odds 4 winnin a tournie
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Deleted User
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11:10 Tue 22 Aug 06 (BST)
i duno if this iz a gd idea but itz jus summat that popped in2 my head, wat if we had odds on players winnin each tournie jus like a fun thing e.g cool dude 2/1 fave or summat like that wat does every1 think
Deleted User
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11:22 Tue 22 Aug 06 (BST)
it is a great idea cant see how it could be done though
Deleted User
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11:26 Tue 22 Aug 06 (BST)
u cud do it based on form in the past week
Deleted User
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11:38 Tue 22 Aug 06 (BST)
It would be based on current player rating and number of tournies previously won I think. Somehow
Deleted User
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17:52 Thu 31 Aug 06 (BST)
Im unsure, I dont know about anyone else but some days i can beat a pro 3-0, then the next day lose 12 games in a row to some average player. I dont think any realistic odds could ever been given. Other than put players in a bracket of, Likely, maybe or unlikely to win.
Edited at 22:53 Thu 31/08/06 (BST)
Edited at 22:53 Thu 31/08/06 (BST)
Deleted User
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18:42 Sat 2 Sept 06 (BST)
it would be an interesting addition but imho a pointless one
Odds are placed to put a bet against so you can win something which cant be done on here and you can see how likely someone is to winning a tournament by their ranking
Odds are placed to put a bet against so you can win something which cant be done on here and you can see how likely someone is to winning a tournament by their ranking
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odds 4 winnin a tournie
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