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Wedsnesday England v Azberijan predictions

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Deleted User
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16:12 Wed 30 Mar 05 (BST)  [Link]  
Owen absolutely useless...rooney, beckham and joe cole brilliant. Owen had a laughable performance its a pity because I was just starting to be kind on my views of him but tonight he was absolutely awful should of had a hat trick at least. Rooney won us yet another game with his skill and trickery. SENSATION!
Deleted User
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16:15 Wed 30 Mar 05 (BST)  [Link]  
and why the hell does eriksson keep bringing rooney off and leaving owen on? EVERYTIME! Interesting fact i heard was that rooney hasnt played the full 90 mins for england yet! and ibiza....whereever u r....still so sure about dyer? I think he was too greedy when he came on, he kept losing the ball.
Deleted User
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03:50 Wed 6 Apr 05 (BST)  [Link]  
he was played upfront....when he is on right wing he is amazing.

As for rooney....he didnt evan score agaisnt azakaban! hardly a true sensation....i mean we relied are to goals from midfield players....gerrard and beckham,
any striker up front playing against azkaban and doesnt score is useless...just like owen.

i mean poland got 8! says it all.. rooney....30 million? and cnt score against azkaban!" ye your right gav...hes wicked lmfao!
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
03:52 Wed 6 Apr 05 (BST)  [Link]  
i would have to say i agree with u ibiza. i dont like old shrek. bit of a overpriced donkey!
Deleted User
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03:52 Wed 6 Apr 05 (BST)  [Link]  
Deleted User
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05:18 Wed 6 Apr 05 (BST)  [Link]  
Dont agree, he had 2 amazing shots 1 was a header which hit the post and one was a 20 or 30 yarder which the goalie made a good save and created everything good that happened on the night, and just remember who it was that won us that game, yes I think you will find Rooney's trickery won it for us with a brilliant piece of trickery then cross into Gerrard and then he crosses it in for owen,u think yes anova goal but oh no Owen misses it 2 yards away from the goal and gets a yellow card for handball.
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Wedsnesday England v Azberijan predictions

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