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beckham standing down as caption

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06:14 Sun 2 Jul 06 (BST)  [Link]  
what u think about it? captain

Edited at 11:16 Sun 2/07/06 (BST)
Deleted User
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06:16 Sun 2 Jul 06 (BST)  [Link]  
dint kno he was caption, i fink its a shame, but nvm terry or gerrard to take over- bring on the new boys!!!
Posts: 8,940
06:23 Sun 2 Jul 06 (BST)  [Link]  
Never knew he was a caption, but i definitely think he should stick with it as captain of England. He may be getting on a bit now in football terms, but he is undeniably the player of the tournament for them, and can only help to bring some maturity and plain old common sense to the abysmal team they currently have.
Deleted User
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08:06 Sun 2 Jul 06 (BST)  [Link]  
Beckham aint a captain, he would die for England, but he aint a true leader. Terry would be my man for the job.
Deleted User
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08:19 Sun 2 Jul 06 (BST)  [Link]  
i must admit ty id love to see JT being captain
Deleted User
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09:41 Sun 2 Jul 06 (BST)  [Link]  
i dont think terry or gerrard should be the captain there not senior enough palyers for me, i recko we should go with gary neville hes been around for ages, hell still be here in four years time and has alwys been beckhams deputy, so now beckhams stepping down its the logical choice
Deleted User
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10:04 Sun 2 Jul 06 (BST)  [Link]  
Id give it to Ashley Cole, he was your best and most consistent player throughout the tournament.
Deleted User
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10:09 Sun 2 Jul 06 (BST)  [Link]  
joe cole was best player of the tournament but i say give it to a.cole
Deleted User
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10:11 Sun 2 Jul 06 (BST)  [Link]  
Its got to be a player that is captain of his club.

That means either, Gary Neville, John Terry or Steven Gerrard
Deleted User
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10:13 Sun 2 Jul 06 (BST)  [Link]  
Give it to Ashley Cole?
What a joke!!
And Spinner, were you watching the same tourny!??
Beckham was absymal, the only thing he did was score one free kick.
Ashley Cole is too young, hes not a leader and hes inconsistent! Why do people love him so much!?
I'd say Gary Neville, but i dont think he will be around in four years, so has to be John Terry for me, he stands for everything English, heart, courage, gives it his all for his country.
Deleted User
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10:26 Sun 2 Jul 06 (BST)  [Link]  
im not really sure if neville will be there in 4 years but if he was id pick him but if he aint then i will pick JT
Deleted User
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10:32 Sun 2 Jul 06 (BST)  [Link]  
Ty you dont have to be captain of your club to be captain of your country.

eg. Beckham
Deleted User
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10:34 Sun 2 Jul 06 (BST)  [Link]  
I think J.T would be the man for it, but he was a little quiet in the world cup.

I think gary neville should have it if the situation arises.
Deleted User
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10:36 Sun 2 Jul 06 (BST)  [Link]  
Sorry playerx, i watched the same tourny as you mate, and Ashley Cole didn't put one foot wrong, in fact if it wasn't for him you would have lost against ecuador...!!!

JT was at fault for Swedens 2nd goal, he goes awol far to often, and the only reason he looks good at chelsea is because Claude Makalele is in front of him.

Not having a go mate, just observations.
Deleted User
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10:42 Sun 2 Jul 06 (BST)  [Link]  
Your point about John Terry is a fair one, and i can definately see your logic.
You obviously didnt see the Sweden game then, A.Cole was a liability, lost the ball on numerous occasions, also throughout the tourny he linked well with J.Cole, only to put a poor ball into the box at the end of it!
EDIT:Well you did see it, as you mentioned it. But A.Cole make several mistakes in the game!

Edited at 15:46 Sun 2/07/06 (BST)
Deleted User
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10:55 Sun 2 Jul 06 (BST)  [Link]  
It's not wether he is a good player or not, it's wether he can lead the team and set an example etc etc.

He is too young really, Gary Nevillie or John Terry for me.

spinner, are you sure you was watching england in the world cup?!?!
Posts: 8,940
02:34 Mon 3 Jul 06 (BST)  [Link]  
Absolutely positive! WATCHING them, with the comentary off a great deal of the time so i could concentrate on what was happening on the pitch rather than in cuckoo land!

Seriously though, a captain isnt someone who "does" anything more than inspire and lead the team. A old hand who just does his job. (which is/was, taking the free kicks)

I dont think there's any question that Erikson needs to go though...
Deleted User
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07:10 Mon 3 Jul 06 (BST)  [Link]  
Beckham didn't play well throughout the tournament, nor has he in any previous to it. The only reason he is in the side is because of his crossing ability, everything else about him is fairly useless for the side. I think he'd made 1 tackle in the group stages of the tournament, which is pathetic.

Ashley cole i feel played quite well but wasn't at his best, he's no captain though.

To get the best out of gerrard he needs to be a captain, the difference in his play between an England game and where liverpool are 1-0 down is unbelievable.

Gary Neville should NOT be captain as he is freakin useless and should get kicked out the side as soon as there is a decent right back coming through.

Terry would make a good captain as thats something that he's good at and makes up for any defensive qualities that he may not have.

The captaincy should go to Terry or Gerrard, however I can see it going to Neville or Owen.
Deleted User
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08:01 Mon 3 Jul 06 (BST)  [Link]  
I totally agree with squeezy despite bieng a huge beckham fan. He just hasnt performed recently and it seems his only quality is set peices, he has no pace and doesnt make any tackles however his crossing ability is second to none! I feel we would have benifitted more with Lennon on the right wing rather than becks.

I disagree with you about neville though squeezy, to me he is a born leader and has served his country well. He vary rarely makes a mistake.
Neville would make an awesome captain however i think the captaincy is more likely to to JT or Gerrard as they are already club captains.

Captaincy to owen? nonsence! lmao
Posts: 4,347
08:04 Mon 3 Jul 06 (BST)  [Link]  
I think it would have gone to Owen, had Sven been staying in charge. But those dark days are over.

Hopefully, with McClaren, we'll be allowed to attack again (if only when 3-0 down like Boro) and show a bit of spirit.

As Gerrard shows real determination, drive and spirit as a captain, I think it should go to him.
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beckham standing down as caption

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