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05:58 Mon 27 Nov 06 (GMT)  [Link]  
1_eye - did you find that dark scheme i proposed better? spinner.

Answer = yes.

NP Dave, im just a little touchy cause i keep getting accused of being critical when that is not what im trying to do, i don't want to put any of the team down, so im sorry if i come across that way m8!

Posts: 8,940
07:10 Mon 27 Nov 06 (GMT)  [Link]  
Nick - The main problem IMO is using the game (dark window) then moving onto the forum (light window). If you're just using 1 or the other it's not a problem.

Its honestly not that for me Nick. The bright colors are just not as pleasing or comfortable on the eyes.

And i've just found out the quote function only works on the last page of a thread! (I can see why though, simple but awkward!)
Posts: 4,751
15:43 Mon 27 Nov 06 (GMT)  [Link]  
Quote should work on every page - that's a bug.

spinner said:
Its honestly not that for me Nick. The bright colors are just not as pleasing or comfortable on the eyes.

But that's your subjective opinion. At least 90% of the time Windows users use a screen with a white background - think Word, Excel, Outlook etc etc. The only Microsoft app with a black background screen is the command prompt. And despite the grief Microsoft get they are by far the market leader for home user software, so the probably know a thing more about usability than any of us.
Deleted User
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16:08 Mon 27 Nov 06 (GMT)  [Link]  
I think we should stop complaining about the layout, colours etc.

Nick does a great job and I would like to see most of you create a site as good as this by yourself
Posts: 8,940
16:20 Mon 27 Nov 06 (GMT)  [Link]  
Well i'm happy to admit i'm used to working with black screens almost all the time, so its definitely personal preference.

However i think issue is more down to contrast.

Microsofts design is a good example. White or light grey/blue shades have black text, and black or dark grey/blue areas have white text.

In that respect, changing the user info text to black would sort things (which i notice is the most common bit mentioned here)

Sorry for being a little too personally opinionated before! I'll wear my sunglasses in future

(Seriously though, i'd also make the yellow bits white.. but i'm kinda guessing you will already be doing that!)
Posts: 8,940
02:00 Tue 28 Nov 06 (GMT)  [Link]  
Following on from Nicks suggestion on the capped thread, i hereby begin the begging here for the return of the "proper" funkypool logo.

I have to say i'm a bit lost about your comment saying the old logo was "just funkypool written in a particular font" - however the new "logo" is just "funkypool" written in plain Ariel! (Or maybe Tahoma?)

That may be all the old logo was, but it captured the "funky" feel of the site and it had a distinct design which many (evidenced by the many threads about it) were really fond of.

And what will we do with all the t-shirts!!

Posts: 4,751
04:22 Tue 28 Nov 06 (GMT)  [Link]  
Ah, I meant the logo usually has something more than just writing.

The logo was knocked up in about 5 minutes, and was only meant as a temporary measure. Also the branding has lost the .com, this is deliberate. So the logo did need to change.

One alternative was this (it never got past a quick knock up, the part above the logo is supposed to be a man lining up a shot in profile):
Posted Image

spinner said:
i'd also make the yellow bits white

BTW, which yellow bits?
Posts: 3,764
06:15 Tue 28 Nov 06 (GMT)  [Link]  
He may be talking about the cream colour i'm typing on right now, and the player details/google search section?
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
06:52 Tue 28 Nov 06 (GMT)  [Link]  
lmao, love the art nick, you have NO reason not to have a logo competition and let the members have a go designing one. All they need to remember is to kep it simple...
Deleted User
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07:23 Tue 28 Nov 06 (GMT)  [Link]  
Great idea!!
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
08:55 Tue 28 Nov 06 (GMT)  [Link]  
magic, to be fair i think this is a great idea and to shouldn't be to hard to create should it really?, so i'm going to attempt one
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
09:50 Tue 28 Nov 06 (GMT)  [Link]  
Great! I suggest with Nick consent of course an unofficial Funkypool Logo Competition. Maybe It could even be official? With these great new forums we wouldn't even have to use any un-official sites, Just post on a Pre-made thread. With Nicks Permission I'd be happy to set-up a thread in general chat.
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
09:55 Tue 28 Nov 06 (GMT)  [Link]  
Separate point: It occured to me there, while looking at your photo thread in general chat Nick, Why restict the width of the forum to half the page? Especially with the new ability to upload photos, why waste half the page on grey. It would mean a whole lot less scrolling, especially with the photos.
Posts: 8,940
10:17 Tue 28 Nov 06 (GMT)  [Link]  
Yes i meant the "posting" area and the player details and google search on the left...

Shame to have lost the .com though

However, and i am deadly serious here, that logo you just knocked up is excellent!

Modify the writing for sure, perhaps shape it to make it look like a table? But that sketch is perfect!
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
09:41 Wed 29 Nov 06 (GMT)  [Link]  
I don't like it at the moment, but I remember I didn't like the initial Funkypool. Just a matter of getting used to it.

Can you get rid of the 'Ads by Google' bit? Looks a bit weird.

Also, it's slowing my laptop down more than usual. In fact it's impossible to play.
Posts: 4,751
09:50 Wed 29 Nov 06 (GMT)  [Link]  
gav said:
I don't like it at the moment, but I remember I didn't like the initial Funkypool. Just a matter of getting used to it.

Yes that's a good point - when the old version came out it was called "boring" and "dull" including the logo. Now the old version is seen as super-funky!

gav said:
it's slowing my laptop down more than usual. In fact it's impossible to play.

The game play has not been changed. If this has started recently it could be do with your system setup or it might occur when certain adverts are displayed(although I've not heard about any new adverts causing problems).
Posts: 4,751
10:25 Wed 29 Nov 06 (GMT)  [Link]  
magicblack said:
Separate point: It occured to me there, while looking at your photo thread in general chat Nick, Why restict the width of the forum to half the page? Especially with the new ability to upload photos, why waste half the page on grey. It would mean a whole lot less scrolling, especially with the photos.

The problem is for users of very large resolution monitors as the content would just get as wide as the monitor, making the lines of text extra long and the text difficult to read.

Ideally the site would use the max-width property to give the values to a reasonable limit. However Internet Explorer (upto version 6) does not support this (although there are some hacks which *should* get it to work).

Unfortunately we can't just say goodbye and not support Internet Explorer 6 users, as they are still the majority!
Posts: 8,940
13:38 Wed 29 Nov 06 (GMT)  [Link]  
Regarding the colors (again), i know black text on the light blue borders would be kinda dark, but how about this :

Posted Image

That keeps it co-ordinated with the dark blue of the logo and makes the white text more readable..
Deleted User
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14:30 Wed 29 Nov 06 (GMT)  [Link]  
I like that look, colours go together very well, how did you do that spinner?
Posts: 8,940
15:02 Wed 29 Nov 06 (GMT)  [Link]  
LOL just a quick photoshop color replace..

(The "Ads By Google" should be white too, but that was just the easiest way to put my suggestion forward)
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