User Pictures Resized
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09:52 Fri 22 Dec 06 (GMT)
The maximum user picture size has been reduced to 25Kb.
About 10% of your pictures were above this size so I have batch converted them to a smaller size. In most cases the pictures were a lot bigger than needed so you should not be able to tell the difference.
This size limit is to improve forum loading times. Consider loading a forum page with 15 different user pictures - the user pictures could add up to 750Kb of data.
And 25Kb should be easily sufficient size for a user picture. Try using if you need to reduce the size.
About 10% of your pictures were above this size so I have batch converted them to a smaller size. In most cases the pictures were a lot bigger than needed so you should not be able to tell the difference.
This size limit is to improve forum loading times. Consider loading a forum page with 15 different user pictures - the user pictures could add up to 750Kb of data.
And 25Kb should be easily sufficient size for a user picture. Try using if you need to reduce the size.
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User Pictures Resized
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