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Tourny time limit

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Deleted User
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16:39 Sun 6 Aug 06 (BST)  [Link]  
iGRRRRR! !'ve just been in a tourny and the time limit cost me both games in the semi, just as i was about to take the shot, it ran out!

im makin this because i think it should be made longer. I mean think about it, most shots are taken before the limit is over anyway, but there are times when 20 seconds is just that bit too short and frustrating when it randoms. I dont think a longer time limit will make much differnce on the length of tourns but i do think it will make games a lot more comfortable to play as u wont be rushin on them tricky shots.

What does everyone else think? i know u all prob think 20 is long enough but think about what difference a longer time limit will make to all you who think 20 is long enough anyway when makin ur posts please

Deleted User
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17:46 Sun 6 Aug 06 (BST)  [Link]  
I think 20 seconds is a decent amount of time and is fine how it is. Plenty of time to take a shot.
Posts: 8,940
17:51 Sun 6 Aug 06 (BST)  [Link]  
Well, quite a few people will be expecting a rant from me here, but i'll just quietly slip in how i have been promoting the shortening of the time to 10secs for a very long time. I thought 20 was way excessive!

So please, dont lenthen it!

Edited at 22:52 Sun 6/08/06 (BST)
Deleted User
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17:55 Sun 6 Aug 06 (BST)  [Link]  
no i dont think it needs to b lengthend because wen i create games i make the time limit 20 seconds because i think 20 is reasonable 10 to short n 40 to long so 20 or 30 is plenty
Posts: 8,940
17:58 Sun 6 Aug 06 (BST)  [Link]  
I may have misunderstood - if you meant the GAME time limit, then its fine at 22 minutes, if anything plenty long.

A good way to cure the problem of running out of time would be to shorten the SHOT limit to 15 or 10 seconds. This would keep the tourneys flowing much more smoothly and remove the frustration of running out of time.
Deleted User
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18:08 Sun 6 Aug 06 (BST)  [Link]  
I think that once in a frame a player should be able to press a button which stopps the timer for 10 seconds to give yourself 10 seconds extra, to think about 1 of those tricky shots
Deleted User
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18:48 Sun 6 Aug 06 (BST)  [Link]  
thats a good idea, a 'stop the clock feature'.
I hate 10 second, I actually despise it; but only for a shot
every couple of games where I wanted an extra few seconds to think things through.
Hope we see that in the future, it could solve a lot of problems!
Deleted User
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19:30 Sun 6 Aug 06 (BST)  [Link]  
i dnt lyk 10 secnds dunt give me time to think
Posts: 8,940
20:14 Sun 6 Aug 06 (BST)  [Link]  
Not looking good for getting the limit lowered to 3 secs like the "other sites" then!

Actually the "stop the clock" thing could work, but would need to be limited, like if you use it 3 times in a game you automatically loose.

Combine that with lowering the limit to 3 or 5 secs and we would have a great game.
Deleted User
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22:42 Sun 6 Aug 06 (BST)  [Link]  
See that another suggestion in the wheels of the kev
Deleted User
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23:43 Sun 6 Aug 06 (BST)  [Link]  
I am all for lowering the time to 10 secs,plenty of time to think.I believe other sites have a "pause the game" button.
Posts: 4,347
04:25 Mon 7 Aug 06 (BST)  [Link]  
I like 20 secs, but as suggested in another thread, I think that (if poss) shot times should automatically tot-up, and if the game times out, the person who's taken the longest time should be disqualified.

I also think that there should be no match time limit in a final. I timed out in a final because of my opponent's slow connection, and it filled me with happiness.
Deleted User
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16:15 Tue 8 Aug 06 (BST)  [Link]  
k3v, after creatin this thread i thought of an idea very similar to yours! Dam u!

People! Once i agen i stress the point that the time limit bein lengthened wont affect users who dont use the full 20 seconds anyway so what difference would it make to you users? Why would people take longer just cos the time limit was lengthened? People wanna get the games over quickly as possible down to the fact that there is a round time limit anyway, if they take longer for the sake of it, they will be punished and disqualified.

