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Posts: 8,940
05:18 Tue 2 Jan 07 (GMT)  [Link]  

Very good points made Magic (thanks for reminding me of Phillippe to start 2007! LOL! )

But to the point - its not clever to break the rules especially swearing, because just as in real life, the minute you do so, the point you may be trying to make, no matter how valid, is immediately negated.

I do think, however, that this basic social equitette should be scrapped in the house of commons. It would be much more fun watching them all insult each other properly
Posts: 4,347
05:24 Tue 2 Jan 07 (GMT)  [Link]  
In a nutshell - rangers_fc wasn't warned about losing posting rights as a result of anything anybody else said.

He named & shamed and swore on the very first post. How could he possibly have not known that those two things were against the rules?

My warning was based on that alone - and not because of any subsequent row.

He has now posted again - and sworn twice on it.

My own instinct is to revoke. However, I'm assuming my original warning may have been lost in all the posts that followed. So I'm making this clear now:

If you swear again on any post on any thread anywhere - you will have your rights revoked without further dialogue. A ban will also be considered.

This is based on simple rule-breaking - nothing else.

Mr_mcq, magic, angel, stevo etc have all been involved in this debate - not one of them have used banned language.

Only one person has, and that is why that person risks a revoke.
Posts: 4,347
05:28 Tue 2 Jan 07 (GMT)  [Link]  
Accidentally deleted this post, and can't remember what it was about.

I do know that I was happy it's a double though. Anything to help t0mmy get his blood-pressure up, eh

Edited at 14:26 Tue 2/01/07 (GMT)
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(IP Logged)
07:58 Tue 2 Jan 07 (GMT)  [Link]  
So even although i done the 1st letter & the rest in stars you still consider this swearing?, if i was really that interesed in swearing i would have just split the words, that way they would have stood out (but did i).

Also for the name & shame part i'll apologise for that as i was'nt thinking, but if you look through the forums you'll see that names have been mentioned loads of times before & not only by me & with the pm magicblack you sure that was'nt just u rubbin salt in the wounds, you might be a moderator but it makes you no different from the rest of us.
Posts: 4,347
08:11 Tue 2 Jan 07 (GMT)  [Link]  
So even although i done the 1st letter & the rest in stars you still consider this swearing?,


Same as on the forums, finding a way of writing or intimating at a swearword without it being filtered doesn't mean you're not swearing.

Anyway, do you really find it impossible to write a one-paragraph forum entry without needing to insert a few swearwords, or hinting at them??

If you want to enter into any further discussion on ways to get away with swearing on the forums, please use contact us as no further discussion will be entered into here.

I was hoping to leave this thread open, as the topic was actually a good one, but you've chosen instead to keep the arguments running, so capped.

Edited at 14:23 Tue 2/01/07 (GMT)
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