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Naming and Shaming

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Posts: 8,940
10:41 Mon 20 Nov 06 (GMT)  [Link]  
(Edited as requested)

Edited at 19:09 Mon 20/11/06 (GMT)
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
11:06 Mon 20 Nov 06 (GMT)  [Link]  
*looks at himself and thinks maybe this was a better idea*

Fair point spinner and i agree with you!
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
11:10 Mon 20 Nov 06 (GMT)  [Link]  
Spinner if you are referring to the games shouts area of the forum, which I think you are, then it is being moderated more than any other area on the site. We're just trying to let people have their opinions voiced while making sure that it doesn't offend people. As you can imagine this is a lot more difficult than simply deleting threads.

The reason for not simply deleting is from feedback of users getting annoyed that this happens.

I spent hours last night going through posts that dont involve me. If you read through the posts on the 1st 2 pages of threads you'll notice that almost all of the threads have either been capped or have had a lot of editting done to them by various members of the team so please take this into consideration before making threads questioning whether we're starting to become a soft touch as it will only result in negativity.

I believe that I am one of the mods you are referring to and also believe that on the threads that I have posted on the problems have been resolved, because of this they don't need to be capped.

Edited at 17:12 Mon 20/11/06 (GMT)
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
11:30 Mon 20 Nov 06 (GMT)  [Link]  
Fair point squuezy lmao!
Posts: 8,940
11:38 Mon 20 Nov 06 (GMT)  [Link]  
Please. As i said in the beginning, this is not a dig at the moderating team,


I am not accusing anyone of becoming a "soft touch"

I hope you dont mind me leaving that bit in to defend myself.

(edited as requested)

Edited at 19:08 Mon 20/11/06 (GMT)
Posts: 4,347
12:57 Mon 20 Nov 06 (GMT)  [Link]  
Spinner - perhaps you could PM a mod/admin when ur next on and tell us which particular posts or threads it is you're talking about. If they could then post on the staff forum, we can then take a look at them.

If something has been overlooked or you feel we've acted incorrectly on a particular thread, then we'd obviously like to have it brought to our attention via the PM/contact-us route.

Edited at 19:02 Mon 20/11/06 (GMT)
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Naming and Shaming

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