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bye england!!!

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Deleted User
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13:58 Sat 1 Jul 06 (BST)  [Link]  
just want the england squad to enjoy their flight home....

cmon it for me now!!!
Deleted User
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14:18 Sat 1 Jul 06 (BST)  [Link]  
ah hahaha ¬_¬
Deleted User
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14:29 Sat 1 Jul 06 (BST)  [Link]  
oh yes..........come on !! what a day!!
Deleted User
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14:48 Sat 1 Jul 06 (BST)  [Link]  
Ebgland had no chance with ronaldo falling over every minute

Also the ref, sending rooney off for that push on ronaldo, that was dirty never seen such a horrible push like that *cut the sacasium*

Cheating Argie and Portugease bas*ards
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
14:56 Sat 1 Jul 06 (BST)  [Link]  
Hmmm sour grapes ty ???? Rooney deserved to get sent of !! And you know it. Get over got 4 years...
Deleted User
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15:03 Sat 1 Jul 06 (BST)  [Link]  
WELL SED TV_WILLIAMS! portugal should quit football and take up acting careers, ive never seen so much, the slightest touch and they were declaring attempted murder if they could!

An argentine ref, with our history against argentina was such a stupid move by fifa! rooney gettin sent off was well out of order, if that player wasnt pullin his shirt the whole time he wouldnt have ended up in the only place rooney could go...backwards, he put himself in the position for rooney to step there. that foul was right under the refs nose and nothin was done until the portugese defender went down, then ronaldo buttin in as usual, the ref was waitin for him to do summit.

the officials are the only downfall to this tournament, them and the incriminating italians and the petty portugese!
Deleted User
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15:07 Sat 1 Jul 06 (BST)  [Link]  
i Semi Agree tht Rooney Shud Ov Been Sent Off But He Got Sent Off for the wrong reason anyways
he gt sent off for the push nd not the stamp

Hope Wayne Lands A Punch On Him Wen There Back at Man utd

1st tyme i agree with shearer
Deleted User
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16:21 Sat 1 Jul 06 (BST)  [Link]  
rooney should have gone 4 wat he did although it was probly the best foul of the tourny, but thers one thing i dont understand bout the ricky carvelho, sum1 runs into him and hes in agony and requires a medical team so big it could easily solve the nhs's staff shortages, but wen rooney stamps on his he gets up fairly quickly, either he isnt all man( it would expalin the hair band) or hes a cheat and needs 2 be shot, il let u make up ur own minds

but now for no particualr reason im suporting italy
Deleted User
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17:32 Sat 1 Jul 06 (BST)  [Link]  
England were the better team overall in my opinion, however we didnt take our chances, and because of Rooneys stupidity, we had to play for pens, which when looking at our record in them and the fact Portugals goalkeeper is one of the best pen savers in the world, didnt bode well.

Im not sure of Rooney meant to stand on him like he did, however he was stupid to push Bambi, even though he deserved it.

Im supporting Italy now to, for much more obvious reasons however, being part Italian!
Deleted User
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17:48 Sat 1 Jul 06 (BST)  [Link]  
Oh well onwards..........soon be RSB six Nations.....Then the web ellis trophy(world cup)
Posts: 4,347
03:36 Sun 2 Jul 06 (BST)  [Link]  
Well nice for the Scots and Welsh to have a little crow and bathe in their, eh, sporting glory...even if England's knock out came almost a year after their own : )

Don't think we can keep making all these excuses tho. We beat three no-hoper teams (with difficulty), failed yet again to beat an ordinary Sweden side, and then got knocked out by the first half-decent team we came up against.

We had the best bunch of players available that we've ever had, and a manager who's too cautious to use them for anything other than defence. He got paid 5 million a year, but didn't even manage to work out our best formation, or who should play in midfield.

And we can moan all we like about Ronaldo, and yes he is a cheating wimp, but Rooney was stupid enough to stamp on a grounded player, so what did he expect?

We did nothing at all to suggest we were good enough, or spirited enough, to win this World Cup, so we shouldn't be surprised that we are out.
Deleted User
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04:10 Sun 2 Jul 06 (BST)  [Link]  
totally agree martin

stellaman- shut up u anti english mardy moo moo!
Deleted User
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05:58 Sun 2 Jul 06 (BST)  [Link]  
England were never going to win on that form, so it's probably better for us to be out now rather than more false hope. I don't mind who wins as long as it's not Portugal, but I will be supporting Germany and France because i think they have played best out of the remaining teams and would make a good final.
Posts: 4,751
06:00 Sun 2 Jul 06 (BST)  [Link]  
What a boring way to go out wasn't it? Negative tactics (by both teams, ours part enforced by poor squad selection - why Walcott but no Defoe or Bent?), no goals scored in the game, and out on penalties again.

We went into the cup as the second favourite, but we didn't have 1 good display (excepting maybe 1 half v. Sweden). We definitely didn't deserve to win the Cup.

I just realised I've visited every country left in the World Cup, Portugal only once, but the rest many times each. On a football level I like/dislike all the teams the same though - so now I'm boring neutral for all the rest of the games.

Get over got 4 years...

Yes, unlike some other countries we qualify for most World Cups!
Deleted User
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06:02 Sun 2 Jul 06 (BST)  [Link]  
I am NOT anti english, i am English.

I just choose to live in a country, where people don't walk around with their heads in the clouds, thinking they are the best in the world at everything.
Posts: 4,347
06:47 Sun 2 Jul 06 (BST)  [Link]  
Ye, but stellaman, that's because they're not even halfway good at anything
Posts: 4,347
06:49 Sun 2 Jul 06 (BST)  [Link]  
And what with the mountainous height of most of Wales, I think you'll find they DO walk around with their head in the clouds.
Deleted User
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07:32 Sun 2 Jul 06 (BST)  [Link]  

You lot are as easy to wind up as Wayne Rooney
Posts: 638
08:02 Sun 2 Jul 06 (BST)  [Link]  
wayne rooney dose not deserve to play for comtry untill he had matured !!! hes still a kid
Deleted User
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08:15 Mon 3 Jul 06 (BST)  [Link]  
''Get over got 4 years... ''

''Yes, unlike some other countries we qualify for most World Cups! ''

Yeah you tell him nick!

I fail to believe that rooney's stamp was intentional. He doesnt have eyes in the back of his head so there is no way he could have estimated where his testicals were!

And if he was sent off for the push that is rediculous! why didnt the two players that pushed him to the ground in the first place get sent off?
All it would have taken was for the referee to have blown the whistle for the initial foul on rooney and there would have been no confrontations at all !

The officials have been a major downfall in this world cup as have portugal and italy.

I cant wait for the pre-season training :) ronaldo is gonna get such a hard slap he wont know whats hit him :)

Edited at 13:19 Mon 3/07/06 (BST)
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bye england!!!

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