This is where a post made by martin_blank comes into play....people who take over 20 seconds could have it totted up, if the round runs out, the player who has taken the longest gets disqualified.

All im sayin is 5 seconds extra at least, its not askin much really is it?
Posts: 2,056
17:09 Tue 8 Aug 06 (BST)  [Link]  
i think 20 secs is plenty time to take a shot
Posts: 8,940
17:22 Tue 8 Aug 06 (BST)  [Link]  
Everyone varies on this one, but i've been noticing that it isn't that often that anyone actually takes more than 5 or 6 seconds for a shot.

So why not make it 10 seconds, with the option of a 20 second stop the clock for when a player needs time to think.

To avoid abuse, using it any more than 3 times means a loss, and Martin's totting up suggestion could also be used in the event of the time limit running out.

Then everyone can be happy!
Posts: 3,764
18:30 Tue 8 Aug 06 (BST)  [Link]  
Stop the clock?

It sounds like funky countdown!

'da da...da da...da da da da... boing!'
Deleted User
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18:36 Tue 8 Aug 06 (BST)  [Link]  
I like to look at the table and think about which way i go and if you create a game it auto sets 40 secs, why not leave tourny times the same

i agree with you s8an

3 secs how is this possible takes that and more to put spin on

Edited at 23:37 Tue 8/08/06 (BST)
Posts: 8,940
19:39 Tue 8 Aug 06 (BST)  [Link]  
Usually you have your next few shots planned by the time the balls stop rolling, a split second to click the spin for positioning, then click where you decided to take the shot and shoot.

Cant see how you can possibly drag that put to 20 seconds!

3 second games are normally just for quick tourneys tho. 5 secs is more reasonable, but thats a whole other subject with a thread to itself already..

The totting-up idea would cure the unfairness of both players being DQ'd as things are just now. The other features could be added to the premium list :-)
Deleted User
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23:42 Tue 8 Aug 06 (BST)  [Link]  
Hmmm,i agree with spinner.Time to go and lay down in a dark room and wait for the men in the white coats.
Posts: 3,764
05:48 Wed 9 Aug 06 (BST)  [Link]  
I think 20 seconds is a good time limit for a regular tournament.

It’s fine calling for the whole time structure to be changed, but in reality you’re asking for a 50% decrease in the time a player has to take a shot, even though many players are used to the 20 second limit and have been for a long time. In my opinion 10 seconds is long enough to take a shot, but it’s not enough time to plan a strategy etc. I should add that’s for most people as far as I’m aware. If 10 sec games are wanted so much then how come 99% of games created (I see a lot of games) don’t take this option? It’s very rare I see somebody creating a 10 second game to be honest, compared to the amount of games created, and that goes for all 3 disciplines.

'it isn't that often that anyone actually takes more than 5 or 6 seconds for a shot.'

I don’t find this to be the case personally.

You have to remember that everybody has different abilities, and this includes new people joining the site. If top players are saying that 10 seconds is too short then you have to give that a lot of consideration. What chance does a new player stand in a 10 second tournament if experienced pros are saying it’s inadequate? If it were a lightening tournament fair enough, but to put this in place across the board would be a mistake. If tournaments were this way I would never enter another one, and I’m positive I would not be the only person. I would always prefer to have more time than not enough time, and 20 seconds in a compromise for both sides of the fence.

I know ‘you’ can play 10 seconds, but many others can’t. Would it be acceptable to make such a drastic change (and it is) because of a few impatient people? The DQ’s from tournaments are very rare when you consider the amount of tournaments being played, and also the amount of people entering.

As for stop the clock, would this not complicate things? Sometimes people complain on the forum how some of the rules don’t match real life, and now you want to add a stop the clock…

One more thing, if you look at the posts made so far on this thread you’ll notice the large percentage of them are against 10 seconds.

EDIT: I just counted 39 created games, only one had a 10 second time limit. This was across all 3 disciplines.

Edited at 11:19 Wed 9/08/06 (BST)
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Tourny time limit

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