on this with me im decent with them, anyone who has a bad attitude with me will get the same & for your info probably 17 of the 20 on my ignore list are celtic fans that i dont even know come into my games or send me pm's & start there *rubbish* because of my username.
anyway we're SIMPLY THE BEST

Edited by forum moderator martin_blank, at 11:27 Tue 2/01/07 (GMT)
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18:31 Mon 1 Jan 07 (GMT)  [Link]  
And enjoy not posting again on the funkypool forum m8. . .


And I even pm'ed you to make sure you'd see the bright side!

Edited at 00:32 Tue 2/01/07 (GMT)
Posts: 40
19:01 Mon 1 Jan 07 (GMT)  [Link]  
So does that mean the ignore feature wont be increased then?
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19:02 Mon 1 Jan 07 (GMT)  [Link]  
magicblack said:

So the ignore list isn't the problem (especially since your the ONLY one with that problem) you are!!

The only person that can fix that problem is you I'm afraid

And while I'm diggin a hole...

Well, i think you made things ten times worse saying that magic. It seems you have the attitude problem, why did u find it appropriate to say up celtic? because of his username??? this is why he has so many people on ignore. With people similar to you that can't keep their trap firmly closed.

We are here to play pool and make friends, not throw crap like this at each other.
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19:04 Mon 1 Jan 07 (GMT)  [Link]  
Oh and for the record, i wear a rangers top, go on...throw some at me.
Posts: 40
19:07 Mon 1 Jan 07 (GMT)  [Link]  
Ooohh go mr_mcquiston
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19:11 Mon 1 Jan 07 (GMT)  [Link]  
I know ya love me
Posts: 20
19:15 Mon 1 Jan 07 (GMT)  [Link]  
i agree with mr_mcquiston. seemed like an attempt to provoke him. i wouldn't like it if someone spoke 2 me like that.. still think ur a pretty good mod though

Edited at 01:15 Tue 2/01/07 (GMT)
Posts: 40
19:17 Mon 1 Jan 07 (GMT)  [Link]  
Bless rangers, he cant even reply now
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19:20 Mon 1 Jan 07 (GMT)  [Link]  
Yeh, we know.

I wonder how magic would re-act if he was provoked.

I think this is totally wrong...sorry but i do.

Edited at 01:20 Tue 2/01/07 (GMT)
Posts: 40
19:22 Mon 1 Jan 07 (GMT)  [Link]  
Why you apologising if its what you believe?
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19:25 Mon 1 Jan 07 (GMT)  [Link]  
so because u get a dig in & i replied your stopping me from being able 2 post, do whatever you like but i'll wait till nick's on & let him see the post's & look into it.
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19:29 Mon 1 Jan 07 (GMT)  [Link]  
Good point.

But Magicblack
I have never had anything against you. But i think you and/or the team are totally wrong in getting the posting rights of rangers_fc removed.

And if you care to ask why...Read his post...then my two.
Posts: 8,940
04:39 Tue 2 Jan 07 (GMT)  [Link]  
Well i'm pretty sure Magic, and all the mods, do read the posts.

Given that he replied to them, i think thats a hint he did anyway!

I totally agree with what most users are saying - if you need more than 20 people on your list, then you have some pretty serious personal issues which should be addressed.

I often wonder about this. I have zero people on ignore as well despite others saying the site is full of those kind. This also happened during the "OVER 800" issue, i found that out of 1000 games only a couple of people weren't totally polite about it.

Its a classic case of "everyone else cant be wrong..."
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04:50 Tue 2 Jan 07 (GMT)  [Link]  
Looks to me like magic was just having abit of a laugh (hence with the pointy tounge) but rangers fans always do take it to heart with being crap now aswell!

Anyhow, i think magicblack's point is valid in that rangers is the only one with that many ppl on ignore, and he says its only because all the celtic fans harrass him, which if is the case then the appropriate channels should be follwed to sort the problem out!

I also think need to calm down abit dave! Maybe because im from the outside and can see magics comment as a joke it's easier for me!
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04:57 Tue 2 Jan 07 (GMT)  [Link]  
Well lad's, the up celtic is made in jeist. I have had friendly debaits with rangers_fc for as long as I can remember on this subject. In fact I have known and gotten on with ranger_fc for as long as I can remember.
I know that was a 'bold' statement but I did log on and mention it to rangers to clear it shortly after posting.. and to tell him I had replied as I don't think he's in the business of checking the forum too often..

Would you believe my comment was actually to add a little light heart to a serious post; which by the way I stand by whole heartedly?

So I apologise to anyone I may have offended with my comment, although frankly I don't see how, I mean these forums are littered with slogans, logo's supporting football teams. I do understand however the 'special' rivalry we have but as an Irish man who's people have put up with 800 years of colonistation..well, really thats a verydifferent debait so I'll keep my trap shut!!

As for posting rights. I don't know whether they will be removed, given my incitement probably not but the simple fact is that rangers_fc has shown blatent disregard for our forums rules 3 times in two posts, the latter of which was after a clear warnign from martin_blank that a repeat would mean abilities revoked.

Look through teh forums.. spinner you remember your friendly gests with phillipe? we've all had some heavy arguements here and not found it neccessary to break forum rules. Why should one person get away with it??

In summary: I agree with you guys, I was in the wrong, though not intentionally I do apologise to anyone I have offended, including rangers_fc.
I still think that his action on this thread have, from the start been out of line and he should not go undisciplined. If it were anyone else, using name and shame & cursing on the same thread would mean at the very least a warning... further cursing on the same thread? well what can I say really..
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04:58 Tue 2 Jan 07 (GMT)  [Link]  
magicblack said:
Sorry, a bad communication on my part has mean this hasnt been dealt with yet. Rangers you know full well how many rules your breaking with that post.

Name and Shame AND curse.

If you haven't noticed we work damn hard to keep this forum intact and the best part is that it pretty much is
Until someone like you who's been on this site long enough comes along with that.

Just to get my 2 pence worth: the only reason you have so many people on ignore, and this comes from before I was a mod, is because you aggravate soo many people with your frankly sad attitude. So the ignore list isn't the problem (especially since your the ONLY one with that problem) you are!!

The only person that can fix that problem is you I'm afraid

And while I'm diggin a hole...

For anyone joining maybe they'd like to see the whole post as rangers quote above only has half it..
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05:08 Tue 2 Jan 07 (GMT)  [Link]  
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05:10 Tue 2 Jan 07 (GMT)  [Link]  
and the only reason the smiley's sticking his tongue out is because he's green
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Can ignore list be made bigger

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