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why not call the pockets

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Deleted User
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11:27 Sat 15 Jul 06 (BST)  [Link]  
ever since i've been comimg to funkypool i keep hearing people crying and complaining about how unfair it is for such a great high ranking player such as themselfs loses so many points when some newbie comes along and flukes off a win , well heres a simple solution change the game formats so that the players have to call the pockets this would greatly reduse loses from the hit and hope players
Posts: 963
11:51 Sat 15 Jul 06 (BST)  [Link]  
Well in certain matches players have to call the pocket for the black anyway, so putting this rule in will stop people getting jammy flukes on the black. Also like in some pool games a foul on the black should be an automatic loss as well.
Deleted User
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11:59 Sat 15 Jul 06 (BST)  [Link]  
i agree with you fouling on the black should be an automatic loss but i still think it should be call shot for all the shot at least in the tournuments if nothing else and im sure it would'nt really increase the game time much if at all i mean how long does it take to click on a pocket
Posts: 8,940
18:46 Sat 15 Jul 06 (BST)  [Link]  
Kayla - why dont you copy your post over to the Game Querie's forum, i think it would be better suited there.

And yes, this is an excellent idea which is implimented on most other online pool sites, and shouldn't be too hard to code either..

Nice one!
Posts: 1,425
19:34 Sat 15 Jul 06 (BST)  [Link]  
moved to game queries
Deleted User
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19:43 Sat 15 Jul 06 (BST)  [Link]  
Please for the love of god dont change this, its the reason why I changed from yahoo pool to this.

Also if a better player is playing well enough the opposition won't be in a position to fluke the black as they won't have cleared all their balls, if they have they are also a good player so you can't moan anyway.
Posts: 1,425
19:59 Sat 15 Jul 06 (BST)  [Link]  
Maybe a suggestion about the game creating option

EG: Rules: Call the pocket.

Or something on the line of that so if users want to play like that then they have the freedom of creating it and playing like that. Where as the other users who dislike the idea can continuely playing as normal
Posts: 8,940
20:03 Sat 15 Jul 06 (BST)  [Link]  
Ta for the move Revenge!

I'm a bit lost as to what bad points there can possibly be with either of these points!

Nominating the black pocket is a straight up improvement to make the game more enjoyable, with a little realism thrown in!

Auto-loss for a foul on the black is simply implimenting the rules, and would help offset the GB rule as well.

Win-Win as far as i can see!
Posts: 1,425
20:14 Sat 15 Jul 06 (BST)  [Link]  
yes spinner however this is funkypool and not normal pool, however yes i do see your point but i still say its better if players have the option in creating the game to allow the set rules, than just have it to be an actualy rule... The site is about keeping users happy after all!
Posts: 963
11:06 Tue 18 Jul 06 (BST)  [Link]  
Still a foul on the black should be an automatic loss as is the rules in pool.
Deleted User
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15:59 Tue 18 Jul 06 (BST)  [Link]  
it is a good idea but wudnt u av 2 change all da ranking rules ??
Deleted User
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16:59 Tue 18 Jul 06 (BST)  [Link]  
I think that fluking puts more fun into the game. It keeps the game 'open' and provides more excitement. Although it can be a pain when you lose to a fluke or a succession of flukes, games would be more dull if 'Pocket Calling' was introduced.
Deleted User
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17:15 Tue 18 Jul 06 (BST)  [Link]  
not if it was call shots for tournements only
Deleted User
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17:19 Tue 18 Jul 06 (BST)  [Link]  
good idea and bad idea
Posts: 8,940
17:32 Tue 18 Jul 06 (BST)  [Link]  
No changes are needed to the ranking system, indeed it would be even fairer!

Both ideas would make the games much more exciting and add to the overall fun of the game, whilst adding a little realism as well.

The idea of only doing it in ranked and tourney games may sound good, but remember that win percentage still applies to friendly games, so they aint throw-aways!

Like i said before, its Win-Win, so lets hope these ideas are added soon...
Deleted User
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09:36 Wed 19 Jul 06 (BST)  [Link]  
The real worry I see is that adding more complications to the game will confuse and put-off newcomers, without newcomers, its all us old-timers and the site wouldn't be half as much fun...
Posts: 963
09:40 Wed 19 Jul 06 (BST)  [Link]  
Yeah nothing like beating a few noobs to get you in the mood
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
09:59 Wed 19 Jul 06 (BST)  [Link]  
looks to me like your clinging to pro status krauser, but sure thing.
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why not call the pockets

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