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09:28 Mon 12 Feb 07 (GMT)  [Link]  
stevo15 said:
They lost

Careful, either one of us could get the wooden spoon still!

(but lets be honest it's gonna be wales or itlay!)
Posts: 3,731
09:31 Mon 12 Feb 07 (GMT)  [Link]  
I dont think we will get the wooden spoon to be honest!

2 more home games, at least 1 win from that


My bet is on Wales for the wooden spoon
Deleted User
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12:23 Mon 12 Feb 07 (GMT)  [Link]  
Agreed. Wales will get the wooden spoon. Wales game against Italy is in Italy so it is not going to be easy for Wales to win. France are looking the better team in this six nations though. England were very shakey against Italy and were out-played in the second half so can't seen England winning it, although i hope they do.
Posts: 167
17:15 Mon 12 Feb 07 (GMT)  [Link]  
no chance italy suck there going down

england for the grandslam!!!!!!!
Deleted User
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01:04 Tue 13 Feb 07 (GMT)  [Link]  
LMFAO, you poor deluded person
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02:16 Tue 13 Feb 07 (GMT)  [Link]  
Should be France's now! Let's just remember here, because this hasn't been said enough, that England as a team have only played 2 matched together! It's a big ask for them, as long as they play with pride and passion i really don't mind! We're not gonna get the wooden spoon now, that's all that mattered! Now let's just play some rugby and try and do well in time for the world cup.

England are playing teams that have been together for 3/4 years maybe more, France Wales and Ireland are all ver experienced teams, they won't give the space that Scotland did! But it would be nice for England to win, very unexpected, although Autin Healey said they'd do it!

p.s. I doubt very much Wales will get the wooden spoon! They should be able to put a few past Italy! But it's a funny old game!

(or is that just footy?)
Deleted User
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04:25 Tue 13 Feb 07 (GMT)  [Link]  
im not sure wales seemed to lack any thing a bit special and italys defence was excellent, now with troncon back italy may jsut have that litle bit of inspiration to go out and cause a shock, there not a side without talent, bergamasco is always a threat
Deleted User
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09:13 Sun 18 Feb 07 (GMT)  [Link]  
Byrne, Cockbain and Williams back for the Ospreys yesterday, and were awesome. They will surely be in the next Welsh side. Look out France !!
Deleted User
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10:37 Fri 23 Feb 07 (GMT)  [Link]  
Beer - check
gf out for the day - check
take away ordered - check
Clean Welsh shirt - check

BRING IT ON - Wales / France is gonna be a cracker !!
Deleted User
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16:04 Fri 23 Feb 07 (GMT)  [Link]  
england at crooke park tomorow, could cause some issues, as a half irishman i will not be watching the english anthem being played tomorow its offensive on so many levels and im a nationalist sympathiser so i would like ireland to win tomorow. but whilst itl be a bit shocking god save the queen in a stadium thats foundasions were built with th rubble of the post office destroyed in the 1916 rebbelion it should be a good game
Deleted User
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19:24 Fri 23 Feb 07 (GMT)  [Link]  
i doubt the spirit of the great game that is rugby will spoil the contest.....even tho crooke parke was hallowed (and too a lot, still is) turf
and iam aware of the 'past', and the ums and rrrr's about the national anthem etc etc etc
It will be a great game.
I as an englishman want england to win, but i know the quality of the irish squad is in good fettle, so i expect them too win, especially after the mess they made 2 weeks ago in paris

Edited at 01:25 Sat 24/02/07 (GMT)
Deleted User
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07:39 Sat 24 Feb 07 (GMT)  [Link]  
In Croke park my good friend!!

And yes your right we might suffer because of that game! I'm not buying into all the history, because that's exactly what it is HISTORY, now it's just a game of rugby. Shouldn't be named as anything else!

All England need to do is the same as Tiger's did against Munster, we need to keep smashing O'gara cause he's a mardy bun who'll just complain, and keep the ball in there half, make them cause mistakes and kick them over. HOOOOOoowever, i'm not bothered about winning, i just wanna see a good game, i wanna see positive rugby from England, it don't matter about losing, we just wanna play some good rugby, remember we're playing a team that's played together for years so a win would be nice and surprising, but a good game of rugby would be better!

I'm looking forward to all 3 games now!

Deleted User
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07:59 Sat 24 Feb 07 (GMT)  [Link]  
me too *opens can of beer* NOT happy with Wales kicking off @ 8 PM (9PM in France).....WTF is that all about !!!

btw predictions.........

Ireland and

Heart = Wales / Head = France

But it will be a scorcher
Deleted User
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08:51 Sat 24 Feb 07 (GMT)  [Link]  
I pretty much agree with them predictions, like i said England and Wales have it all to do, against the two impressive teams this side of the equator!

But just hope to see some better rugby this time round, and i am very dissapointed that they are playing late games, much prefer it to be 1pm 3pm and then 5pm!

*opens another can!*
Deleted User
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09:00 Sat 24 Feb 07 (GMT)  [Link]  
Ans so it starts.......later ppl *opens another can*
Deleted User
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09:02 Sat 24 Feb 07 (GMT)  [Link]  
OMFG, now they know how we felt against Ireland

Good start by the Eyeties.
Posts: 3,731
09:05 Sat 24 Feb 07 (GMT)  [Link]  
Oh dear

EDIT: Make that oh deary deary me

Edited at 15:08 Sat 24/02/07 (GMT)
Deleted User
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09:09 Sat 24 Feb 07 (GMT)  [Link]  
Make that - Oh deary deary deary me !!!
Deleted User
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10:49 Sat 24 Feb 07 (GMT)  [Link]  
Well it can only get better from here

Just goes to show how Bad Wales played last week !!
Deleted User
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11:17 Sat 24 Feb 07 (GMT)  [Link]  

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