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ECW - Title match (spoiler)

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Posts: 8,940
13:09 Wed 5 Jul 06 (BST)  [Link]  
Shame it had to happen, but AWESOME to see the big show pull out his house show level of performance on TV at last!

I think the angle will go over well with the right crowd (awesome in philli last night) but some of the SD tapings are gonna kill the heat..

Lets hope its only a slap on the wrist for RVD..
Posts: 963
16:38 Sat 8 Jul 06 (BST)  [Link]  
Gutted then aren't ya? 30 day suspension. But to be honest he should of got worse. Serves him right for being in the possesion of marajuana.
Posts: 8,940
17:34 Sat 8 Jul 06 (BST)  [Link]  
Exactly, at least he got off with it, woulda been way more than 30 if they had been convicted! More gutted that Angle has been driven to medication to the extent of getting suspended. Hellish.

Actually enjoying the idea of a Dreamer/Show feud, normally that might seem lame but considering S/Slam is headlined by Orton/Hogan, hell ANYTHING looks awesome!

Anyways, i guess every ECW fan would be more stunned if RVD wasnt in possesion! LOL!
Deleted User
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17:50 Sat 8 Jul 06 (BST)  [Link]  
beacuse of test's new wrestling push again, he should do ok battering al snow or stevie richards every week
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17:51 Sat 8 Jul 06 (BST)  [Link]  
and RVD has always had marijuana on him, and ws drafted to ecw because of da drug policy inducted after eddie died
Posts: 8,940
18:35 Sat 8 Jul 06 (BST)  [Link]  
I really hope that was either a wind up or you're mortal dude! LOL! (you do realise its all one company now dont you?)

Seriusly though, was lovely to see "Drew" return to chants of "you cant wrestle"

In a real ECW he will be jobbed to Knox within the month, sadly i fear that wont happen.

Would have been much better utilised in the current DX angle with Ken Doane looking to be suspended now too. Test has a big backstory with HHH, and there would be plenty of Clique booking to mask his lack of talent etc. But sadly he will spend his time beating up little guys in ECW while pretending to be Kevin Nash. Again.


Not as sad as MTV killing off half of ECW's propective wrestlers by picking up WSX.. Poor....

Edited at 23:40 Sat 8/07/06 (BST)
Posts: 963
11:37 Sun 9 Jul 06 (BST)  [Link]  
As for Summerslam, is anyone else sick of the sight of Hulk Hogan? He should just ast his age and die gracefully.
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11:47 Sun 9 Jul 06 (BST)  [Link]  
krauser that is just mean, hogan is trying to be cooler with his "hogan knows best" show and that sucks
Posts: 8,940
15:57 Sun 9 Jul 06 (BST)  [Link]  
Give me Hogan rather than Mark Henry, Khali, Umaga, Masters, or Randy f'n Orton anyday!

At least he understands the buisness, does his job, and above all can actually wrestle!

Back in the early eighties i never thought i'd say it, but these days Hogan is a breath of fresh air. Just hope he is the one to finally humiliate Orton hardaway. Man that would be good....
Posts: 8,940
18:01 Wed 12 Jul 06 (BST)  [Link]  
OK. Last weeks main event was necessaryily poor, but this week?


Flair is incredible, and the image of Show as a pincushion? Awesome...

I dont care if it was a WWE guy and an NWA guy. THAT was ECW!

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ECW - Title match (spoiler)

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