is there any point in the contact button?
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Deleted User
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06:05 Tue 1 Aug 06 (BST)
i mean really? is there any point?? its not like you actually get back to us or any thing.... i've sent numerous queries and received absolutely nothing in return.....
and thanks for no replies
and thanks for no replies
Deleted User
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06:35 Tue 1 Aug 06 (BST)
im guessing funkypool staff are too busy to reply. im sure whatever complaint you have sent in, it has been dealt with.
Deleted User
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06:41 Tue 1 Aug 06 (BST)
no it hasnt because it entails a reply to me....and i have yet to recieve one ... and its been longer thn 3 days i kno!! so......
06:49 Tue 1 Aug 06 (BST)
Three days is optimistic at moment cos admin understaffed this week.
I do know they read all contacts tho. I only used it once as member, and I got a reply and my query was acted on, so it's worth using.
I do know they read all contacts tho. I only used it once as member, and I got a reply and my query was acted on, so it's worth using.
Deleted User
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06:58 Tue 1 Aug 06 (BST)
sunderland, you actually give them a shout. apply to be a moderator mate.
Deleted User
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13:52 Tue 1 Aug 06 (BST)
lol at mcq, nicely put ^^^
and martin like i said mate its been longer than 3 days
and martin like i said mate its been longer than 3 days
Deleted User
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14:02 Tue 1 Aug 06 (BST)
Come on lads, admins are busy people not all meesages can be dealt with just give them a while cause they will try there best to fix all the probs you send them.
Deleted User
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14:14 Tue 1 Aug 06 (BST)
i kno but it is frustrating that every time i persoanlly use the contact us button my answers never get answered, i think they have a vendetta against me? lol jk i understand that they are busy and have lifes outside funkypool but.... you kno what i mean?!
Deleted User
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14:20 Tue 1 Aug 06 (BST)
I'm with tread on this one, but dont worry tread its not just you they dont reply to its me, and many others
Deleted User
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09:33 Wed 2 Aug 06 (BST)
So tread I'm on day 16 with no reply, how about you?
13:26 Wed 2 Aug 06 (BST)
See 'contact responses delayed' on Game Queries. Cheers
Edited at 18:28 Wed 2/08/06 (BST)
Edited at 18:28 Wed 2/08/06 (BST)
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is there any point in the contact button?
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