"ul" means unlucky
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08:29 Tue 18 Jul 06 (BST)
"ul" means unlucky, not "you lose" (which would be yl?).
A lot of newbies get upset when they misinterpret it!
Any other phrases that get confused?
A lot of newbies get upset when they misinterpret it!
Any other phrases that get confused?
08:59 Tue 18 Jul 06 (BST)
Haha classic..
I had FYI interpeted a F*** You Idiot once, dont think it was on here tho...
I had FYI interpeted a F*** You Idiot once, dont think it was on here tho...
09:05 Tue 18 Jul 06 (BST)
no need for language like that.
Most are obvious well to me anyway, wp - well played, gg- good game
Most are obvious well to me anyway, wp - well played, gg- good game
17:39 Tue 18 Jul 06 (BST)
Apologies, ithought this was supposed to be a funny thread of misinterpetation. I'd have edited it if i could but its too late!
17:44 Tue 18 Jul 06 (BST)
Well some guest joined my game once and I said gl to him and he replied by saying "no you get lost" we need a page for funkypool terms
17:53 Tue 18 Jul 06 (BST)
Some girl had a blue fit at me once for saying 'ta' (because she said good shot). No idea wot she thought I meant, but I got about 5 lines of stars before she calmed down.
Note - when I say 'some girl' I want to make it clear I'm not referring to justsumgirl (who doesn't have fits). No it wasn't her, it was just some girl...no hang on, no it wasn't.
Note - when I say 'some girl' I want to make it clear I'm not referring to justsumgirl (who doesn't have fits). No it wasn't her, it was just some girl...no hang on, no it wasn't.
17:57 Tue 18 Jul 06 (BST)
LOL nice one Krauser..
Well as genuine abbreviations i've seen:
FP - FunkyPool
ul - Unlucky
gg - Good Game
wp - Well Played
ns - Nice Shot <all of these can have "v" for Very as well>
tt - Tourney Time
Also some common ones newbies ask about:
gtg - Got To Go
brb - Be Right Back
fyi - For Your Information
afaik - As Far As I Know
There are many more tho!
(Was typing at the same time as martin - now wondering what "ta" could possibly mean!)
Edited at 22:58 Tue 18/07/06 (BST)
Well as genuine abbreviations i've seen:
FP - FunkyPool
ul - Unlucky
gg - Good Game
wp - Well Played
ns - Nice Shot <all of these can have "v" for Very as well>
tt - Tourney Time
Also some common ones newbies ask about:
gtg - Got To Go
brb - Be Right Back
fyi - For Your Information
afaik - As Far As I Know
There are many more tho!
(Was typing at the same time as martin - now wondering what "ta" could possibly mean!)
Edited at 22:58 Tue 18/07/06 (BST)
18:16 Tue 18 Jul 06 (BST)
afk - away from keyboard
bbs - be back soon
atm - at the moment
nn - night night (although i dont see it used no more!)
bbs - be back soon
atm - at the moment
nn - night night (although i dont see it used no more!)
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18:34 Tue 18 Jul 06 (BST)
nvm - nothing very much
tvm - thanks very much
lol - laugh out loud!(most commen and no1 has mentioned it)
wuu2 - what you up to?
hy - howz you?
thats all i know aswell as the ones posted above
tvm - thanks very much
lol - laugh out loud!(most commen and no1 has mentioned it)
wuu2 - what you up to?
hy - howz you?
thats all i know aswell as the ones posted above
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18:50 Tue 18 Jul 06 (BST)
gl= good luck i often say that or gl m8
sometimes i say gg and i get a 'for you maybe' or worse.....but its just common courtesy to say it, if i win, however , very easily (which is rare) i say ul m8
sometimes i say gg and i get a 'for you maybe' or worse.....but its just common courtesy to say it, if i win, however , very easily (which is rare) i say ul m8
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08:14 Fri 21 Jul 06 (BST)
ns - 'nice shot'
nb - 'nice break'
gb - 'good break'
wb - 'welcome back'
ggs or gss - 'good games' or 'good shots'
lol - could mean 'lots of laughs' or 'laugh out loud'
tbh - 'to be honest...'
nvm - could also mean 'never mind'
gd - 'good'
bk - 'back'
ty - 'thank you'
dc - 'disconnected'
These are a list some people have asked with confusion as to what they mean. I remember getting a lot of abuse for saying 'ty' although i can't remember what they got it confused with.
Edited at 13:16 Fri 21/07/06 (BST)
nb - 'nice break'
gb - 'good break'
wb - 'welcome back'
ggs or gss - 'good games' or 'good shots'
lol - could mean 'lots of laughs' or 'laugh out loud'
tbh - 'to be honest...'
nvm - could also mean 'never mind'
gd - 'good'
bk - 'back'
ty - 'thank you'
dc - 'disconnected'
These are a list some people have asked with confusion as to what they mean. I remember getting a lot of abuse for saying 'ty' although i can't remember what they got it confused with.
Edited at 13:16 Fri 21/07/06 (BST)
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11:18 Fri 21 Jul 06 (BST)
dc eh? I've never seen that one....maybe the message didn't get passed on
nb means nice break in snooker, I always say it to mean 'not bad' not a drastic misintrepretation though.
nb means nice break in snooker, I always say it to mean 'not bad' not a drastic misintrepretation though.
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12:54 Fri 21 Jul 06 (BST)
Martin i was lmao at ure first post about JSG...
oooh ok theres two more on that one....
lmao = Laugh my a** off
JSG = Justsumgirl - aka - Paula
aka = also known as
pmsl = P*** myself laughing
(i starred the bad words out so plz dont get mad at me )
oooh ok theres two more on that one....
lmao = Laugh my a** off
JSG = Justsumgirl - aka - Paula
aka = also known as
pmsl = P*** myself laughing
(i starred the bad words out so plz dont get mad at me )
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13:11 Fri 21 Jul 06 (BST)
WOW! JSG is listed
Right my faves.......
But my all time fave has got to be PFHC's !!
(Dont ask for aka's, you wont want to know!)
Right my faves.......
But my all time fave has got to be PFHC's !!
(Dont ask for aka's, you wont want to know!)
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17:33 Fri 21 Jul 06 (BST)
Im Ashamed To Say I Once Thort LOL Meant Lots Of Love Instead Ov Laugh Owt Loud
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12:46 Sun 23 Jul 06 (BST)
ROTFL - Rolling on the floor laughing
and my all time favorite... gg wp ul cya
Edited at 17:47 Sun 23/07/06 (BST)
and my all time favorite... gg wp ul cya
Edited at 17:47 Sun 23/07/06 (BST)
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14:41 Sun 23 Jul 06 (BST)
heres my nicknames on here:
davey boy (mainly used by *ste*mr_guevara*)
not that you wanted to know these, but im using full advantage of this thread
Edited at 19:42 Sun 23/07/06 (BST)
davey boy (mainly used by *ste*mr_guevara*)
not that you wanted to know these, but im using full advantage of this thread
Edited at 19:42 Sun 23/07/06 (BST)
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15:00 Sun 23 Jul 06 (BST)
lol this might be in appropriate..but its in response to the ta comment...often guys say ta to mean...err mod's don't get upset at me for this don't know another way to put it...t!ts and a$s
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"ul" means unlucky
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