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Deleted User
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10:27 Fri 8 Dec 06 (GMT)  [Link]  
can some one please tell me why the sky advert is thg only advert that causin massive lagg on my computer... makes me loses a vass amount of points.... annoys me so much that i nearly do something i regret (like smash the computer screen) and is always being played on the game window even though everyone hates it and always complains about it???
Posts: 4,751
10:50 Fri 8 Dec 06 (GMT)  [Link]  
This does seem to affect a subset of users. Can you right click the advert and tell me whether Flash player or Shockwave is installed, and also your Java version.

Please note, I've made this thread a sticky, all other threads related to advert problems will be deleted.

Please ensure you give full details, specifically:
Shockwave or Flash:
Java version:

This will help me look into the problem.
Posts: 8,940
17:24 Sat 9 Dec 06 (GMT)  [Link]  
Well, i know its been repeated many times, but in trying to find out why people get this problem, the nearest i could get to recreating it was when using Flash v9 and with MSN running, however all ads caused the same lag effect.

This only happened on my old P2 laptop and i couldn't recreate it elsewhere.

Quite a few people have said they saw a difference when rolling back to flash v.8.

(you never did say whether that helped
at all tread?)

Hope that helps a little Nick, i know you cant have read every thread on the subject! LOL!

Edited at 23:27 Sat 9/12/06 (GMT)
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
11:05 Tue 12 Dec 06 (GMT)  [Link]  
ive noticed the weight watcher ad may be 1 to look at too Nick
Posts: 31,220
09:21 Thu 14 Dec 06 (GMT)  [Link]  
Right-click on the ad and click Rewind. Also click (and therefore uncheck) Play if necesary. This will stop (for a while ) the Flash animation from playing and not slow your game down.
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
13:45 Fri 15 Dec 06 (GMT)  [Link]  
i cant right click im on a 1 button laptop
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
07:48 Sat 16 Dec 06 (GMT)  [Link]  
droflehzz said:
i cant right click im on a 1 button laptop

Then ur fuzzled
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
13:25 Sat 16 Dec 06 (GMT)  [Link]  
D'OH lol
Posts: 31,220
04:38 Sun 17 Dec 06 (GMT)  [Link]  
Alternatively, use something Mozilla Firefox. It has the capability of causing images, etc from various websitres not to appear. Comes in handy in situations like this. (Officially I probably ain't meant to say that, but hey, I had to help)
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
06:03 Sun 17 Dec 06 (GMT)  [Link]  

I have java versions 1.4 and 1.5 on seperate systems, both with Flash v8 and the sky advert doesn't seem to have any particular effect on the game.

I get 'lag' now and again (mainly due to my internet connection) but is in no way related to the sky advert and this is the only advert i seem to get.

Anybody with Flash v8 have this problem?
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
12:00 Tue 19 Dec 06 (GMT)  [Link]  
thanks for reply nick and spinner.... sorry i fort u had deleted my post aggges ago LOL silly me... if only i looked harder a?

spinner = i haven't actually tried rolling back to flash v.8. as yet but i did notice the change in lagg when u suggested unclickin most things on the media part of 'advance internet options'

nick = i think my java version is 1.1.4 microsoft corp..... version - 1.52_p5 (i assume you find this out by clickin on options on game window? as for sky...
it hasnt come up yet... ill let you kno
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
12:01 Tue 19 Dec 06 (GMT)  [Link]  
i kinda like the sky advert hehe

Edited at 18:02 Tue 19/12/06 (GMT)
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
12:23 Tue 19 Dec 06 (GMT)  [Link]  
god theres always one isnt there?!

regarding ther advert... i have right click on sum adverts and it comes up wit
'about adobe flash player 9'... i assume it says the same when the sky advert appears?? it hasnt turned up yet .. typical!! lol

Edited at 18:47 Tue 19/12/06 (GMT)
Posts: 8,940
13:42 Tue 19 Dec 06 (GMT)  [Link]  
Tread - i asked you ages ago to try installing MACROMEDIA (not adobe) flash v.8, because there are known issues with Adobe flash v.9.

Did you try that? (Or any of the other solutions i have posted?)
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
13:01 Wed 20 Dec 06 (GMT)  [Link]  
yes spinner i tried some of your solutions like i said... unclickin the nessecary boxes in media.... advancded net options... however this is a shared computer and i dnt really wana uninstall anything as it may effect other users. any more suggestion part from gettin rid of the sky advert?
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
13:03 Wed 20 Dec 06 (GMT)  [Link]  
Moving back to FLASH v8 shouldn't be much of a problem. It seems the best solution.
Posts: 1,221
11:31 Wed 27 Dec 06 (GMT)  [Link]  
Im haing alot of lagg these days and i think it is because of the home page and the adverys on the side, i have noticed one of them is the google one. I have the homepage open while i view players stats and go on forum if anyone says "why dont u just close the home page".

Could anythink be done about this?

Does anybody know any ad blockers?

Posts: 8,940
11:35 Wed 27 Dec 06 (GMT)  [Link]  
I assume you've tried all the suggestions here tricky_boi? (especially moving back to flash v.8)

If so, the next culprit could be MSN messenger, make sure its closed properly and not just minimised.

Also, Nero scout has a conflict with some versions of flash which slows both down afecting performance quite dramatically..
Posts: 1,221
11:56 Wed 27 Dec 06 (GMT)  [Link]  
Yes, i am using flash.v8 cause when i try and download it, it says " Flash.V8 Is Succesfully Installed ". I don't know what it could be!

Posts: 8,940
07:15 Thu 28 Dec 06 (GMT)  [Link]  
You've made sure neither Nero or MSN messenger are running?

I'd also reccomend removing and re-installing flash..

Another problem i've forgotten to mention is the conflict with Java and some ATI drivers, do you have an ATI GFX card?
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