A good suggestion for ranked games...

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Deleted User
(IP Logged)
20:12 Wed 30 Aug 06 (BST)  [Link]  
Why is it that when you make a room the clearly says "over 750 only" that other players dont understand what this means? I believe when you create a ranked game we should be able to filter out players that have certian ranks.Like a box that lets us select "only players from 740 to 800" where we decide what number rank to be put in the box kind of thing, and players that dont fall into that catagory can not enter...I get so tired of having to keep making new rooms cause players that are not over the rank number we put on the room title come in and wont leave.Or the point system could be changed to a flat rate so if we loose to low rank players it would be the same as if we lost to a player that has higher rank.Say +4 points for a win and -2 for a lose regardless the rank number...

Edited at 01:16 Thu 31/08/06 (BST)
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
05:59 Thu 31 Aug 06 (BST)  [Link]  
sometimes though if the person who created the room has left and the opponent is still in the game/room, it then therefore becomes there room name that the other person previousely created......therefore that person who has kept the other persons room name open may not be bothered what rank they play.......also if there is no other rooms to join and if nobody is joining a room they have created then i suspect people are taking a chance on a game being played regardless of rank.

Easy thing to do is dont be so specific who you play and you wont get 'chancers' in....Its not the end of the world if you lose a few points to a low ranker is it?
Resulting in stress free play......you will always get the odd bunch of people joining.
Posts: 4,347
07:14 Thu 31 Aug 06 (BST)  [Link]  
A flat rate points system would result in an exact opposite scenario - players wanting to climb the rankings would ONLY play low rankers, for easier points with much less risk.

Overall though, I totally agree with bandit. And if players only want to play high rankers, they would probably be better off joining a game rather than creating one. I've always though ranking in brackets against a room owners name would be helpful with that.
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A good suggestion for ranked games...

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