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09:04 Thu 7 Apr 05 (BST)
LOL nic, OMG people wont listen, I'm not jealous of rich in the slightest I dont understand why people are saying that, I've got absolutely no problem with the fact that he is a mod and Im not, all im saying is I know people who could have do a better job than him. Same with kaiba Ive never played him on funky and hes saying im jealous of him? whats that about? Again ive got a problem with him because of his over confidence, and his attitude to me, treats me like im something on the bottom of his shoe or something.
Deleted User
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09:05 Thu 7 Apr 05 (BST)
i dont like kaiba that much
he was callin me
he was callin me
Deleted User
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17:41 Thu 7 Apr 05 (BST)
nic dude u don't even know me. So hush your face :) and quit the double posting, it's annoying. And gava, you say you only have a problem with rich but you know that's not true, we both know we have a problem with each other! Good luck rich man, ur gona need it. No swearing/ talkin dirty ever again on funky? i know i couldn't do it...!
Deleted User
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17:46 Thu 7 Apr 05 (BST)
I dont have a problem with you I had a problem with the fact you were taking the micky out of ibiza.
Deleted User
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17:49 Thu 7 Apr 05 (BST)
LOL. Ur lil bud! It's cute in a way. I really, honestly, truly do not mean this in a nasty way, but are you too really close friends? i mean like... really close? It's sweet if you are, i have no problems with things like that. Neway, ur ok. You're good for some things
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18:21 Thu 7 Apr 05 (BST)
LOL. whats wrong wiv u baby_lion? ur being too nice to me 2nite, is it because im going to be on less and your happy? LOL. nah I just like ibiza hes alrite if you get to know him. bit vain I suppose but seems a good laugh.
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18:23 Thu 7 Apr 05 (BST)
It's great that you two are how you are... I mean, i don't think i'd have the guts to be like that, so i praise u :) How long's it been?
Deleted User
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18:27 Thu 7 Apr 05 (BST)
what? i thought you said... you and ibiza.... oh nevermind
Deleted User
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18:42 Thu 7 Apr 05 (BST)
Well lets turn back round then and chnages paths.
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07:12 Mon 11 Apr 05 (BST)
guys, (yawn!)....wot are (yawn!) talkin bout? (snap!)..zzzzz.. (wakeup!).. baby_lion, u rite i dont kno u, soz, just so many babies round here i got (yawn!) conf.....(zzzzz!)ffuuuu..(zzz!)...sorry!, i meant Confuzzzzzzzzzzed.. (Sorry, i cant finish this converzzzzation now!, i gotta slep, or shud i change da topic b4 i do that? how bout this, a joke , Why did someone who signed up on spt '04 only play less than 250 games and post more than 1600 threadz? .......bcos of the ranking!...LOL, sorry, bad idea, u guys can still stick to ur topic, we need it to sleep, i cant afford to be on the same site for weeks without sleepin. (i wonder where nick got this idea from. i'll try to steal it and make a kinkypool website,but now im stilly trying to cheat on this one first!....lol)
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10:00 Sun 24 Apr 05 (BST)
nic tries to be funny (i think). But i kinda think no-one knows where he's comin from. Ah well. Let him have his little inane speech.
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